affil Affiliation age Ageing anat Anatomy beh Behavior biochem Biochemistry biol Biology, ecology biomet Biometry chromet Chromosomes (metaphase) chrosal Chromosomes (salivary glands) coll Collecting comp Comparison cross Crosses cult Culture cytol Cytology descr Description devel Development (early stages) distr Distribution distr$ Distribution (with localities) econ Economic aspects egg Egg evol Evolution femex Female external genitalia femin Female internal genitalia fig Figure fit Fitness hist Histology key Key lab Laboratory ecology larv Larva life Life cycle loc Location of types malanat Male genital anatomy malex Male external genitalia (periphallic) malin Male internal genitalia (phallic) mating Mating behavior misid Misidentification misid+ Misidentification (corrected) natpop Natural populations nomen Nomenclature paras Parasites phyl Phylogeny polym Polymorphism, variability phys Physiology pup Puparium status Systematic status syn Synonymy taxaincl Taxa included taxon Taxonomy (metric) test Tests, bioassay typeloc Type locality typemat Type material typesp Type species ad Andorra 1 afghan Afghanistan 8 al Albania 1 alger Algeria 2 andamans Andamans 8 angola Africa 2 argent Argentina 7 at Austria 1 aust Australia 10 ba Bosnia and Herzegovina 1 bahamas Bahamas 6 bangla Bangladesh 8 be Belgium 1 belize Belize 5 benin Benin 2 bermudas Bermudes 6 bg Bulgaria 1 bhutan Bhutan 8 bioko Bioko 2 bissao Guinea-Bissao 2 bolivia Bolivia 7 bonin Bonin Islands 8 botswana Botswana 2 brazil Brazil 7 burkina Burkina 2 burma Burma/Myanmar 8 burundi Burundi 2 by Belarus 1 cambodia Cambodia 8 camer Cameroon 2 canada Canada 4 capeverde Cabo Verde 2 centralaf Central African Republic 2 ch Switzerland 1 chad Chad 2 chile Chile 7 china China 8 christmas Christmas Island 9 colombia Colombia 7 comores Comores 8 congo Congo Brazzaville 2 costarica Costa Rica 5 cuba Cuba 6 cy Cyprus 1 cz Czech Republic 1 dahomey Dahomey 2 de German Federal Republic 1 diego Diego Garcia 8 dk Denmark 1 dk-for Faroe Islands (DK) 1 hispaniola Haiti & Dominican Republic 6 ecuador Ecuador 7 ee Estonia 1 egypt Egypt 2 elsalv El Salvador 5 eritrea Eritrea 2 es Spain (mainland) 1 es-bal Balearic Islands (Spain) 1 es-cny Canary Islands (Spain) 1 ethiopia Ethiopia 2 fi Finland 1 fr France (mainland) 1 fr-cor Corsica (France) 1 french-guyana French Guyana 7 gabon Gabon 2 galapagos Galapagos Islands 7 gambia Gambia 2 gb Great Britain (mainland) 1 gb-ci Channel Islands (GB) 1 gb-gi Gibraltar 1 gb-ni Ulster (GB) 1 ghana Ghana 2 gough Gough Island 2 gr Greece (mainland) 1 gr-aeg Aegean Islands (GR) 1 gr-cyc Cyclades Islands (GR) 1 gr-dod Dodecanese Islands (GR) 1 gr-kri Crete (GR) 1 greenland Greenland 1 guatemala Guatemala 5 guinea Guinea 2 guyana Guyana 7 hawaii Hawaii Islands 4 honduras Honduras 5 howe Howe Island 10 hr Croatia 1 hu Hungary 1 ie Ireland 1 india India 8 indonesia Indonesia 8 iran Iran 8 iraq Iraq 3 is Iceland 1 israel Israel 3 it Italy (mainland) 1 it-sar Italy (Sardinia) 1 it-si Italy (Sicily and islands) 1 ivory Ivory Coast 2 jamaica Jamaica 6 japan Japan 8 jordan Jordan 3 kenya Kenya 2 korean North Korea 8 koreas South Korea 8 laos Laos 8 lebanon Lebanon 3 lesotho Lesotho 2 li Liechtenstein 1 liberia Liberia 2 libya Libya 2 lt Lithuania 1 lv Latvia 1 lu Luxembourg 1 madag Madagascar 2 malawi Malawi 2 malaysia Malaysia 8 mali Mali 2 marquesas Marquesas 9 mauretania Mauretania 2 mauritius Mauritius 2 md Moldavia 1 mexico Mexico 4 mk Macedonia 1 moldavia Moldavia 1 mongolia Mongolia 8 morocco Morocco 2 mozambique Mozambique 2 mt Malta 1 namibia Namibia 2 nepal Nepal 8 newzealand New Zealand 10 nicaragua Nicaragua 5 nicobars Nicobars 8 niger Niger 2 nigeria Nigeria 2 nl Netherlands 1 no Norway 1 oman Oman 3 pac Pacific Area 9 pakistan Pakistan 8 panama Panama 5 papua Papua New Guinea 8 paraguay Paraguay 7 peru Peru 7 philipp Philippines 8 pl Poland 1 pt Portugal (mainland) 1 pt-azo Azores (Portugal) 1 pt-mdr Madeira (Portugal) 1 puertor Puerto Rico 6 reunion Reunion 2 ro Romania 1 ru Russia (European part) 1 ru-a Russia (Asian part) 1 ru-kgd Russia (Kaliningrad area) 1 rwanda Rwanda 2 ryukyu Ryukyu Islands 8 sambia Sambia 2 saotome Sao Tome 2 saudi Saudi Arabia 3 se Sweden 1 senegal Africa 2 seychelles Seychelles 2 sl Slovenia 1 sierraleone Sierra Leone 2 sk Slovakia 1 somalia Somalia 2 southafrica South Africa 2 srilanka Sri Lanka 8 sthelena St. Helena 2 sudan Sudan 2 surinam Surinam 7 swaziland Swaziland 2 syria Syria 3 taiwan Taiwan 8 tanzania Tanzania 2 thailand Thailand 8 togo Togo 2 tr Turkey (mainland) 1 tr-tue European Turkey 1 tristan Tristan da Cunha 2 tunisia Tunisia 2 ua Ukraine 1 uae United Arab Emirates 3 uganda Uganda 2 uruguay Uruguay 7 usa USA 4 venezuela Venezuela 7 vietnam Vietnam 8 west West Indies, Antilles 6 yemen Yemen 3 yu Yugoslavia (former) 1 zaire Congo-Zaire 2 zambia Zambia 2 zimbabwe Zimbabwe 2