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Manifestation of genetic variants in Drosophila pseudoobscura in different environments. .Z Genetics, 29(3):270-290. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1093/genetics/29.3.270 .P Dobzhansky & Spassky, 1944.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky & spassky, 1947 .A Dobzhansky, T. & Spassky, B., .J 1947 .S Evolutionary changes in laboratory cultures of Drosophila pseudoobscura. .Z Evolution, 01(1):191-216. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1111/j.1558-5646.1947.tb01338.x .P Dobzhansky & Spassky, 1947.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky & spassky, 1953 .A Dobzhansky, T. & Spassky, B., .J 1953 .S Genetics of natural populations. XXI. Concealed variability in two sympatric species of Drosophila. .Z Genetics, 38(5):471-484. .K ocr+ / DOI:10.1093/genetics/38.5.471 .P Dobzhansky & Spassky, 1953.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky & spassky, 1954a .A Dobzhansky, T. & Spassky, B., .J 1954 .S Genetics of natural populations. XXII. A comparison of the concealed variability in Drosophila prosaltans with that in other species. .Z Genetics, 39(4):472-487. .K ocr++ / 1954a / DOI:10.1093/genetics/39.4.472 .P Dobzhansky & Spassky, 1954a.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky & spassky, 1954b .A Dobzhansky, T. & Spassky, N., .J 1954 .S Environmental modification of heterosis in Drosophila pseudoobscura. .Z PNAS, 40(6):407-415. .K ocr++ / 1954b / DOI:10.1073/pnas.40.6.407 .P Dobzhansky & Spassky, 1954b.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky & spassky, 1959 .A Dobzhansky, T. & Spassky, B., .J 1959 .S Drosophila paulistorum, a cluster of species in statu nascendi. .Z PNAS, 45(3):419-428. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1073/pnas.45.3.419 .P Dobzhansky & Spassky, 1959.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky & spassky, 1962a .A Dobzhansky, T. & Spassky, B., .J 1962 .S Selection for geotaxis in monomorphic and polymorphic populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura. .Z PNAS, 48(10):1704-1712. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1073/pnas.48.10.1704 .P Dobzhansky & Spassky, 1962a.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky & spassky, 1962b .A Dobzhansky, T. & Spassky, N-P., .J 1962 .S Genetic drift and natural selection in experimental populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura. .Z PNAS, 48(2):148-156. .K ocr++ / 1962b / DOI:10.1073/pnas.48.2.148 .P Dobzhansky & Spassky, 1962b.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky & spassky, 1963 .A Dobzhansky, T. & Spassky, B., .J 1963 .S Genetics of natural populations. XXXIV. Adaptive norm, genetic load and genetic elite in Drosophila pseudoobscura. .Z Genetics, 48(11):1467-1485. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1093/genetics/48.11.1467 .P Dobzhansky & Spassky, 1963.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky & spassky, 1967a .A Dobzhansky, T. & Spassky, B., .J 1967 .S Effects of selection and migration on geotactic and phototactic behaviour of Drosophila. I. .Z Proc. r. Soc., B168(1010):27-47. .K ocr++ / 1967a / DOI:10.1098/rspb.1967.0049 .P Dobzhansky & Spassky, 1967a.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky & spassky, 1967b .A Dobzhansky, T. & Spassky, B., .J 1967 .S An experiment on migration and simultaneous selection for several traits in Drosophila pseudoobscura. .Z Genetics, 55(4):723-734. .K ocr++ / 1967b / DOI:10.1093/genetics/55.4.723 .P Dobzhansky & Spassky, 1967b.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky & spassky, 1968 .A Dobzhansky, T. & Spassky, B., .J 1968 .S Genetics of natural populations. XI. Heterotic and deleterious effects of recessive lethals in populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura. .Z Genetics, 59(3):411-425. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1093/genetics/59.3.411 .P Dobzhansky & Spassky, 1968.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky & spassky, 1969 .A Dobzhansky, T. & Spassky, B., .J 1969 .S Artificial and natural selection for two behavioral traits in Drosophila pseudoobscura. .Z PNAS, 62(1):75-80. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1073/pnas.62.1.75 .P Dobzhansky & Spassky, 1969.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky & streisinger, 1944 .A Dobzhansky, T. & Streisinger, G., .J 1944 .S Experiments on sexual isolation in Drosophila. II. Geographic strains of Drosophila prosaltans. .Z PNAS, 30(11):340-345. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1073/pnas.30.11.340 .P Dobzhansky & Streisinger, 1944.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky & sturtevant, 1935 .A Dobzhansky, T. & Sturtevant, A.H., .J 1935 .S Further data on maternal effects in Drosophila pseudoobscura hybrids. .Z PNAS, 21(10):566-570. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1073/pnas.21.10.566 .P Dobzhansky & Sturtevant, 1935.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky & sturtevant, 1938 .A Dobzhansky, T. & Sturtevant, A.H., .J 1938 .S Inversions in the chromosomes of Drosophila pseudoobscura. .Z Genetics, 23(1):28-64. .K ocr++ / DOPI:10.1093/genetics/23.1.28 .P Dobzhansky & Sturtevant, 1938.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky & tan, 1936a .A Dobzhansky, T. & Tan, C.C., .J 1936 .S A Comparative Study of the Chromosome Structure in Two Related Species, Drosophila pseudoobscura and D. miranda. (Abstract). .Z Am. Nat., 70(726):47-48. .K ocr / 1936a / p 811819 / ii.1936 .P Dobzhansky & Tan, 1936a.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky & tan, 1936b .A Dobzhansky, T. & Tan, C.C., .J 1936 .S Studies on hybrid sterility. III. A comparison of the gene arrangement in two species, Drosophila pseudoobscura and Drosophila miranda. .Z Z. indukt. Abstamm.- u. VererbLehre, 72:88-114. .K ocr / part / 1936b .P Dobzhansky & Tan, 1936b.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky & wallace, 1953 .A Dobzhansky, T. & Wallace, B., .J 1953 .S The genetics of homeostasis in Drosophila. .Z PNAS, 39(3):162-171. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1073/pnas.39.3.162 .P Dobzhansky & Wallace, 1953.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky & wright, 1941 .A Dobzhansky, T. & Wright, S., .J 1941 .S Genetics of natural populations. V. Relations between mutation rate and accumulation of lethals in populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura. .Z Genetics, 26(1):23-51. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1093/genetics/26.1.23 .P Dobzhansky & Wright, 1941.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky & wright, 1943 .A Dobzhansky, T. & Wright, S., .J 1943 .S Genetics of natural populations. X. Dispersion rates in Drosophila pseudoobscura. .Z Genetics, 28(4):304-340. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1093/genetics/28.4.304 .P Dobzhansky & Wright, 1943.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky & wright, 1947 .A Dobzhansky, T. & Wright, S., .J 1947 .S Genetics of natural populations. XV. Rate of diffusion of a mutant gene through a population of Drosophila pseudoobscura. .Z Genetics, 32(3):303-324. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1093/genetics/32.3.303 .P Dobzhansky & Wright, 1947.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky et al., 1942 .A Dobzhansky, T., Holz, A.M., & Spassky, B., .J 1942 .S Genetics of natural populations. VIII. Concealed variability in the second and the fourth chromosomes of Drosophila pseudoobscura and its bearing on the problem of heterosis. .Z Genetics, 27(5):463-490. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1093/genetics/27.5.463 .P Dobzhansky et al., 1942.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky et al., 1950 .A Dobzhansky, T., Burla, H., & da Cunha, A.B., .J 1950 .S A comparative study of chromosomal polymorphism in sibling species of the willistoni group of Drosophila. .Z Am. Nat., 84(817):229-246. .K ocr+ / p 811819 / viii.1950 .P Dobzhansky et al., 1950.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky et al., 1952 .A Dobzhansky, T., Spassky, B., & Spassky, N., .J 1952 .S A comparative study of mutation rates in two ecologically diverse species of Drosophila. .Z Genetics, 37(6):650-664. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1093/genetics/37.6.650 .P Dobzhansky et al., 1952.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky et al., 1954 .A Dobzhansky, T., Spassky, B., & Spassky, N., .J 1954 .S Rates of spontaneous mutation in the second chromosomes of the sibling species, Drosophila pseudoobscura and Drosophila persimilis. .Z Genetics, 39(6):899-907. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1093/genetics/39.6.899 .P Dobzhansky et al., 1954.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky et al., 1955 .A Dobzhansky, T., Pavlovsky, O., Spassky, B., & Spassky, N., .J 1955 .S Genetics of natural populations. XXIII. Biological role of deleterious recessives in populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura. .Z Genetics, 40(6)F:781-796. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1093/genetics/40.6.781 .P Dobzhansky et al., 1955.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky et al., 1956 .A Dobzhansky, T., Cooper, D.M., Phaff, H.J., Knapp, E-P., & Carson, H.L., .J 1956 .S Studies on the ecology of Drosophila in the Yosemite region of California. IV. Differential attraction of species of Drosophila to different species of yeasts. .Z Ecology, 37(3):544-550. .K ocr++ / vii.1956 / DOI:10.2307/1930178 .P Dobzhansky et al., 1956.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky et al., 1957a .A Dobzhansky, T., Ehrman, L., & Pavlovsky, O., .J 1957 .S Drosophila insularis, a New Sibling Species of the willistoni Group. .Z Univ. Texas Publs, 5721:39-47. .K ocr / 1957a / 1.xi.1957 .P Dobzhansky et al., 1957a.