# *s *u # *s *u # *s A. An. Mtng Amer. Soc. Anesthiologists *u Abstracts of Scientific Papers, Annual Meeting. American Society of Anesthesiologists. # *s A. Mtng Am. Soc. Cell Biol. 14 Abstr. *u Abstracts. 14th Annual Meeting. American Society for Cell # *s A. Rep. Biol. Lab., Long Island Biol. Ass. *u Annual Report of the Biological Laboratory, Long Island Biological Association # *s A. Rep. Dep. Agric., Fiji *u Annual Report of the Department of Agriculture, Fiji # *s A. Rep. Dep. Agric., Tanganyika *u Annual Report of the Department of Agriculture, Tanganyika Territory # *s A. Rep. Kanto-Tosan Plant Prot. Soc. *u Annual Report of the Kanto-Tosan Plant Protection Society # *s A. Rep. Minn agric. Exp. Stn, Rep. St. Ent. Minn. *u Annual Report of the State Entomologist of Minnesota to the Governer # *s A. Rep. N. J. St. Mus. *u Annual Report of the New Jersey State Museum # *s A. Rep. Neb. St. hort. Soc. *u Annual Report of the Nebraska State Horticultural Society # *s A. Rep. New York St. Museum *u New York State Museum. Annual Report # *s A. Rep. Quebec Soc. Prot. Pl. *u Annual Report of the Quebec Society for the Protection of Plants # *s A. Rep. Smithson. Instn. *u Report on the progress and condition of the U.S. National Museum (Smithsonian Institution) # *s A. Rep. State Bd Agric. *u Annual report of the State Board of Agriculture # *s A. Rep. U. S. Dep. Agric. *u Report of the Secretary of Agriculture, United States Department of Agriculture # *s A. Rep. agric. Exp. Stn, Univ. Maryland *u Annual report of the University of Maryland, Agricultural Experiment Station # *s A. Rep. ent. Soc. Ont. *u Annual Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario # *s A. Rep. natn. Inst. Genet., Mishima *u Annual Report of the National Institute of Genetics, Japan # *s A. Rep. scient. Wks Osaka Univ. *u Annual Report of Scientific Works, Faculty of Science, Osaka University # *s A. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. *u Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology # *s A. Rev. Ecol. System. *u Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics # *s A. Rev. Ent. *u Annual Review of Entomology # *s A. Rev. Genet. *u Annual Review of Genetics # *s A. Rev. Neurosci. *u Annual Review of Neuroscience # *s AGE *u AGE, Journal of the American Aging Association # *s Abh. Ber. Mus. Nat., Gotha *u Abhandlungen und Berichte des Museums der Natur Gotha # *s Abh. Delattinia *u Abhandlungen Delattinia # *s Abh. Karst- u. Hohlenk. *u Abhandlungen zur Karst- und Hohlenkunde # *s Abh. Naturkundemus. Gorlitz *u Abhandlungen und Berichte des Naturkundenmuseums Gorlitz # *s Abh. bayer. Akad. Wiss. Math.-naturw. Abt. *u Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Abteilung # *s Abh. braunschw. wiss. Ges. *u Abhandlungen der Braunschweigischen wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft # *s Abh. naturf. Ges. Gorlitz *u Abhandlungen und Berichte der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Gorlitz # *s Abh. naturw. Ver. Bremen *u Abhandlungen herausgegeben vom Naturwissenschaftlichen Verein zu Bremen # *s Abh. naturw. Ver. Schwaben *u Abhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins fur Schwaben und Neuburg # *s Abh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien *u Abhandlungen der Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien # *s Abstr. 10th Congress of Dipterology, Reno *u Abstracts of the 10th Congress of Dipterology, Reno # *s Abstr. All-India Cell Biol. Conf. 2 *u Abstracts. 2nd All-India Cell Biology Conference, University of Delhi, Delhi. # *s Abstr. Int. Congr. Dipterol. *u Abstract. International Congress of Dipterology # *s Abstr. Int. Congr. Dipterol. 