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky et al., 1957b .A Dobzhansky, T., Mallah, G.S., Tantawy, A.O., & Mourad, A.M., .J 1957 .S Collection of Drosophila species in Egypt. .Z DIS, 31:116-117. .K ocr+ / xi.1957 / 1957b .P Dobzhansky et al., 1957b.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky et al., 1959 .A Dobzhansky, T., Levene, H., Spassky, B., & Spassky, N., .J 1959 .S Release of Genetic Variability Through Recombination. III. Drosophila prosaltans. .Z Genetics, 44(1):75-92. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1093/genetics/44.1.75 .P Dobzhansky et al., 1959.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky et al., 1960 .A Dobzhansky, T., Krimbas, C., & Krimbas, M.G., .J 1960 .S Genetics of natural populations. XXXIX (=XXX). Is the genetic load in Drosophila pseudoobscura a mutational or a balanced load? .Z Genetics, 45(6):741-753. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1093/genetics/45.6.741 .P Dobzhansky et al., 1960.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky et al., 1963a .A Dobzhansky, T., Hunter, A.S., Pavlovsky, O., Spassky, B., & Wallace, B., .J 1963 .S Genetics of natural populations. XXXI. Genetics of an isolated marginal population of Drosophila pseudoobscura. .Z Genetics, 48(1):91-103. .K ocr++ / 1963a / DOI:10.1093/genetics/48.1.91 .P Dobzhansky et al., 1963a.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky et al., 1963b .A Dobzhansky, T., Spassky, B., & Tidwell, T., .J 1963 .S Genetics of natural populations. XXXII. Inbreeding and the mutational and balanced genetic loads in natural populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura. .Z Genetics, 48(3):361-373. .K ocr++ / 1963b / DOI:10.1093/genetics/48.3.361 .P Dobzhansky et al., 1963b.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky et al., 1964a .A Dobzhansky, T., Anderson, W.W., Pavlovsky, O., Spassky, B., & Wills, C.J., .J 1964 .S Genetics of natural populations. XXXV. A progress report on genetic changes in populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura in the American Southwest. .Z Evolution, 18(1):164-176. .K ocr++ / 1964a / 12.vi.1964 / DOI:10.1111/j.1558-5646.1964.tb01588.x .P Dobzhansky et al., 1964a.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky et al., 1964b .A Dobzhansky, T., Ehrman, L., Pavlovsky, O., & Spassky, B., .J 1964 .S The superspecies Drosophila paulistorum. .Z PNAS, 51(1):3-9. .K ocr++ / 1964b / DOI:10.1073/pnas.51.1.3 .P Dobzhansky et al., 1964b.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky et al., 1964c .A Dobzhansky, T., Lewontin, R.C., & Pavlovsky, O., .J 1964 .S The capacity for increase in chromosomally polymorphic and monomorphic populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura. .Z Heredity, 19(4):597-614. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1038/hdy.1964.73 .P Dobzhansky et al., 1964c.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky et al., 1965 .A Dobzhansky, T., Spassky, B., & Anderson, W., .J 1965 .S Bichromosomal synthetic semilethals in Drosophila pseudoobscura. .Z PNAS, 53(3):482-486. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1073/pnas.53.3.482 .P Dobzhansky et al., 1965.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky et al., 1966 .A Dobzhansky, T., Anderson, W.W., & Pavlovsky, O., .J 1966 .S Genetics of natural populations. XXXVIII. Continuity and change in populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura in western United States. .Z Evolution, 20(3):418-427. .K ocr++ / 10.x.1966 / DOI:10.1111/j.1558-5646.1966.tb03376.x .P Dobzhansky et al., 1966.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky et al., 1968 .A Dobzhansky, T., Ehrman, L., & Kastritsis, P.A., .J 1968 .S Ethological isolation between sympatric and allopatric species of the obscura group of Drosophila. .Z Animal Behaviour, 16(1):079-87. .K ocr / p 814904 / ii.1968 .P Dobzhansky et al., 1968.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky et al., 1969a .A Dobzhansky, T., Pavlovsky, O., & Ehrman, L., .J 1969 .S Transitional populations of Drosophila paulistorum. .Z Evolution, 23(3):482-492. .K ocr++ / 1969a / 29.ix.1969 / DOI:10.1111/j.1558-5646.1969.tb03530.x .P Dobzhansky et al., 1969a.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky et al., 1969b .A Dobzhansky, T., Spassky, B., & Sved, J., .J 1969 .S Effects of selection and migration on geotactic and phototactic behaviour of Drosophila. II. .Z Proc. r. 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Temporal changes in the composition of populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura. .Z Genetics, 28(2):162-186. .K ocr++ / 1943a / DOI:10.1093/genetics/28.2.162 .P Dobzhansky, 1943a.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1944a .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1944 .S Chromosomal races in Drosophila pseudoobscura and Drosophila persimilis. .Z Publs Carnegie Instn, 554:47-144. .K ocr+ / 1944a / ta 105 / 31.iii.1944 .P Dobzhansky, 1944a.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1944b .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1944 .S Distribution of heterochromatin in the chromosomes of Drosophila pallidipennis. .Z Am. Nat., 78(776):193-213. .K ocr+ / 1944b / p 811819 / vi.1944 .P Dobzhansky, 1944b.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1944c .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1944 .S Experiments on sexual isolation in Drosophila. III. Geographic strains of Drosophila sturtevanti. .Z PNAS, 30(11):335-339. .K ocr++ / 1944c / DOI:10.1073/pnas.30.11.335 .P Dobzhansky, 1944c.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1944d .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1944 .S Genetic structure of natural populations. .Z Yb. Carnegie Instn, Wash., 43:120-127. .K ocr / 1944d .P Dobzhansky, 1944d.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1945a .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1945 .S Directly Observable Genetic Changes in Population of Drosophila Pseudoobscura. .Z Biometr. Bull., 1(1):7-8. .K ocr++ / 1945a / DOI:10.2307/3002033 .P Dobzhansky, 1945a.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1945b .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1945 .S Genetic structure of natural populations. .Z Yb. Carnegie Instn, Wash., 44:127-134. .K ocr+ / 1945b / 14.xii.1945 .P Dobzhansky, 1945b.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1946a .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1946 .S Genetics of natural populations. XIII. Recombination and variability in populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura. .Z Genetics, 31(3):269-290. .K ocr++ / 1946a / DOI:10.1093/genetics/31.3.269 .P Dobzhansky, 1946a.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1946b .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1946 .S Complete reproductive isolation between two morphologically similar species of Drosophila. .Z Ecology, 27(3):205-211. .K ocr++ / 1946b / vii.1946 / DOI:10.2307/1932895 .P Dobzhansky, 1946b.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1946c .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1946 .S Genetic structure of natural populations. .Z Yb. Carnegie Instn, Wash., 45:162-171. .K ocr / 1946c / 13.xii.1946 .P Dobzhansky, 1946c.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1947a .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1947 .S Effectiveness of intraspecific and interspecific matings in Drosophila pseudoobscura and Drosophila persimilis. .Z Am. Nat., 81(796):66-72. .K ocr+ / 1947a / p 811819 / ii.1947 .P Dobzhansky, 1947a.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1947b .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1947 .S Genetics of natural populations. XIV. A response of certain gene arrangements in the third chromosome of Drosophila pseudoobscura to natural selection. .Z Genetics, 32(2):142-160. .K ocr++ / 1947b / DOI:10.1093/genetics/32.2.142 .P Dobzhansky, 1947b.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1947c .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1947 .S Adaptive changes induced by natural selection in wild populations of Drosophila. .Z Evolution, 01(1):001-16. .K ocr++ / 1947c / DOI:10.1111/j.1558-5646.1947.tb02709.x .P Dobzhansky, 1947c.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1947d .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1947 .S A directional change in the genetic constitution of a natural population of Drosophila pseudoobscura. .Z Heredity, 1(1):53-64. .K ocr++ / 1947d / DOI:10.1038/hdy.1947.3 .P Dobzhansky, 1947d.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1947e .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1947 .S Genetic structure of natural populations. .Z Yb. Carnegie Instn, Wash., 46:155-165. .K ocr / 1947e / 12.xii.1947 .P Dobzhansky, 1947e.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1947f .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1947 .S Genetics and the Origin of Species. Second edition. .Z. Columbia University Press .K ocr / part / 820604:11 / 1947f .P Dobzhansky, 1947f.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1948a .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1948 .S Genetics of natural populations. XVI. Altitudinal and seasonal changes produced by natural selection in certain populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura and Drosophila persimilis. .Z Genetics, 33(2):158-176. .K ocr++ / 1948a / DOI:10.1093/genetics/33.2.158 .P Dobzhansky, 1948a.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1948b .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1948 .S Chromosomal variation in populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura which inhabit northern Mexico. .Z Am. Nat., 82(803):97-106. .K ocr+ / p 811819 / iv.1948 / 1948b .P Dobzhansky, 1948b.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1948c .