1 *u Abstracts. First International Congress of Dipterology, Budapest # *s Abstr. Int. Congr. Dipterol. 2 *u Abstracts. Second International Congress of Dipterology, Bratislava # *s Abstr. Int. Congr. Genet. 10 *u Abstracts of the X International Congress of Genetics, Montreal, 1958 # *s Abstr. Int. Congr. Genet. 11 *u Abstracts. XI International Congress of Genetics # *s Abstr. Int. Congr. Genet. 8 *u Abstracts of the Eighth International Congress of Genetics, Stockholm, 7-14 July 1948 # *s Abstr. Int. Congr. Genet. 9 *u Abstracts. IX Congresso Internazionale di Genetica, Bellagio (Como) 24-31 Agosto 1953 # *s Abstr. Int. Congr. Syst. Evol. Biol. 2 *u Abstracts. Second international congress of systematic and evolutionary biology, Vancouver, Canada, July 17-24, 1980. # *s Acta Agric. Sloven. *u Acta Agriculturae Slovenica # *s Acta Amazon. *u Acta Amazonica (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia do Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas) # *s Acta Bot. Indica *u Acta Botanica Indica # *s Acta Cient. Compostelana *u Acta Cientifica Compostelana # *s Acta Ent. Sloven. *u Acta Entomologica Slovenica # *s Acta Entomol. Serbica *u Acta Entomologica Serbica # *s Acta Hortic. *u Acta Horticulturae # *s Acta Manilana *u Acta Manilana # *s Acta Med. leg. soc. *u Acta Medicinae Legalis et Socialis # *s Acta Mus. Siles. Sci. Nat. *u Acta Musei Silesiae, Scientiae Naturales # *s Acta Mycol. *u Acta Mycologica # *s Acta Neuropathol. *u Acta Neuropathologica # *s Acta Oecologica *u Acta Oecologica # *s Acta Oecol., Oecol. app. *u Acta oecologica. Oecologia applicata # *s Acta Oecol., Oecol. gen. *u Acta Oecologica. Oecologia generalis # *s Acta Scient. nat. Univ. Pekin. *u Acta Scientiarum naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis [Pei-Ching Ta Hsueh Pao, Tzu Jan'ko Hsueh] # *s Acta Soc. Fauna Flora fenn. *u Acta Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica # *s Acta Soc. Sci. fenn. *u Acta Societatis scientiarum Fennicae # *s Acta Trop. *u Acta Tropica # *s Acta Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendel. Brunens. *u Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis # *s Acta Univ. Carolinae *u Acta Universitatis Carolinae # *s Acta Univ. Ouluensis *u Acta Universitatis Ouluensis # *s Acta Univ. Presov., Fol. oecol. *u Acta Universitatis Presoviensis, Folia Oecologica # *s Acta Zool. Litu. *u Acta Zoologica Lituanica # *s Acta Zool. Mexicana *u Acta zoologica mexicana # *s Acta Zootaxon. Sin. *u Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica [Tung wu fen lei hsueh pao] # *s Acta agric. sloven. *u Acta agriculturae slovenica # *s Acta agron. hung. *u Acta Agronomica Hungarica # *s Acta biochim. biophys. Acad. Sci. hung. *u Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae # *s Acta biol. Cracov. *u Acta Biologica Cracoviensia [Polska Akademia Nauk Oddzial w Krakowie. Komisja Biologiczna] # *s Acta biol. Debrecin. *u Acta biologica Debrecina # *s Acta biol. colomb. *u Acta biologica colombiana # *s Acta biol. hung. *u Acta Biologica Hungarica # *s Acta biol. jugosl., Biosistematika *u Acta biologica jugoslavica # *s Acta biol. jugosl., Ekologija *u Acta biologica jugoslavica # *s Acta biol. jugosl., Genetika *u Acta biologica jugoslavica # *s Acta biol. med. exp. *u Acta biologiae et medicinae experimentalis # *s Acta biotheor. *u Acta Biotheoretica # *s Acta brev. sinens., Lond. *u Acta brevia Sinensia (British Council) # *s Acta cient. venez. *u Acta Cientifica Venezolana # *s Acta ent. Mus. natn. Pragae *u Acta entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae # *s Acta ent. bohemoslovaca *u Acta entomologica Bohemoslovaca # *s Acta ent. chil. *u Acta entomologica