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1948 .S Genetics of natural populations. XVIII. Experiments on chromosomes of Drosophila pseudoobscura from different geographic regions. .Z Genetics, 33(6):588-602. .K ocr++ / 1948c / DOI:10.1093/genetics/33.6.588 .P Dobzhansky, 1948c.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1948d .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1948 .S Genetic structure of natural populations. .Z Yb. Carnegie Instn, Wash., 47:193-203. .K ocr / 1948d / 10.xii.1948 .P Dobzhansky, 1948d.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1949a .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1949 .S Observations and experiments on natural selection in Drosophila. .Z Abstr. Int. Congr. Genet. 8, 1:210-224. .K ocr / 1949a / p n 564:8 .P Dobzhansky, 1949a.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1949b .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1949 .S Genetic structure of natural populations. .Z Yb. Carnegie Instn, Wash., 48:201-213. .K ocr / 1949b / 9.xii.1949 .P Dobzhansky, 1949b.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1949c .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1949 .S On some of the problems of population genetics and evolution. .Z Ric. scient., 19(Suppl.):11-17. .K ocr / 1949c / p 912500A:19/1 .P Dobzhansky, 1949c.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1950a .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1950 .S The genetic basis of evolution. .Z Scient. Am., 182(1):32-41. .K ocr+ / 1950a / https://www.jstor.org/stable/24967357 .P Dobzhansky, 1950a.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1950b .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1950 .S Genetics of natural populations. XIX. Origin of heterosis through natural selection in populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura. .Z Genetics, 35(3):288-302. .K ocr++ / 1950b / DOI:10.1093/genetics/35.3.288 .P Dobzhansky, 1950b.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1950c .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1950 .S Evolution in the tropics. .Z Am. Scient., 38(2):209-221. .K ocr / 1950c / p 813159 / iv.1950 .P Dobzhansky, 1950c.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1950d .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1950 .S The chromosomes of Drosophila willistoni. .Z J. Hered., 41(6):156-158. .K ocr++ / 1950d / DOI:10.1093/oxfordjournals.jhered.a106117 .P Dobzhansky, 1950d.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1950e .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1950 .S Genetics. The organized study of the mechanism of heredity and evolution began only with the 20th century and the rediscovery of the lost work of Gregor Mendel. .Z Scient. Am., 183(3):55-58. .K ocr+ / xi.1950 / p 5691 / 1950e .P Dobzhansky, 1950e.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1951a .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1951 .S Ecological Observations of Drosophila in Brazil. (Abstract). .Z J. N. Y. ent. Soc., 59(2):125. .K ocr / 1951a / jstor .P Dobzhansky, 1951a.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1951b .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1951 .S Experiments on sexual isolation in Drosophila. X. Reproductive isolation between Drosophila pseudoobscura and Drosophila persimilis under natural and under laboratory conditions. .Z PNAS, 37(12):792-796. .K ocr++ / 1951b / DOI:10.1073/pnas.37.12.792 .P Dobzhansky, 1951b.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1952a .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1952 .S Genetics of natural populations. XX. Changes induced by drought in Drosophila pseudoobscura and Drosophila persimilis. .Z Evolution, 06(2):234-243. .K ocr++ / 1952a / vi.1952 / DOI:10.1111/j.1558-5646.1952.tb01418.x .P Dobzhansky, 1952a.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1952b .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1952 .S Experimental evolution in Drosophila. .Z Texas J. Sci., 4(4):545-550. .K ocr+ / 1952b .P Dobzhansky, 1952b.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1954 .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1954 .S Evolution as a creative process. .Z Abstr. Int. Congr. Genet. 9, 1:435-449. .K ocr .P Dobzhansky, 1954.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1955a .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1955 .S A review of some fundamental concepts and problems of population genetics. .Z Cold Spring Harbor Symp., 20:1-15. .K ocr / 1955a / p 813211 .P Dobzhansky, 1955a.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1955b .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1955 .S The genetic basis of systematic categories. In: Biological Systematics, pp. 37-42. .Z. Basel. .K ocr / 1955b .P Dobzhansky, 1955b.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1956a .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1956 .S Genetics of natural populations. XXV. Genetic changes in populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura and Drosophila persimilis in some localities in California. .Z Evolution, 10(1):082-92. .K ocr++ / 1956a / DOI:10.1111/j.1558-5646.1956.tb02832.x .P Dobzhansky, 1956a.pdf .TEXT; dobzhansky, 1956b .A Dobzhansky, T., .J 1956 .S What is an adaptive trait? .Z Am. 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NRC Research Press, Ottawa .K ocr .P Freidberg, 2010.pdf .TEXT; freire & engel, 1949 .A Freire-Maia, N. & Engel, H., .J 1949 .S Variacao cromosomica em Drosophila pallidipennis. .Z Cienc. e Cult., 1:204-207. .K ocr / x.1949 .P Freire & Engel, 1949.pdf .TEXT; freire & freire, 1952 .A Freire-Maia, A. & Freire-Maia, N., .J 1952 .S Experiments on sexual activity in D. ananassae. .Z DIS, 26:99-100. .K ocr+ / xi.1952 .P Freire & Freire, 1952.pdf .TEXT; freire & freire, 1953a .A Freire-Maia, N. & Freire-Maia, A., .J 1953 .S O Fenomeno de Pavan-Breuer no Genero Drosophila. (Abstract). .Z Cienc. e Cult., 4:202-203. .K ocr / 1953a .P Freire & Freire, 1953a.pdf .TEXT; freire & freire, 1953b .A Freire-Maia, A. & Freire-Maia, N., .J 1953 .S Mating preference in D. ananassae. .Z DIS, 27:91-92. .K ocr+ / xi.1953 / 1953b .P Freire & Freire, 1953b.pdf .TEXT; freire & freire, 1955 .A Freire-Maia, N. & Freire-Maia, A., .J 1955 .S Race differentiation in a domestic species - the case of D. kikkawai. .Z DIS, 29:118. .K ocr / xi.1955 .P Freire & Freire, 1955.pdf .TEXT; freire & freire, 1956 .A Freire-Maia, A. & Freire-Maia, N., .J 1956 .S Genetica das populacoes polimorfas de Drosophila kikkawai. (Abstract). .Z. Programa res. trab. apres. iii sem. genet., 6. .K ocr .P Freire & Freire, 1956.pdf .TEXT; freire & freire, 1964 .A Freire-Maia, N. & Freire-Maia, A., .J 1964 .S Segregational load in Drosophila kikkawai. III. Natural populations. .Z Genetics, 50(5):789-802. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1093/genetics/50.5.789 .P Freire & Freire, 1964.pdf .TEXT; freire & pavan, 1949 .A Freire-Maia, N. & Pavan, C., .J 1950 .S Introducao ao estudo da Drosofila. .Z Cultus, 1(5):1-71. .K ocr / xi.1949 .P Freire & Pavan, 1949.pdf .TEXT; freire & porto, 1951 .A Freire-Maia, N. & Cabral Porto, M., .J 1951 .S Measures of sexual activity and mating preferences in Drosophila. .Z Dusenia, 2:323-326. .K ocr / 30.ix.1951 .P Freire & Porto, 1951.pdf .TEXT; freire et al., 1952 .A Freire-Maia, N., Zanardini, I.F., & Freire-Maia, A., .J 1952 .S The chromosomes of D. immigrans. .Z DIS, 26:101. .K ocr+ / xi.1952 .P Freire et al., 1952.pdf .TEXT; freire et al., 1953 .A Freire-Maia, N., Zanardini, I.F., & Freire-Maia, A., .J 1953 .S Chromosome variation in Drosophila immigrans. .Z Dusenia, 4:303-311. .K ocr / 31.vii.1953 .P Freire et al., 1953.pdf .TEXT; freire et al., 1954 .A Freire-Maia, N., Freire-Maia, A., and Beltrami, W.M.T., .J 1954 .S The Hardy-Weinberg law in Brazilian natural populations of D. kikkawai. .Z DIS, 28:119-120. .K ocr / xi.1954 .P Freire et al., 1954.pdf .TEXT; freire, 1947 .A Freire-Maia, N., .J 1947 .S Sobre os Cromosomas de Drosophila montium. .Z Bolm Fac. 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(Abstract). .Z Cienc. e Cult., 1:115. .K ocr / vii.1949 / 1949b .P Freire, 1949b.pdf .TEXT; freire, 1949c .A Freire-Maia, N., .J 1949 .S Variacao do numero de dentes dos pentes tarsais de "Drosophila montium". .Z Revista bras. Biol., 9:389-396. .K ocr / seg 80 / x.1949 / 1949c .P Freire, 1949c.pdf .TEXT; freire, 1950 .A Freire-Maia, N., .J 1950 .S Variacao intra-especifica e evolucao das especies. 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Crossing experiments. .Z Genetics, 50(1):211-219. .K ocr++ / 1964a / DOI:10.1093/genetics/50.1.211 .P Freire, 1964a.pdf .TEXT; freire, 1964b .A Freire-Maia, N., .J 1964 .S Segregational load in Drosophila kikkawai. II. Experimental populations. .Z Genetics, 50(1):221-229. .K ocr++ / 1964b / DOI:10.1093/genetics/50.1.221 .P Freire, 1964b.pdf .TEXT; freire, 1964c .A Freire-Maia, N., .J 1964 .S Chromosomal monomorphism in Brazilian and Argentine populations of Drosophila simulans and Drosophila repleta. .Z Genetics, 50(6):1447-1448. .K ocr++ / 1964c / DOI:10.1093/genetics/50.6.1447 .P Freire, 1964c.pdf .TEXT; freitas & ale, 2011 .A Freitas, G. & Ale-Rocha, R., .J 2011 .S Description of two new species of Stenomicra Coquillett (Diptera, Periscelididae) from the Neotropics. .Z Revista bras. 