chilena # *s Acta ent. fenn. *u Acta entomologica Fennica # *s Acta ent. jugosl. *u Acta entomologica Jugoslavica # *s Acta ent. lituan. *u Acta entomologica Lituanica [Lietuvos entomolgu Draugija] # *s Acta ent. serbica *u Acta entomologica serbica # *s Acta ent. sin. *u Acta entomologica Sinica [K'un ch'ung hsueh pao] # *s Acta faun. ent. Mus. natn. Pragae *u Acta faunistica entomologica Musei nationalis Pragae [Sbornik faunistickych praci Entomologickeho oddeleni Narodniho Musea v Praze] # *s Acta genet. sin. *u Acta Genetica Sinica [I chu'an hsueh pao] # *s Acta scient., Maringa *u Acta scientiarum, Maringa # *s Acta zool. Acad. Sci. hung. *u Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae # *s Acta zool. Univ. Comen. *u Acta zoologica Universitatis Comenianae # *s Acta zool. bulg. *u Acta Zoologica bulgarica # *s Acta zool. fenn. *u Acta Zoologica Fennica # *s Acta zool. hung. *u Acta Zoologica Hungarica # *s Acta zool. sin. *u Acta Zoologica Sinica [Tung wu hsueh pao] # *s Acta zool., Stockh. *u Acta Zoologica # *s Actas Congr. Iber. Ent. *u Actas. Congreso Iberico de Entomologia # *s Adv. Ecol. Res. *u Advances in Ecological Research # *s Adv. Ent. *u Advances in Entomology # *s Adv. Genet. *u Advances in Genetics # *s Adv. Gerontol. Res. *u Advances in Gerontological Research # *s Adv. Parasitol. *u Advances in Parasitology # *s Adv. Parasitol. *u Advances in Parasitology # *s Adv. Sci. *u Advancement of Science # *s Adv. Virus Res. *u Advances in Virus Research # *s Adv. exp. Med. Biol. *u Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology # *s Aerosp. Med. *u Aerospace Medicine # *s Aerztl. Forsch. *u Aerztliche Forschung # *s Afr. Ent. *u African Entomology # *s Afr. Study Monogr. *u African Study Monographs (Research Committee for African Area Studies) # *s African Crop Sci. J. *u African Crop Science Journal # *s African Invert. *u African Invertebrates # *s Aging Brain *u Aging Brain # *s Agraroekologie *u Agraroekologie [Agricultural Engineering] # *s Agric. Bull. Bermuda *u Agricultural Bulletin. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Bermuda # *s Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. *u Agricultural Ecosystems and Environment # *s Agric. Food Sci. *u Agricultural Food Science # *s Agric. Forest Entomol. *u Agricultural and Forest Entomology # *s Agric. Gaz. N. S. W. *u Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales # *s Agric. Res. Rev., Cairo *u Agricultural Research Review # *s Agric. Res., India *u Agricultural Research, India # *s Agricult. Devel. *u Agriculture for Development # *s Agricult. Forestry *u Agriculture and Forestry # *s Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus *u Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus # *s Agriculture & Forestry *u Agriculture & Forestry # *s Agro Sur *u Agro sur # *s Agrociencia *u Agrociencia # *s Agropecuaria catarinense *u Agropecuaria catarinense # *s Akitu *u Akitu (Takeuchi Entomological Laboratory, Shinomiya Yamashina) # *s Alcoholism, Clin. Exp. Res. *u Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research # *s Alexandria J. agric. Res. *u Alexandria Journal of Agricultural Research # *s Aliso *u Aliso # *s All-India Congr. Zool. 1 *u Proceedings of the 1st All-India Congress of Zoology # *s Allattani Kozl. *u Allattani kozlemenyek # *s Allg. Z. Ent. *u Allgemeine Zeitschrift fur Entomologie # *s Allg. dtsch. naturh. Ztg *u Allgemeine deutsche naturhistorische Zeitung # *s Alpine Ent. *u Alpine Entomology # *s Am. Biol. Teach. *u American Biology Teacher # *s Am. Inst. Biol. Sci. Symp. *u American Institute of Biological Sciences Symposia # *s Am. J. Bot. *u American Journal of Botany # *s Am. J. Enol. Vitic. *u