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XIX. Diptera Brachycera. .Z Ark. Zool., 31(A)(20):1-18. .K ocr / part / seg 631:31 / 1939b .P Frey, 1939b.pdf .TEXT; frey, 1940 .A Frey, R., .J 1940 .S De inhemska entomologiska samlingarnas tillvaxt under verksamhetsaret 1939-1940. .Z Memo. Soc. Fauna Flora fenn., 16:150-152. .K ocr / part / seg 264 / 31.x.1940 .P Frey, 1940.pdf .TEXT; frey, 1943 .A Frey, R., .J 1943 .S (no title). .Z Notul. ent., 23:163-164. .K ocr / seg 257 / 20.xii.1943 .P Frey, 1943.pdf .TEXT; frey, 1945 .A Frey, R., .J 1945 .S Tiergeographische Studien uber die Dipterenfauna der Azoren. I. Verzeichnis der bisher von den Azoren bekannten Dipteren. .Z Commentat. biol., 8(10):1-114. .K ocr / part / seg 252 / ii.1945 .P Frey, 1945.pdf .TEXT; frey, 1947 .A Frey, R., .J 1947 .S Redogorelse for tillvaxten av Helsingfors Universitets Entomologiska museums samlingar under verksamhetsaret 1946-1947. .Z Memo. Soc. Fauna Flora fenn., 23(1946/47):269-273. .K ocr / part / seg 264 .P Frey, 1947.pdf .TEXT; frey, 1948 .A Frey, R., .J 1948 .S Anteckningar om dipterfaunan pa Karlo (Hailuoto) sommaren 1947. .Z Memo. Soc. Fauna Flora fenn., 24:69-80. .K ocr / part / seg 264 .P Frey, 1948.pdf .TEXT; frey, 1949 .A Frey, R., .J 1949 .S Die Dipterenfauna der Insel Madeira. .Z Commentat. biol., 8(16):1-47. .K ocr / part / seg 252 / x.1949 .P Frey, 1949.pdf .TEXT; frey, 1950 .A Frey, R., .J 1950 .S Dipterfaunan vid Tana alv i Utsjoki sommaren 1949. .Z Notul. ent., 30:5-18. .K ocr / part / seg 257 / 10.vi.1950 .P Frey, 1950.pdf .TEXT; frey, 1951 .A Frey, W., .J 1951 .S Uber das Auftreten der Minierfliege Phytomyza rufipes Mg. an Raps. .Z Z. PflKrankh., 58:10-20. .K ocr / p l 1026:58 / ii.1951 .P Frey, 1951.pdf .TEXT; frey, 1954 .A Frey, R., .J 1954 .S Diptera brachycera und Sciaridae von Tristan da Cunha. .Z Results Norw. Scient. Expd. 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Fauna Flora fenn., 32(1955/56):220-223. .K ocr / part / seg 264 / 27.viii.1957 / 1957b .P Frey, 1957b.pdf .TEXT; frey, 1958a .A Frey, R., .J 1958 .S Kanarische Diptera brachycera p-P., von Hakan Lindberg gesammelt. .Z Commentat. biol., 17(4):1-63. .K ocr / 1958a / part / seg 252:16 / iii.1958 .P Frey, 1958a.pdf .TEXT; frey, 1958b .A Frey, R., .J 1958 .S Zur Kenntnis der Diptera brachycera p-P. der Kapverdischen Inseln. .Z Commentat. biol., 18(4):1-61. .K ocr / part / seg 252 / vi.1958 / 1958b .P Frey, 1958b.pdf .TEXT; frey, 1958c .A Frey, R., .J 1958 .S Helsingin Yliopiston Hyonteismuseon kokoelmien kasvu toimintavuonna 1956-57. .Z Memo. Soc. Fauna Flora fenn., 33(1956/57):159-161. .K ocr / part / seg 264 / 7.v.1958 / 1958c .P Frey, 1958c.pdf .TEXT; frey, 1958d .A Frey, R., .J 1958 .S Samlingarnas tillvaxt vid Helsingfors Universitets Entomologiska museum under verksamhetsaret 1956-1957. .Z Memo. Soc. 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Fauna Flora fenn., 35(1958/59):139-141. .K ocr / part / seg 264 / 22.ix.1960 / 1960c .P Hackman, 1960c.pdf .TEXT; hackman, 1960d .A Hackman, W., .J 1960 .S Samlingarnas tillvaxt vid Helsingfors Universitets Entomologiska museum under verksamhetsaret 1958-1959. .Z Memo. Soc. Fauna Flora fenn., 35(1958/59):142-144. .K ocr / part / seg 264 / 22.ix.1960 / 1960d .P Hackman, 1960d.pdf .TEXT; hackman, 1961 .A Hackman, W., .J 1961 .S Addendum. .Z Notul. ent., 41:129. .K ocr / seg 257 .P Hackman, 1961.pdf .TEXT; hackman, 1962a .A Hackman, W., .J 1962 .S On Hawaiian Scaptomyza species (Dipt., Drosophilidae). .Z Notul. ent., 42:33-42. .K ocr / 1962a / seg 257 / 21.vi.1962 .P Hackman, 1962a.pdf .TEXT; hackman, 1962b .A Hackman, W., .J 1962 .S (no title). .Z Notul. ent., 42:149. .K ocr / seg 257 / 23.xii.1962 / 1962b .P Hackman, 1962b.pdf .TEXT; hackman, 1963a .A Hackman, W., .J 1963 .S Ostafrikanische Curtonotiden und Drosophiliden (Dipt.). .Z Stuttgart. Beitr. 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Genet. 11, 1:161-162. .K ocr / p n 564:11/1 / 1963e .P Mather, 1963e.pdf .TEXT; mather, 1964a .A Mather, W.B., .J 1964 .S Speciation in Drosophila rubida. .Z Evolution, 18(1):010-11. .K ocr++ / 1964a / DOI:10.1111/j.1558-5646.1964.tb01563.x .P Mather, 1964a.pdf .TEXT; mather, 1964b .A Mather, W.B., .J 1964 .S Temporal variation in Drosophila rubida inversion polymorphism. .Z Heredity, 19(2):331-334. .K ocr++ / 1964b / DOI:10.1038/hdy.1964.36 .P Mather, 1964b.pdf .TEXT; mather, 1965 .A Mather, W.B., .J 1965 .S The metaphase chromosomes of D. rubida. .Z DIS, 40:66. .K ocr+ .P Mather, 1965.pdf .TEXT; mather, 1966a .A Mather, W.B., .J 1966 .S New inversions in D. rubida. .Z DIS, 41:125-126. .K ocr+ / 1966a / i.1966 .P Mather, 1966a.pdf .TEXT; mather, 1966b .A Mather, W.B., .J 1966 .S D. rubida inversion polymormphism. .Z DIS, 41:126-128. .K ocr+ / i.1966 / 1966b .P Mather, 1966b.pdf .TEXT; mather, 1967 .A Mather, W.B., .J 1967 .S Inter-yearly fluctuation of D. rubida inversion polymorphism. .Z DIS, 42:85. .K ocr+ / i.1967 .P Mather, 1967.pdf .TEXT; mather, 1968a .A Mather, W.B., .J 1968 .S The genus Drosophila in New Guinea and Sabah. .Z Univ. 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Mag., Tokyo, 67:264-271. .K ocr+ / 15.ix.1958 .P Okada, 1958.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1959 .A Okada, T., .J 1959 .S Interspecific and intraspecific variations of the wing-indices in the genus Drosophila, in relation to the wing-lengths (Diptera). .Z Kontyu, 27(1):21-34. .K ocr+ / 15.iii.1959 .P Okada, 1959.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1960a .A Okada, T., .J 1960 .S On the Japanese species of the genus Amiota Loew (Diptera, Drosophilidae). .Z Mushi, 34(3):89-102. .K ocr+ / 1960a .P Okada, 1960a.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1960b .A Okada, T., .J 1960 .S Allomorphosis of the Wing-Veins vs. Wing-Membranes in Insects. .Z Nat. Sci. Rep. Ochanomizu Univ., 11(1):35-50. .K ocr / vii.1960 / 1960b .P Okada, 1960b.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1960c .A Okada, T., .J 1960 .S Notes on Diastatidae from Japan (Diptera). .Z Kontyu, 28(3):165-167. .K ocr+ / seg 455 / 10.ix.1960 / 1960c .P Okada, 1960c.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1960d .A Okada, T., .J 1960 .S The genus Microdrosophila Malloch from Japan (Diptera, Drosophilidae). .Z Kontyu, 28(4):211-222, plate 13. .K ocr+ / seg 455 / 10.xii.1960 / 1960d .P Okada, 1960d.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1960e .A Okada, T., .J 1960 .S A proposal for "Burla's rule" to the relation seen between the lengths of the wing-veins and of the wing itself in the drosophilid flies, and its analysis in view of allomorphosis. .Z DIS, 34:98. .K ocr+ / xi.1960 / 1960e .P Okada, 1960e.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1960f .A Okada, T., .J 1960 .S The larval mouth-hooks of the family Drosophilidae, in relation to the systematics and the feeding habits. .Z DIS, 34:98. .K ocr+ / xi.1960 / 1960f .P Okada, 1960f.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1961a .A Okada, T., .J 1961 .S Comparative Morphology of the Drosophilid Flies. IX. Differentiation of the Ejaculatory Apodeme in View of Systematic Relationships. (in Japanese, with English summary). .Z Zool. Mag., Tokyo, 70:253-258. .K ocr+ / 1961a / 15.viii.1961 .P Okada, 1961a.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1961b .A Okada, T., .J 1961 .S Comparative Morphology of the Drosophilid Flies. X. Differentiation of the Ejaculatory Apodeme in the Genus Drosophila. (in Japanese, with English summary). .Z Zool. Mag., Tokyo, 70:259-266. .K ocr+ / 15.viii.1961 / 1961b .P Okada, 1961b.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1961c .A Okada, T., .J 1961 .S [Morphological researches on living materials.] (in Japanese). .Z Iden, 15:40-44. .K ocr / 1961c .P Okada, 1961c.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1962 .A Okada, T., .J 1962 .S Bleeding Sap Preference of the Drosophilid Flies. .Z Jpn J. appl. Ent. Zool., 6(3):216-229. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1303/jjaez.6.216 .P Okada, 1962.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1963a .A Okada, T., .J 1963 .S Cladogenetic differentiation of Drosophilidae in relation to material compensation. .Z Mushi, 37:79-100. .K ocr / 1963a / seg 451 / 10.iii.1963 .P Okada, 1963a.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1963b .A Okada, T., .J 1963 .S Caenogenetic differentiation of mouth hooks in drosophilid larvae. .Z Evolution, 17(1):084-98. .K ocr++ / 20.iii.1963 / 1963b / 10.1111/j.1558-5646.1963.tb03256.x .P Okada, 1963b.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1963c .A Okada, T., .J 1963 .S Hooked scaly bristles found on the male mid legs in some drosophilid flies. .Z DIS, 38:38. .K ocr+ / xi.1963 / 1963c .P Okada, 1963c.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1963d .A Okada, T., .J 1963 .S Ethological significance of the thorn-like warts on wings in the steganine flies. .Z DIS, 38:38-39. .K ocr+ / xi.1963 / 1963d .P Okada, 1963d.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1963e .A Okada, T., .J 1963 .S "Law of unspecialized" applied to the family Drosophilidae. .Z DIS, 38:39. .K ocr+ / xi.1963 / 1963e .P Okada, 1963e.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1963f .A Okada, T., .J 1963 .S Adaptive differentiation of the respiratory horns of drosophilid larvae and puparia. .Z DIS, 38:74-75. .K ocr+ / xi.1963 / 1963f .P Okada, 1963f.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1964a .A Okada, T., .J 1964 .S Drosophilidae (Diptera) of Southeast Asia collected by the Thai-Japanese Biological Expedition 1961-62. In: Kira, T. & Umesao, T. (eds), Nature and Life in Southeast Asia. Vol. 3, pp. 439-466. .Z. Fauna and Flora Research Society, Kyoto University .K ocr / 1964a / 25.iii.1974 .P Okada, 1964a.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1964b .A Okada, T., .J 1964 .S New and unrecorded species of Drosophilidae in the Amami Islands, Japan. .Z Kontyu, 32(1):105-115. .K ocr+ / seg 455 / 5.iv.1964 / 1964b .P Okada, 1964b.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1965a .A Okada, T., .J 1965 .S Negative correlation between the development of hooked scaly bristles and of sex-combs. .Z DIS, 40:81. .K ocr+ / 1965a / i.1965 .P Okada, 1965a.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1965b .A Okada, T., .J 1965 .S Drosophilidae of the Okinawa Islands. .Z Kontyu, 33(3):327-350. .K ocr+ / 1965b / 30.ix.1965 .P Okada, 1965b.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1965c .A Okada, T., .J 1965 .S [First record of a Neotropical genus in the Oriental Region.] (in Japanese). .Z Proc. Jpn. Soc. syst. Zool., 1(1):13-14. .K ocr++ / 1965c / DOI:10.19004/pjssz.1.0_13 .P Okada, 1965c.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1965d .A Okada, T., .J 1965 .S [Drosophilid collection at Sugadaira]. (in Japanese). .Z Zoku Sugadaira no Shizen to Jinbun, 1965:92-97. .K ocr .P Okada, 1965d.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1966a .A Okada, T., .J 1966 .S Diptera from Nepal. Cryptochaetidae, Diastatidae, and Drosophilidae. .Z Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist., 06(Ent.,Suppl):1-129. .K ocr+ / 1966a / 6.v.1966 .P Okada, 1966a.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1966b .A Okada, T., .J 1966 .S A list of Drosophilidae collected at the National Park for Nature Study, Tokyo, in 1953-5 and 1963-4. .Z Ecol. Studies Biotic Commun., 1:131-132. .K ocr / 1966b / 6.v.1966 .P Okada, 1966b.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1966c .A Okada, T., .J 1966 .S Material compensation revealed by the Cartesian coordinates. .Z DIS, 41:153. .K ocr+ / i.1966 / 1966c .P Okada, 1966c.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1966d .A Okada, T., .J 1966 .S Caenogenesis versus Palaeogenesis in View of the Character Continuities. .Z Proc. Jpn. Soc. syst. Zool., 2:21-27. .K ocr / p 819502 .P Okada, 1966d.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1967a .A Okada, T., .J 1967 .S Character continuities in the caenogenetic organs of Drosophilidae. .Z DIS, 42:66. .K ocr+ / 1967a / i.1967 .P Okada, 1967a.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1967b .A Okada, T., .J 1967 .S A revision of the subgenus Hirtodrosophila of the Old World, with descriptions of some new species and subspecies (Diptera, Drosophilidae, Drosophila). .Z Mushi, 41(1):1-36. .K ocr+ / seg 451 / 10.viii.1967 / 1967b .P Okada, 1967b.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1967c .A Okada, T., .J 1967 .S Concepts and methodology of the systematic entomology. (in Japanese). .Z Kontyu, 35(3):164-174. .K ocr+ / 1967c .P Okada, 1967c.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1967d .A Okada, T., .J 1967 .S Drosophilid flies frequenting garbages. (in Japanese). .Z J. Jpn Soc. Med. Ent. Zool., 8(2):73. .K ocr+ .P Okada, 1967d.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1968a .A Okada, T., .J 1968 .S Taxonomic Treatment of the Correlative Characters in the Genus Microdrosophila (Diptera, Drosophilidae). .Z Proc. Jpn. Soc. syst. Zool., 4:1-7. .K ocr++ / 1968a / DOI:10.19004/pjssz.4.0_1 .P Okada, 1968a.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1968b .A Okada, T., .J 1968 .S Addition to the fauna of the family Drosophilidae of Japan and adjacent countries (Diptera). I. Genera Stegana, Amiota, Leucophenga and Microdrosophila, with discussion on the homology of phallic organs. .Z Kontyu, 36(4):303-323. .K ocr+ / 1968b / 30.xi.1968 .P Okada, 1968b.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1968c .A Okada, T., .J 1968 .S Addition to the fauna of the family Drosophilidae of Japan and adjacent countries (Diptera). II. Genera Paramycodrosophila, Mycodrosophila, Liodrosophila, and Drosophila, including a new subgenus Psilodorha. .Z Kontyu, 36(4):324-340. .K ocr+ / 1968c / 30.xi.1968 .P Okada, 1968c.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1968d .A Okada, T., .J 1968 .S Systematic Study of the Early Stages of Drosophilidae. 188 pp. .Z. Bunka Zugeisha, Tokyo. .K ocr / 1968d .P Okada, 1968d.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1968e .A Okada, T., .J 1968 .S Homology in the components of the phallic organs of Leucophenga and Microdrosophila. .Z DIS, 43:124. .K ocr+ / ii.1968 / 1968e .P Okada, 1968e.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1970a .A Okada, T., .J 1970 .S Preliminary Classification of the nigriventris-complex of the Genus Leucophenga Mik, Having Sexually Dimorphic Palpi (Diptera, Drosophilidae). .Z Proc. Jpn. Soc. syst. Zool., 6:16-22. .K ocr++ / 1970a / DOI:10.19004/pjssz.6.0_16 .P Okada, 1970a.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1970b .A Okada, T., .J 1970 .S A faunal analysis of the drosophilids at genus level centering around New Guinea. .Z Kontyu, 38(3):187-194. .K ocr+ / 1970b / 30.ix.1970 .P Okada, 1970b.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1971a .A Okada, T., .J 1971 .S Systematic and biogeographical analyses of the denticeps group, with description of two new species (Diptera, Drosophilidae). .Z Bull. biogeog. Soc. Japan, 26:29-38. .K ocr / 1971a / p 815630 / 1.iii.1971 .P Okada, 1971a.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1971b .A Okada, T., .J 1971 .S A revision and taxometric analysis of the genus Amiota Loew of Japan and adjacent countries (Diptera, Drosophilidae). .Z Kontyu, 39(2):82-98. .K ocr+ / 1971b / 30.vii.1971 .P Okada, 1971b.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1971c .A Okada, T., .J 1971 .S Taxonomic and ecological notes on the Drosophilidae of the Bonin Islands (Diptera). .Z Proc. Jpn. Soc. syst. Zool., 7:67-73. .K ocr++ / 1971c / DOI:10.19004/pjssz.7.0_67 .P Okada, 1971c.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1971d .A Okada, T., .J 1971 .S Morphological and biogeographical relationships of closely related species of the genus Amiota (Diptera, Drosophilidae). .Z Kontyu, 39(4):327-332. .K ocr+ / seg 455 / 20.xii.1971 / 1971d .P Okada, 1971d.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1971e .A Okada, T., .J 1971 .S A revision and taxometric analysis of the genus Stegana Meigen of Japan and adjacent countries (Diptera, Drosophilidae). .Z Mushi, 45(5):81-99. .K ocr / seg 451 / 30.xii.1971 / 1971e .P Okada, 1971e.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1971f .A Okada, T., .J 1971 .S [Miscellaneous notes on the eye gnats]. (in Japanese). .Z Makunagi, 5:21-23. .K ocr / 15.iii.1971 / 1971f .P Okada, 1971f.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1973a .A Okada, T., .J 1973 .S Descriptions of four new species of Drosophilidae of the Bonins, with taxometrical analyses of the Scaptomyza species (Diptera). .Z Kontyu, 41:83-90. .K ocr+ / 1973a / seg 455 / 20.iii.1973 .P Okada, 1973a.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1973b .A Okada, T., .J 1973 .S Four new species of Drosophilidae from Japan (Diptera). .Z Kontyu, 41(4):434-439. .K ocr+ / 1973b / 25.xii.1973 .P Okada, 1973b.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1973c .A Okada, T., .J 1973 .S Drosophilidae and Diastatidae from Mongolia (Diptera). .Z Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung., 65:271-279. .K ocr+ / seg 732 / 1973c .P Okada, 1973c.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1973d .A Okada, T., .J 1973 .S Observed Phenomena and Biological Meaning of Clines in insects. (in Japanese). .Z Circ. Jpn Soc. syst. Zool., 46:1-5. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.19004/jsszc.46.0_1 .P Okada, 1973d.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1974a .A Okada, T., .J 1974 .S New Names for Two Japanese Species of Drosophila Fallen (Diptera, Drosophilidae). .Z Kontyu, 42:282. .K ocr+ / 1974a / seg 455 / 25.ix.1974 .P Okada, 1974a.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1974b .A Okada, T., .J 1974 .S A revision and taxometric analysis of the genera Sphaerogastrella Duda and Liodrosophila Duda of the World (Diptera, Drosophilidae). .Z Mushi, 48(5):29-63. .K ocr+ / 1974b / seg 451 / 31.x.1974 .P Okada, 1974b.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1974c .A Okada, T., .J 1974 .S Drosophilidae (Diptera) from Korea. .Z Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung., 66:269-275. .K ocr+ / seg 732 / 1974c .P Okada, 1974c.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1974d .A Okada, T., .J 1974 .S Allomorphosis in the wing veins of Drosophilidae. (in Japanese). .Z J. Growth, 13(4):57-60. .K ocr .P Okada, 1974d.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1975a .A Okada, T., .J 1975 .S A New Name for Drosophila luteola Okada, not Hardy (Diptera, Drosophilidae). .Z Kontyu, 43(2):241. .K ocr+ / 1975a / 25.vi.1975 .P Okada, 1975a.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1975b .A Okada, T., .J 1975 .S The Oriental Drosophilids Breeding in Flowers. .Z Kontyu, 43:356-363. .K ocr+ / seg 455 / 25.ix.1975 / 1975b .P Okada, 1975b.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1976a .A Okada, T., .J 1976 .S New distribution records of the drosophilids in the Oriental Region. (in Japanese). .Z Makunagi, 8:1-8. .K ocr+ / 1976a / 29.x.1976 .P Okada, 1976a.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1976b .A Okada, T., .J 1976 .S A list of Drosophilidae of Tsusima Island. (in Japanese). .Z Makunagi, 8:8-9. .K ocr / 29.x.1976 / 1976b .P Okada, 1976b.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1976c .A Okada, T., .J 1976 .S Subdivision of the Genus Chymomyza Czerny (Diptera, Drosophilidae), with Description of Three New Species. .Z Kontyu, 44(4):496-511. .K ocr+ / 1976c / 25.xii.1976 .P Okada, 1976c.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1976d .A Okada, T., .J 1976 .S The Drosophilid Species recently introduced in Japan Mainland. (in Japanese, with English summary). .Z Proc. Jpn. Soc. syst. Zool., 12:56-57. .K ocr / 20.xii.1976 / 1976d .P Okada, 1976d.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1976e .A Okada, T., .J 1976 .S Drosophilidae (Diptera) of Sabah, Borneo, of Dr. G. Imadate's collection in 1968. In: Kira, T. & Umesao, T. (eds), Nature and Life in Southeast Asia, Vol. 7, pp. 343-346. .Z. Fauna and Flora Research Society .K ocr / 1976e .P Okada, 1976e.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1977a .A Okada, T., .J 1977 .S The subgenus Phortica Schiner of the genus Amiota Loew of Japan and the Oriental Region, with reference to anti-Burla's rule (Diptera, Drosophilidae). .Z Bull. biogeog. Soc. Japan, 32:17-31. .K ocr+ / 1977a .P Okada, 1977a.