American Journal of Enology and Viticulture # *s Am. J. Physiol. *u American Journal of Physiology # *s Am. J. Physiol. Regul. Integr. Compar. Physiol. *u American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology # *s Am. J. Sci. *u American Journal of Science # *s Am. J. Sci. Arts *u American Journal of Science and Arts # *s Am. J. hum. Genet. *u American Journal of Human Genetics # *s Am. J. phys. Anthrop. *u American Journal of Physical Anthropology # *s Am. J. trop. Med. *u American Journal of Tropical Medicine # *s Am. J. trop. Med. Hyg. *u American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene # *s Am. Midl. Nat. *u American Midland Naturalist # *s Am. Mus. Novit. *u American Museum Novitates # *s Am. Nat. *u American Naturalist # *s Am. Psychol. *u American Psychologist # *s Am. Scient. *u American Scientist # *s Am. Zool. *u American Zoologist # *s Amat. Ent. *u Amateur Entomologist # *s Ambio *u Ambio (Kungliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademien) # *s America Latina 2001 *u America Latina 2001 (Revista latinoamericana de ciencias, tecnologia y futurologia) # *s An. Biol. *u Anales de biologia # *s An. Esc. nac. Cien. biol., Mex. *u Anales de la Escuela nacional de ciencias Biologicas Mexico # *s An. Estac. exp. Aula Dei *u Anales de la Estacion experimental de Aula Dei # *s An. Inst. Biol. Univ. Mex. *u Anales del Instituto de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico # *s An. Inst. Biol. Univ. Mex., Ser. biol. exp. *u Anales del Instituto de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico # *s An. Inst. Patagonia *u Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia # *s An. Mus. Hist. nat. Valparaiso *u Anales del Museo de Historia Natural de Valparaiso # *s An. Mus. nac. B. Aires *u Anales del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires # *s An. Soc. cient. argent. *u Anales de la Sociedad cientifica Argentina # *s An. Soc. esp. Hist. nat. *u Anales de la Sociedad espanola de historia natural # *s An. Univ. Chile *u Anales de la Universidad de Chile # *s Anais Acad. bras. Cienc. *u Anais da Academia brasileira de ciencias # *s Anais Acad. bras. Sci. *u Anais da Academia brasileira de sciencias # *s Anais Congr. LatinoAm. Zool. *u Anais do Congresso Latinoamericano de Zoologia # *s Anais Inst. sup. Agron., Lisboa *u Anais do Instituto superior de Agronomia # *s Anais Soc. ent. bras. *u Anais de Reuniao Anual. Sociedade Brasiliera de entomologia # *s Anat. Anz. *u Anatomischer Anzeiger # *s Anat. Rec. *u Anatomical Record # *s Angew. Parasitol. *u Angewandte Parasitologie # *s Anhembi *u Anhembi # *s Anim. Behav. *u Animal Behaviour # *s Ann. Agrar. Sci. *u Annals of Agrarian Science # *s Ann. Agric. exp. Stn Gov.-Gen. Chosen *u Annals. Agricultural Experiment Station. Government-General of Chosen # *s Ann. Biol. *u Annals of Biology # *s Ann. Bogor. *u Annales Bogorienses # *s Ann. Bot. *u Annals of Botany # *s Ann. Carneg. Mus. *u Annals of the Carnegie Museum # *s Ann. Eastern Cape Mus. *u Annals of the Eastern Cape Museums # *s Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. *u Annals and Magazine of Natural History # *s Ann. Mo. bot. Gdn *u Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden # *s Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. *u Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences # *s Ann. Natal Mus. *u Annals of the Natal Museum # *s Ann. Scot. nat. Hist. *u Annals of Scottish Natural History # *s Ann. Zool., Agra *u Annals of Zoology # *s Ann. appl. Biol. *u Annals of Applied Biology # *s Ann. ent. Soc. Am. *u Annals of the Entomological Society of America # *s Ann. nat. Hist. *u Annals of Natural History # *s Annali Agric. *u Annali di agricultura # *s Annali Mus. civ. Stor. nat., Genova *u Annali del Museo civico di storia naturale, Genova # *s Annee biol. *u L'Annee biologique. Comptes Rendus Annuels des Travaux de Biologie Generale # *s Annln naturh. Mus. Wien *u Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien # *s Annls Acad. Sci. fenn. *u Suomalainen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia [Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae] # *s Annls Biol. anim. Biochem. Biophys. *u Annales de Biologique animale, Biochemie, Biophysique # *s Annls Epiphyt. *u Annales des epiphyties # *s Annls Fac. Sci. Univ. Aristotelienne de Thessaloniki *u Annales de la Faculte des Sciences de l'Universite Aristotelienne de Thessaloniki # *s Annls Genet. *u Annales de Genetique # *s Annls Inst. Pasteur *u Annales de l'Institut Pasteur # *s Annls Jard. bot. Buitenz. *u Annales du Jardin botanique de Buitenzorg # *s Annls Microbiol. *u Annales de Microbiologie # *s Annls Mus. r. Afr. cent. *u Annales. Musee Royale de l'Afrique Centrale # *s Annls Nutr. Aliment. *u Annales de la Nutrition et de l'Alimentation # *s Annls Sci. nat., Zool. Biol. anim. *u Annales des sciences naturelles. Zoologie (et biologie animale) # *s Annls Soc. ent. Belg. *u Annales de la Societe entomologique de belgique # *s Annls Soc. ent. Fr. *u Annales de la Societe entomologique de France # *s Annls Soc. ent. France *u Annales de la Societe entomologique de France # *s Annls Soc. ent. France (N.S.) *u Annales de la Societe entomologique de France. Nouvelle Serie # *s Annls Soc. linn. Lyon *u Annales de la Societe linneenne de Lyon # *s Annls Soc. r. zool. Belg. *u Annales de la Societe royale zoologique de Belgique # *s Annls Soc. scient. Bruxelles *u Annales de la Societe scientifique de Bruxelles # *s Annls Univ. Abidjan *u Annales de l'Universite d'Abidjan # *s Annls Univ. Brazzaville *u Annales de l'Universite de Brazzaville # *s Annls Univ. Lyon *u Annales de l'Universite de Lyon, # *s Annls Univ. Scient. bpest. Rolando Eotvos, Sect. Biol. *u Annales Universitatis scientarium budapestinensis de Rolando Eotvos nominatae. Sectio biologica # *s Annls Virol. Inst. Pasteur *u Annales de virologie l'Institut Pasteur # *s Annls embryol. morphogen. *u Annales d'embryologie et de morphogenese # *s Annls ent. Soc. Quebec *u Annales de la Societe Entomologique du Quebec # *s Annls ent. fenn. *u Annales entomologici Fennici [Suomen hyonteistieteellinen aikakauskirja] # *s Annls hist.-nat. Mus. natn. hung. *u Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici [Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum evkonyve] # *s Annls zool. fenn. *u Annales Zoologici Fennicae [Suomalaisen elainja kasvitieteellisen seuran vanamon julkaisuja] # *s Annls zool., Warsz. *u Annales zoologici, Warszawa # *s Annls zool.-ecol. animale *u Annales de zoologie-ecologie animale # *s Annotnes zool. bot. *u Annotationes zoologicae et botanicae # *s Annotnes zool. jpn. *u Annotationes Zoologicae japonensis [Nihon dobutsugaku iho] # *s Antenna *u Antenna # *s Antonie van Leeuwenhoek *u Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek (Nederlandsch tijdschrift voor hygiene, microbiologie em serologie) # *s Anz. Schadlingsk. *u Anzeiger fur Schadlingskunde # *s Apidologie *u Apidologie (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Institute fur Bienenforschung) # *s Apoptosis *u Apoptosis. An international journal on programmed cell death. # *s Appl. Ecol. environm. Res. *u Applied Ecology and environmental Research # *s Appl. Ent. Zool. *u Applied Entomology and Zoology [Translation edition of Nihon oyo Dobutsu Konchu Gakkaishi] # *s Appl. Methods Oncol. *u Applied