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1977b .A Okada, T., .J 1977 .S Family Drosophilidae. In: Delfinado, M.D. and Hardy, D.E. (eds), A Catalog of the Diptera of the Oriental Region. Vol. III. Suborder Cyclorrhapha (excluding division Aschiza), pp. 342-387. .Z. University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu .K ocr / id del 1 / 4.xi.1977 / 1977b .P Okada, 1977b.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1977c .A Okada, T., .J 1977 .S The Automatic Construction of Keys. (in Japanese). .Z Circ. Jpn Soc. syst. Zool., 50:6-11. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.19004/jsszc.50.0_6 .P Okada, 1977c.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1978 .A Okada, T., .J 1978 .S Pseudostegana, a New Subgenus of the Genus Stegana Meigen (Diptera, Drosophilidae). .Z Kontyu, 46(3):392-399. .K ocr+ / 25.ix.1978 .P Okada, 1978.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1979 .A Okada, T., .J 1979 .S Subspeciation of the Drosophila bipectinata-complex in view of distribution. (Abstract, in Japanese). .Z Zool. Mag., Tokyo, 88:673. .K ocr / xii.1979 .P Okada, 1979.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1980a .A Okada, T., .J 1980 .S Synhospitalic Evolution of the Genus Drosophilella Duda (Diptera, Drosophilidae), with Description of a New Species from Okinawa and Taiwan. .Z Kontyu, 48(2):218-225. .K ocr+ / 1980a / 25.vi.1980 .P Okada, 1980a.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1980b .A Okada, T., .J 1980 .S A revision of the genera Hypselothyrea de Meijere and Tambourella Wheeler (Diptera, Drosophilidae). .Z Kontyu, 48(4):501-516. .K ocr+ / 1980b / 25.xii.1980 .P Okada, 1980b.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1981a .A Okada, T., .J 1981 .S The Genus Chymomyza Czerny (Diptera, Drosophilidae) from New Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago and Southeast Asia, with an Ecological Note. .Z Kontyu, 49(1):166-177. .K ocr+ / 1981a / 25.iii.1981 .P Okada, 1981a.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1981b .A Okada, T., .J 1981 .S Oriental Species, Including New Guinea. In: Ashburner, M., Carson, H.L., & Thompson, J.N. (eds), The Genetics and Biology of Drosophila, vol 3a, pp. 261-289. .Z. Academic Press .K ocr / QH 0470 GENE / 1981b .P Okada, 1981b.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1981c .A Okada, T., .J 1981 .S Synapomorphy principle in view of cophenetic correlation coefficient, evolutionary parsimony and conventional taxonomy. .Z Proc. Jpn. Soc. syst. Zool., 20:39-46. .K ocr / 29.vi.1981/ 1981c .P Okada, 1981c.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1981d .A Okada, T., .J 1981 .S Synapomorphy principle in view of cophenetic correlation coefficient, evolutionary parsimony and conventional taxonomy. .Z Proc. Jpn. Soc. syst. Zool., 20:279-286. .K ocr / 1981d .P Okada, 1981d.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1982a .A Okada, T., .J 1982 .S A revision of the subgenus Pseudostegana of the genus Stegana (Diptera: Drosophilidae), with descriptions of eight new species. .Z Pacif. Ins., 24(1):39-49. .K ocr+ / 1982a / p 818048 / 30.iv.1982 .P Okada, 1982a.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1982b .A Okada, T., .J 1982 .S A revision of the genus Eostegana (Diptera: Drosophilidae), with descriptions of five new species. .Z Pacif. Ins., 24:50-59. .K ocr+ / p 818048 / 30.iv.1982 / 1982b .P Okada, 1982b.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1982c .A Okada, T., .J 1982 .S A Revision of the Genera Dettopsomyia Lamb and Styloptera Duda (Diptera, Drosophilidae). .Z Kontyu, 50:270-282. .K ocr+ / seg 455 / 25.vi.1982 / 1982c .P Okada, 1982c.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1983a .A Okada, T., .J 1983 .S Taxonomic and faunistic studies of Drosophilidae, a result of the 1971-1981 expeditions. In: Kitagawa, O. (ed.), Report on the overseas scientific expedition for the collection of drosophilid flies, 1971-1982, pp. 1-8. .Z. Tokyo .K ocr / 1983a / 10.iii.1983 .P Okada, 1983a.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1983b .A Okada, T., .J 1983 .S [How to collect Drosophila.] (in Japanese). .Z Konchu to Shizen, 16:35-37. .K ocr / 1983b .P Okada, 1983b.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1984a .A Okada, T., .J 1984 .S Descriptions of New Species of the Genus Nesiodrosophila Wheeler et Takada (Diptera, Drosophilidae), with Taximetrical Analyses. .Z Kontyu, 52(1):21-36. .K ocr+ / 1984a / 25.iii.1984 .P Okada, 1984a.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1984b .A Okada, T., .J 1984 .S The Genus Collessia of Japan (Diptera: Drosophilidae). .Z Proc. Jpn. Soc. syst. Zool., 29:57-58. .K ocr++ / 1984b / DOI:10.19004/pjssz.29.0_57 .P Okada, 1984b.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1984c .A Okada, T., .J 1984 .S New or Little Known Species of Drosophila (Lordiphosa) with Taximetrical Analyses (Diptera, Drosophilidae). .Z Kontyu, 52(4):565-575. .K ocr+ / 1984c 25.xii.1984 .P Okada, 1984c.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1985a .A Okada, T., .J 1985 .S The Genus Lissocephala Malloch and an Allied New Genus of Southeast Asia and New Guinea (Diptera, Drosophilidae). .Z Kontyu, 53(2):335-345. .K ocr+ / 1985a / 25.vi.1985 .P Okada, 1985a.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1985b .A Okada, T., .J 1985 .S A revision of the genus Microdrosophila with descriptions of ten new species (Diptera: Drosophilidae). .Z Int. J. Ent., 27:310-326. .K ocr+ / p 818048 / 30.xii.1985 / 1985b .P Okada, 1985b.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1986a .A Okada, T., .J 1986 .S The Genus Mycodrosophila Oldenberg (Diptera, Drosophilidae) of Southeast Asia and New Guinea. I. Typical Species. .Z Kontyu, 54(1):112-123. .K ocr+ / 1986a / 25.iii.1986 .P Okada, 1986a.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1986b .A Okada, T., .J 1986 .S The Genus Mycodrosophila Oldenberg (Diptera, Drosophilidae) of Southeast Asia and New Guinea. II. Atypical Species. .Z Kontyu, 54(2):291-302. .K ocr+ / 1986b / 25.vi.1986 .P Okada, 1986b.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1986c .A Okada, T., .J 1986 .S Estimation of the Routes of Synhospitalic Distribution of the Genus Drosophilella Duda (Diptera, Drosophilidae), with Descriptions of Three New Species from Malaysia and Indonesia. .Z Proc. Jpn. Soc. syst. Zool., 33:32-39. .K ocr++ / 1986c / DOI:10.19004/pjssz.33.0_32 .P Okada, 1986c.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1986d .A Okada, T., .J 1986 .S Patterned-wing Species of Drosophila (Scaptodrosophila) of Southeast Asia and New Guinea (Diptera, Drosophilidae). .Z Kontyu, 54(3):442-449. .K ocr / 1986d / 25.ix.1986 .P Okada, 1986d.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1986e .A Okada, T., .J 1986 .S Taximetrical Analyses of Costal Chaetotaxy of the Genus Drosophilella Duda, with Description of a New Species from Sri Lanka (Diptera, Drosophilidae). .Z Proc. Jpn. Soc. syst. Zool., 34:53-59. .K ocr++ / 1986e / DOI:10.19004/pjssz.34.0_53 .P Okada, 1986e.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1987a .A Okada, T., .J 1987 .S The Leucophenga proxima Species Group of Southeast Asia and New Guinea (Diptera, Drosophilidae). .Z Kontyu, 55(1):90-99. .K ocr+ / 25.iii.1987 .P Okada, 1987a.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1987b .A Okada, T., .J 1987 .S Note on the Genus Mulgravea (Diptera, Drosophilidae). .Z Kontyu, 55:187. .K ocr+ / 25.vi.1987 / 1987b .P Okada, 1987b.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1987c .A Okada, T., .J 1987 .S The Leucophenga subpollinosa Species Group of Japan and Southeast Asia (Diptera, Drosophilidae). .Z Kontyu, 55:676-683. .K ocr+ / seg 455 / 25.xii.1987 / 1987c .P Okada, 1987c.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1987d .A Okada, T., .J 1987 .S Further Notes on the Genus Drosophilella Duda with Descriptions of Two New Species from Indonesia (Diptera, Drosophilidae). .Z Proc. Jpn. Soc. syst. Zool., 36:38-45. .K ocr++ / 1987d / DOI:10.19004/pjssz.36.0_38 .P Okada, 1987d.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1988a .A Okada, T., .J 1988 .S A Revision of the Genera Pararhinoleucophenga Duda and Paraleucophenga Hendel (Diptera, Drosophilidae), with Special Regard to Archestinic Characters. .Z Kontyu, 56:618-624. .K ocr+ / 1988a / seg 455 / 25.ix.1988 .P Okada, 1988a.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1988b .A Okada, T., .J 1988 .S Taxonomic outline of the family Drosophilidae of Japan. In: Suzukii, K. (ed.), Selected Papers by Dr. Toyohi Okada (1936-1988), pp. 1-87. .Z. Association of the Memorial Issue .K ocr / 20.ix.1988 / 1988b .P Okada, 1988b.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1988c .A Okada, T., .J 1988 .S Family Drosophilidae (Diptera) from the Lund University Ceylon Expedition in 1962 and Borneo collections in 1978-1979. .Z Ent. scand., 30(Suppl.):109-149. .K ocr / p 815052a / 1.x.1988 / 1988c .P Okada, 1988c.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1988d .A Okada, T., .J 1988 .S Taxonomic Note on Colocasiomyia cristata de Meijere (Diptera, Drosophilidae) with Generic Synonymy. .Z Proc. Jpn. Soc. syst. Zool., 37:34-39. .K ocr++ / 1988d / DOI:10.19004/pjssz.37.0_34 .P Okada, 1988d.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1989a .A Okada, T., .J 1989 .S A Proposal of Establishing Tribes for the Family Drosophilidae with Key to Tribes and Genera (Diptera). .Z Zool. Sci., Tokyo, 6:391-399. .K ocr+ / 1989a .P Okada, 1989a.pdf .TEXT; okada, 1989b .A Okada, T., .J 1989 .S A Revision of the Leucophenga mutabilis Species-Group (Diptera, Drosophilidae) of the Oriental and Adjacent Regions. .Z Jpn. J. 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Mus. natn. hung., 64:319-321. .K ocr+ / 1972d .P Papp, 1972d.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1973a .A Papp, L., .J 1973 .S Periscelidae - Mezgalegyek. .Z Fauna hung., 15(7):76-79. .K ocr / 1973a .P Papp, 1973a.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1973b .A Papp, L., .J 1973 .S Asteiidae - Torekenylegyek. .Z Fauna hung., 15(7):79-85. .K ocr / 1973b .P Papp, 1973b.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1973c .A Papp, L., .J 1973 .S Aulacigastridae - Partaslegyek. .Z Fauna hung., 15(7):85-87. .K ocr / 1973c .P Papp, 1973c.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1973d .A Papp, L., .J 1973 .S Curtonotidae. .Z Fauna hung., 15(7):87-90. .K ocr / 1973d .P Papp, 1973d.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1973e .A Papp, L., .J 1973 .S Diastatidae - Turjanlegyek. .Z Fauna hung., 15(7):90-98. .K ocr / 1973e .P Papp, 1973e.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1973f .A Papp, L., .J 1973 .S Camillidae - Szuroklegyek. .Z Fauna hung., 15(7):98-103. .K ocr / 1973f .P Papp, 1973f.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1973g .A Papp, L., .J 1973 .S Drosophilidae - Harmatlegyek. .Z Fauna hung., 15(7):103-146. .K ocr / 1973g .P Papp, 1973g.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1974a .A Papp, L., .J 1974 .S Dipterological studies in a Hungarian horse farm (Diptera). .Z Folia ent. hung., 27(N.S.):167-176. .K ocr / 1974a / part .P Papp, 1974a.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1974b .A Papp, L., .J 1974 .S Some Diastatidae, Camillidae, Aulacigastridae and Asteiidae (Diptera) from Asia. .Z Acta zool. hung., 20:177-181. .K ocr / 1974b .P Papp, 1974b.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1974c .A Papp, L., .J 1974 .S Dipterological studies in some Hungarian large-scale pig farms. .Z Acta agron. hung., 23:136-147. .K ocr / 1974c .P Papp, 1974c.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1974d .A Papp, L., .J 1974 .S Dipterologiai vizsgalatok nagyuzemi sertestelepeken. .Z Allattani Kozl., 61:101-109. .K ocr / part / 1974d .P Papp, 1974d.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1975a .A Papp, L., .J 1975 .S Dipterologiai vizsgalatok magyar es afgan nagyuzemi szarvasmarha telepeken. .Z Folia ent. hung., 28(N.S.):137-145, 3 tables. .K ocr / 1975a .P Papp, 1975a.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1975b .A Papp, L., .J 1975 .S Micropopulations of two cosmopolitan Drosophila species. .Z Folia ent. hung., 28(N.S.):237-238. .K ocr / seg 735 / 31.x.1975 / 1975b .P Papp, 1975b.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1976 .A Papp, L., .J 1976 .S Some terricolous Sphaerocerids and Drosophilids from Hungary (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae and Drosophilidae). .Z Folia ent. hung., 29(N.S.,1):75-85. .K ocr+ .P Papp, 1976.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1978a .A Papp, L., .J 1978 .S Species of nine Acalyptrate fly families from Tunisia (Diptera). .Z Folia ent. hung., 31(N.S.,2):197-203 .K ocr+ / 1978a .P Papp, 1978a.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1978b .A Papp, L., .J 1978 .S Some cavernicolous Diptera of the Geneva Museum. .Z Revue suisse Zool., 85(1):99-106. .K ocr+ / 1978b .P Papp, 1978b.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1979a .A Papp, L., .J 1979 .S Seven New Species of the Palearctic Lauxaniidae and Asteiidae (Diptera). .Z Reichenbachia, 17:87-97. .K ocr / 1979a / part / p 816279 / 22.iii.1979 .P Papp, 1979a.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1979b .A Papp, L., .J 1979 .S Some Fungivorous Species of Sphaeroceridae and Drosophilidae (Diptera) from Karelia, USSR. .Z Folia ent. hung., 32(N.S.,2):189-193. .K ocr+ / 1979b .P Papp, 1979b.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1979c .A Papp, L., .J 1979 .S On apterous and reduced-winged forms of the families Drosophilidae, Ephydridae and Sphaeroceridae (Diptera). .Z Acta zool. hung., 25:357-374. .K ocr+ / 1979c .P Papp, 1979c.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1980 .A Papp, L., .J 1980 .S New taxa of the acalyptrate flies (Diptera: Tunisimyiidae fam. n., Risidae, Ephydridae: Nannodastiinae subfam. n. .Z Acta zool. hung., 26:415-431. .K ocr+ .P Papp, 1980.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1981 .A Papp, L., .J 1981 .S Lauxaniidae, Periscelididae, Asteiidae, Aulacigastridae, Diastatidae, Camillidae, Odiniidae, Milichiidae and Carnidae (Diptera, Acalyptratae) in the Hortobagy. In: The Fauna of the Hortobagy National Park, 1981, pp. 223-228. .Z. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest. .K ocr / part .P Papp, 1981.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1982a .A Papp, L., .J 1982 .S Cavernicolous Diptera of the Geneva Museum. .Z Revue suisse Zool., 89(1):7-22. .K ocr+ / 1982a / iii.1982 .P Papp, 1982a.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1982b .A Papp, L., .J 1982 .S A revision of the species of Camilla Haliday described by J.E. Collin (Diptera: Camillidae). .Z Mem. ent. Soc. Wash., 10:125-135. .K ocr / 30.ix.1982 / 1982b .P Papp, 1982b.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1983 .A Papp, L., .J 1983 .S Anisopodidae, Trichoceridae, Bibionidae, Scatopsidae, Chamaemyiidae Heleomyzidae, Ephydridae, Sphaeroceridae, Drosophilidae and Agromyzidae (Diptera) of the Hortobagy. In: The Fauna of the Hortobagy National Park, 1983, pp. 241-267. .Z. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest .K ocr / part .P Papp, 1983.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1984a .A Papp, L., .J 1984 .S Family Aulacigastridae. In: Soos, A. & Papp, L. (eds), Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera, vol. 10, pp. 60-61. .Z. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest .K ocr / 1984a / 15.x.1984 .P Papp, 1984a.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1984b .A Papp, L., .J 1984 .S Family Stenomicridae. In: Soos, A. & Papp, L. (eds), Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera, vol. 10, pp. 61-62. .Z. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest .K ocr / 15.x.1984 / 1984b .P Papp, 1984b.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1984c .A Papp, L., .J 1984 .S Family Asteiidae. In: Soos, A. & Papp, L. (eds), Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera, vol. 10, pp. 63-66. .Z. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest .K ocr / 15.x.1984 / 1984c .P Papp, 1984c.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1984d .A Papp, L., .J 1984 .S Family Xenasteiidae. In: Soos, A. & Papp, L. (eds), Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera, vol. 10, pp. 176-177. .Z. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest .K ocr / 15.x.1984 / 1984d .P Papp, 1984d.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1984e .A Papp, L., .J 1984 .S Family Camillidae. In: Soos, A. & Papp, L. (eds), Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera, vol. 10, pp. 180-182. .Z. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest .K ocr / 15.x.1984 / 1984e .P Papp, 1984e.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1984f .A Papp, L., .J 1984 .S Family Diastatidae. In: Soos, A. & Papp, L. (eds), Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera, vol. 10, pp. 182-185. .Z. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest .K ocr / 15.x.1984 / 1984f .P Papp, 1984f.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1984g .A Papp, L., .J 1984 .S Family Curtonotidae. In: Soos, A. & Papp, L. (eds), Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera, vol. 10, pp. 221-222. .Z. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest .K ocr / 15.x.1984 / 1984g .P Papp, 1984g.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1984h .A Papp, L., .J 1984 .S Family Periscelididae (Periscelidae). In: Soos, A. & Papp, L. (eds), Catalogue of Palaearctic Diptera, vol. 9, pp. 233-234. .Z. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest .K ocr / s 2209 / 15.x.1984 / 1984h .P Papp, 1984h.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1985a .A Papp, L., .J 1985 .S A key of the World species of Camillidae (Diptera). .Z Acta zool. hung., 31:217-227. .K ocr / 1985a .P Papp, 1985a.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1985b .A Papp, L., .J 1985 .S Acalyptrate flies (Diptera) from sifted materials in the Geneva Museum. .Z Revue suisse Zool., 92(1):481-507. .K ocr+ / vii.1985 / 1985b .P Papp, 1985b.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1987 .A Papp, L., .J 1987 .S Sphaeroceridae, Periscelididae, Asteiidae, Aulacigastridae, Curtonotidae, Camillidae, Drosophilidae, Odiniidae, Acartophthalmidae, Gasterophilidae, Oestridae and Hypodermatidae (Diptera) of the Kiskunsag National Park. In: Mahunka, S. (ed.), The Fauna of the Kiskunsag National Park, pp. 277-290. .Z. Termeszettudomanyi Museum Allatara .K ocr / part .P Papp, 1987.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1988 .A Papp, L., .J 1988 .S Periscelis kabuli sp. n. and P. kaszabi sp. n. with notes on larvae and pupae of the families Aulacigastridae and Periscelididae (Diptera). .Z Acta zool. hung., 34:273-284. .K ocr .P Papp, 1988.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1992a .A Papp, L., .J 1992 .S Nine drosophilid species new to Hungary (Diptera: Drosophilidae). .Z Folia ent. hung., 53(N.S.):135-138. .K ocr / 1992a .P Papp, 1992a.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1992b .A Papp, L., .J 1992 .S Drosophilid assemblages in mountain creek valleys in Hungary (Diptera: Drosophilidae). I. .Z Folia ent. hung., 53(N.S.):139-153. .K ocr / 1992b .P Papp, 1992b.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1992c .A Papp, L., .J 1992 .S Fly communities in pasture dung: some results and problems (Diptera). .Z Acta zool. hung., 38:75-88. .K ocr+ / 1992c .P Papp, 1992c.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1992d .A Papp, L., .J 1992 .S Immature stages of Leiomyza dudai Sabrosky, 1956 (Diptera, Asteiidae: Sigaloessinae). .Z Acta zool. hung., 38:313-320. .K ocr / 1992d .P Papp, 1992d.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1993a .A Papp, L., .J 1993 .S Species of thirteen dipterous families of the Bukk National Park (Diptera). In: Mahunka, S. & Zombori, L. (eds), The Fauna of the Bukk National Park, vol. 1, pp. 349-369. .Z. Magyar Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum .K ocr / 1993a / part .P Papp, 1993a.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1993b .A Papp, L., .J 1993 .S Flies (Diptera) visiting human faeces in mountain creek valleys in Hungary. .Z Parasitol. hung., 25:85-96. .K ocr+ / 1993b .P Papp, 1993b.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1995 .A Papp, L., .J 1995 .S Morphology of Periscelis annulata third instar larva and Turanodinia tisciae larva and puparium (Diptera: Periscelididae and Odiniidae). .Z Acta zool. Acad. Sci. hung., 41(1):15-24. .K ocr / part .P Papp, 1995.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1998a .A Papp, L., .J 1998 .S The Palearctic species of Aulacigaster Macquart (Diptera: Aulacigastridae). .Z Acta zool. Acad. Sci. hung., 43(3,1997):225-234. .K ocr / 1998a / 15.II.1998 .P Papp, 1998a.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1998b .A Papp, L., .J 1998 .S 3.23. Family Aulacigastridae. In: Papp, L. & Darvas, B. (eds), Contributions to a Manual of Palearctic Diptera. Vol. 3, Higher Brachycera, pp. 279-284. .Z. Science Herald .K ocr / 1998b .P Papp, 1998b.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1998c .A Papp, L., .J 1998 .S 3.25. Family Asteiidae. In: Papp, L. & Darvas, B. (eds), Contributions to a Manual of Palearctic Diptera. Vol. 3, Higher Brachycera, pp. 295-303. .Z. Science Herald .K ocr / 1998c .P Papp, 1998c.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1998d .A Papp, L., .J 1998 .S 3.26. Family Xenasteiidae. In: Papp, L. & Darvas, B. (eds), Contributions to a Manual of Palearctic Diptera. Vol. 3, Higher Brachycera, pp. 305-308. .Z. Science Herald .K ocr / 1998d .P Papp, 1998d.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1998e .A Papp, L., .J 1998 .S 3.44. Family Curtonotidae. In: Papp, L. & Darvas, B. (eds), Contributions to a Manual of Palearctic Diptera. Vol. 3, Higher Brachycera, pp. 497-502. .Z. Science Herald .K ocr / 1998e .P Papp, 1998e.pdf .TEXT; papp, 1998f .A Papp, L., .J 1998 .S 3.48. Family Camillidae. In: Papp, L. & Darvas, B. (eds), Contributions to a Manual of Palearctic Diptera. Vol. 3, Higher Brachycera, pp. 531-535. .Z. Science Herald .K ocr / 1998f .P Papp, 1998f.pdf .TEXT; papp, 2000 .A Papp, L., .J 2000 .S Two new species of Drosophilidae (Diptera) from Central Europe. .Z Acta zool. hung., 46(3):249-257. .K ocr .P Papp, 2000.pdf .TEXT; papp, 2001a .A Papp, L., .J 2001 .S Periscelididae. In: Papp. L. et al. (eds), Checklist of the Diptera of Hungary, p. 344. .Z. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest .K ocr / 2001a .P Papp, 2001a.pdf .TEXT; papp, 2001b .A Papp, L., .J 2001 .S Stenomicridae. In: Papp. L. et al. (eds), Checklist of the Diptera of Hungary, pp. 344-345. .Z. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest .K ocr / 2001b .P Papp, 2001b.pdf .TEXT; papp, 2001c .A Papp, L., .J 2001 .S Asteiidae. In: Papp. L. et al. (eds), Checklist of the Diptera of Hungary, p. 345. .Z. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest .K ocr / 2001c .P Papp, 2001c.pdf .TEXT; papp, 2001d .A Papp, L., .J 2001 .S Aulacigastridae. In: Papp. L. et al. (eds), Checklist of the Diptera of Hungary, p. 345-346. .Z. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest .K ocr / 2001d .P Papp, 2001d.pdf .TEXT; papp, 2001e .A Papp, L., .J 2001 .S Curtonotidae. In: Papp. L. et al. (eds), Checklist of the Diptera of Hungary, p. 346. .Z. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest .K ocr / 2001e .P Papp, 2001e.pdf .TEXT; papp, 2001f .A Papp, L., .J 2001 .S Drosophilidae. In: Papp. L. et al. (eds), Checklist of the Diptera of Hungary, p. 346-350. .Z. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest .K ocr / 2001f .P Papp, 2001f.pdf .TEXT; papp, 2001g .A Papp, L., .J 2001 .S Diastatidae. In: Papp. L. et al. (eds), Checklist of the Diptera of Hungary, p. 350-351. .Z. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest .K ocr / 2001g .P Papp, 2001g.pdf .TEXT; papp, 2001h .A Papp, L., .J 2001 .S Campichoetidae. In: Papp. L. et al. (eds), Checklist of the Diptera of Hungary, p. 351-352. .Z. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest .K ocr / 2001h .P Papp, 2001h.pdf .TEXT; papp, 2001i .A Papp, L., .J 2001 .S Camillidae. In: Papp. L. et al. (eds), Checklist of the Diptera of Hungary, p. 352. .Z. Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest .K ocr / 2001i .P Papp, 2001i.pdf .TEXT; papp, 2002 .A Papp, L., .J 2002 .S Dipterous guilds of small-sized feeding sources in forests of Hungary. .Z Acta zool. Acad. Sci. hung., 48(1,Suppl.):197-213. .K ocr+ .P Papp, 2002.pdf .TEXT; papp, 2003 .A Papp, L., .J 2003 .S Further additions and corrections to the Hungarian checklist (Diptera). .Z Folia ent. hung., 64(N.S.):309-339. .K ocr+ .P Papp, 2003.pdf .TEXT; papp, 2004 .A Papp, L., .J 2004 .S New species and records of Hypselothyrea de Meijere (Diptera, Drosophilidae). .Z Acta zool. Acad. Sci. hung., 49(4,2003):271-294. .K ocr / 30.vi.2004 .P Papp, 2004.pdf .TEXT;Papp, 2004 papp, 2005 .A Papp, L., .J 2005 .S Some acalyptrate flies (Diptera) from Taiwan. .Z Acta zool. hung., 51(3):187-213. .K ocr+ .P Papp, 2005.pdf .TEXT; papp, 2009a .A Papp, L., .J 2009 .S Additional new species of Hypselothyrea de Meijere with description of a new subgenus (Diptera, Drosophilidae). .Z Mitt. schweiz. ent. Ges., 082(1):39-59. .K ocr+ .P Papp, 2009a.pdf .TEXT; papp, 2009b .A Papp, 2009b.pdf .J 2009 .S Additions to the Diptera fauna of Hungary .Z Folia ent. hung., 70:225-242. .K ocr+ .P Papp, 2009b.pdf .TEXT; pappas & engstrom, 1974 .A Pappas, N. & Engstrom, L., .J 1974 .S Survey of ovariole numbers in wild-type D. melanogaster. .Z DIS, 51:27. .K ocr+ .P Pappas & Engstrom, 1974.pdf .TEXT; parada & goni, 2003 .A Parada, C. & Goni, B., .J 2003 .S Hypermutable strains isolated from Uruguayan populations of Drosophila willistoni (Diptera, Drosophilidae). .Z DIS, 86:143-146. .K ocr / xii.2003 .P Parada & Goni, 2003.pdf .TEXT; parchami & farrokhi, 1995 .A Parchami-Araghi, A. & Farrokhi, S.H., .J 1995 .S Acletoxenus formosus Loew (Dip: Drosophilidae), predator of immature stages of whiteflies in Iran. .Z J. Ent. Soc. Iran, 15:73. .K ocr .P Parchami & Farrokhi, 1995.pdf .TEXT; parchami & mohammadi, 2009 .A Parchami, M. & Mohammadi-Khorramabadi, A., .J 2009 .S The invasive pest Zaprionus indianus GUPTA, 1970 - a genus and a species new to Iran (Diptera: Drosophilidae). .Z Studia Dipt., 16:243-244. .K ocr+ .P Parchami & Mohammadi, 2009.pdf .TEXT; parchami et al., 2015a .A Parchami-Araghi, M., Gilasian, E., & Keyhanian, A.A., .J 2015 .S Spotted Wing Drosophila, Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Dip.: Drosophilidae), an invasive fruit pest new to the Middle East and Iran. .Z DIS, 98:59-60. .K ocr+ / 2015a .P Parchami et al., 2015a.pdf .TEXT; parchami et al., 2015b .A Parchami-Araghi, M., Gilasian, E., & Keyhanian, A.A., .J 2015 .S Olive infestation with Zaprionus indianus Gupta (Dip.: Drosophilidae) in northern Iran: a new host record and threat to world olive production. .Z DIS, 98:60-61. .K ocr+ .P Parchami et al., 2015b.pdf .TEXT; parchami et al., 2016 .A Parchami-Araghi, M., Gilasian, E., Vahabzadeh, R., & Bachli, G., .J 2016 .S Drosophilids of the Lake Urmia National Park, Iran (Dip.: Drosophilidae). .Z DIS, 99:63-69. .K ocr+ .P Parchami et al., 2016.pdf .TEXT; pardali et al., 1996 .A Pardali, E., Feggou, E., Drosopoulou, E., Konstantopoulou, I., Scouras, Z.G., & Mavragani-Tsipidou, P., .J 1996 .S The Afrotropical Drosophila montium subgroup: Balbiani ring 1, polytene chromosomes, and heat shock response of Drosophila vulcana. .Z Genome, 39(3):588-597. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1139/g96-074 .P Pardali et al., 1996.pdf .TEXT; pardy et al., 2019 .A Pardy, J.A. Rundle, H.W., Bernards, M.A., & Moehring, A-J. .J 2019 .S The genetic basis of female pheromone differences between Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans. .Z Heredity, 122(1):93-109. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1038/s41437-018-0080-3 .P Pardy et al., 2019.pdf .TEXT; paricio et al., 1991 .A Paricio, N., Pascual, L., Martinez-Sebastian, M.J., & de Frutos, R., .J 1991 .S Sequences homologous to P elements of Drosophila melanogaster are widely distributed in Drosophila subobscura. .Z DIS, 70:171-172. .K ocr+ .P Paricio et al., 1991.pdf .TEXT; paricio et al., 1996 .A Paricio, N., Miller, W.J., Martinez-Sebastian, M.J., Hagemann, S., de Frutos, R., & Pinsker, W., .J 1996 .S Structure and organization of the P element related sequences in Drosophila madeirensis. .Z Genome, 39(5):823-829. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1139/g96-104 .P Paricio et al., 1996.pdf .TEXT; parish & cushing, 1938 .A Parish, H.E. & Cushing, E.C., .J 1938 .S Locations for Blowfly Traps: Abundance and Activity of Blowflies and Other Flies in Menard County, Tex. .Z J. econ. Ent., 31(6):750-763. .K ocr++ / DOI:10.1093/jee/31.6.750 .P Parish & Cushing, 1938.pdf .TEXT; park & jeong, 1997 .A Park, E.-K. & Jeong, S.-M., .J 1997 .S Effect of the Without Magnetic Field on Sexually Selective Disadvantage of Drosophila melanogaster in Korean Population. .Z Korean J. Genetics, 19:27-38. .K ocr+ .P Park & Jeong, 1997.pdf .TEXT; park & rha, 1970 .A Park, M.S. & Rha, C.H., .J 1970 .S Studies on the wild yeasts in Korea (II) - Wild yeast and Drosophila. (in Korean, with english Summary). .Z Korean J. Microbiology, 8:95-102. .K ocr .P Park & Rha, 1970.pdf .TEXT; park et al., 2003 .A Park, J.-S., Kim, Y.-S., Park, S.-Y., & Yoo, M.-A., .J 2003 .S Expression of the Drosophila p38b Gene Promotor during Development and in the Immune Response. .Z Korean J. 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