methods in oncology # *s Appl. Microbiol. *u Applied Microbiology # *s Appl. Sci. *u Applied Sciences # *s Appl. environ. Microbiol. *u Applied and Environmental Microbiology # *s Aquar. J. *u Aquarium Journal # *s Aquarium, Hilversum *u Aquarium # *s Aquilo, Ser. Zool. *u Aquilo. Seria Zoologica # *s Arab. J. Sci. Eng. *u Arabian Journal of Science and Engineering [al-Majallah al-'Arabiyah lil-'ulum wa-al-handasah] # *s Arb. morph. taxon. Ent. Berl. *u Arbeiten uber morphologische und taxonomische Entomologie aus Berlin-Dahlem # *s Arbor, Madr. *u Arbor (Revista generale de Consejo superiore de investigaciones cientificas) # *s Arch. Anat. micr. Morph. exp. *u Archives d'Anatomie microscopique et de Morphologie experimentale # *s Arch. Biochem. *u Archives of Biochemistry # *s Arch. Biochem. Biophys. *u Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics # *s Arch. Biol. *u Archives de Biologie # *s Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade *u Archives of Biological Science [English translation edition of Arhiv bioloskih nauka] # *s Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. *u Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology # *s Arch. Freunde NatGesch. Mecklenb. *u Archiv der Freunde der Naturgeschichte in Mecklenburg # *s Arch. Genet. *u Archiv fur Genetik # *s Arch. Gerontol. Geriatr. *u Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics # *s Arch. Geschwulstforsch. *u Archiv fur Geschwultsforschung # *s Arch. Hydrobiol. *u Archiv fur Hydrobiologie # *s Arch. Hyg. Bakt. *u Archiv fur Hygiene und Bakteriologie # *s Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. *u Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology # *s Arch. Inst. Pasteur Alger. *u Archives de l'Institut Pasteur d'Algerie # *s Arch. Inst. Pasteur Tunis *u Archives de l'Institut Pasteur de Tunis # *s Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochim. *u Archives Internationales de Physiologie et de Biochimie # *s Arch. Klaus-Stift. VererbForsch. *u Archiv der Julius Klaus-Stiftung fur Vererbungsforschung, Sozialanthropologie und Rassenhygiene. # *s Arch. Koffiecult. *u Archief voor de Koffiecultuur in Nederlandsch-Indie # *s Arch. Naturgesch. *u Archiv fur Naturgeschichte # *s Arch. Philos. *u Archives de philosophie # *s Arch. Sci. physiol. *u Archives des Sciences Physiologique # *s Arch. Toxicol. *u Archives of Toxicology # *s Arch. Virol. *u Archives of Virology # *s Arch. Zool. exp. gen. *u Archives de zoologie experimentale et generale # *s Arch. biol. hung. *u Archiva Biologica Hungarica # *s Arch. neerl. Zool. *u Archives neerlandaises de zoologie # *s Arch. prirodov. Vyzk. Cech *u Archiv pro Prirodovedecky Vyzkum Cech [ Archiv fur die naturwissenschaftliche Landesdurchforschung von Bohmen] # *s Arch. zool. ital. *u Archivio zoologico Italiano # *s Archos Biol. Med. exp., Chile *u Archivos de Biologia y Medicina experimentales # *s Archos Inst. Biol. veg., Rio de J. *u Archivos do Instituto de biologia vegetal # *s Archos Mus. parana. *u Arquivos do Museu Paranaense # *s Archos Zootecnia *u Archivos de zootecnia # *s Arh. biol. Nauka, Beograd *u Arhiv bioloskih nauka # *s Ark. Zool. *u Arkiv for Zoologi # *s Aroideana *u Aroideana # *s Arq. Brasil. Med. Vet. Zootec. *u Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinaria e Zootecnia # *s Arq. Inst. Biol. *u Archivos do Instituto Biologico # *s Arq. Mus. Bocage *u Arquivos do Museu Bocage # *s Arq. Mus. Bocage. Ext. cult. ensino *u Arquivos do Museu Bocage. Extensao, cultural e ensino # *s Arthrop. fauna UAE *u Arhtropod fauna of the UAE # *s Arthropod Managem. Tests *u Arthropod Management Tests # *s Arthropod Struct. Dev. *u Arthropod Structure & Development # *s Arthropod Syst. Phyl. *u Arthropod Systematics and Phylogeny # *s Arthropod-Plant Interactions *u Arthropod-Plant Interactions # *s Arthropoda *u Arthropoda (Organo oficial de la Asociacion argentina de artopodologia) # *s Aspects Appl. Biol. *u Aspects of Applied Biology # *s Ass. Systematic Collns Newslett. *u Association of Systematic Collections Newsletter # *s Ateneo Parmense *u L'Ateneo Parmense # *s Atlantic Mon. *u Atlantic Monthly # *s Atoll Res. Bull. *u Atoll Research Bulletin # *s Atompraxis *u Atompraxis (Internationale Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaft und Technik) # *s Atti Accad. Sci. Ist. Bologna, Mem. *u Atti della Accademia delle Scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna. Memorie. Classe di scienze fisiche # *s Atti Accad. naz. Lincei, Mem. *u Atti dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Memorie. Sezione IIIa. Botanica, Zoologia, fisiologia, patalogia # *s Atti Accad. naz. Lincei, Rc. *u Atti dell'Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti. Classe di scienze fisiche, matematiche e naturali # *s Atti Ass. Genet. ital. *u Atti dell'Associazione genetica italiana # *s Atti Congr. naz. Ital. Ent. *u Atti del Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia # *s Atti Convegni Lincei *u Atti dei convegni Lincei # *s Atti Ist. veneto Sci. *u Atti dell'Istituto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti # *s Atti Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Trieste *u Atti del Museo civico di storia naturale di Trieste # *s Atti Soc. ital. Sci. nat. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Milano *u Atti della Societa italiana di Science naturali e del Museo civico di Storia naturale in Milano # *s Atti Soc. veneto-trent. Sci. nat. *u Atti della Societa veneto-trentina di Scienze naturali residente in Padova # *s Aust. J. Ecol. *u Australian Journal of Ecology # *s Aust. J. Entomol. *u Australian Journal of Entomology # *s Aust. J. Sci. *u Australian Journal of Science # *s Aust. J. Zool. *u Australian Journal of Zoology # *s Aust. J. biol. Sci. *u Australian Journal of Biological Sciences # *s Aust. J. exp. Agric. & Anim. Husb. *u Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture and Animal Husbandry # *s Aust. Zool. *u Australian Zoologist # *s Aust. ent. Mag. *u Australian Entomological Magazine # *s Austral Ecol. *u Austral Ecology # *s Austral Ent. *u Austral Entomology # *s BMC Biochem. *u BMC Biochemistry # *s BMC Bioinformatics *u BMC Bioinformatics # *s BMC Biol. *u BMC Biology # *s BMC Ecol. *u BMC Ecology # *s BMC Ecol. Evol. *u BMC Ecology and Evolution # *s BMC Evol. Biol. *u BMC Evolutionary Biology # *s BMC Genet. *u BMC Genetics # *s BMC Genomics *u BMC Genomics # *s Badische Zeitung *u Badische Zeitung # *s Basic appl. Ecol. *u Basic and Applied Ecology # *s Basrah J. Agric. Sci. *u Basrah Journal of Agricultural Sciences # *s Bayero J. pure appl. Sci. *u Bayero Journal of pure and applied Sciences # *s Behav. Genet. *u Behavior Genetics # *s Behav. Res., Methods & Instrumentation *u Behavior Research, Methods and Instrumentation # *s Behaviour *u Behaviour # *s Behavl Biol. *u Behavioral Biology # *s Behavl Ecol. *u Behavioral Ecology # *s Behavl Ecol. Sociobiol. *u Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology # *s Behavl Neural Biol. *u Behavioral and Neural Biology # *s Behavl Neurosci. *u Behavioral Neuroscience # *s Behavl Processes *u Behavioural Processes # *s Behavl Sci. *u Behavioral Science # *s Beitr. Ent. *u Beitrage zur Entomologie # *s Beitr. Landespflege Rheinland-Pfalz *u Beitrage der Landespflege Rheinland-Pfalz # *s Beitr. Naturkunde Osthessen *u Beitrage zur Naturkunde Osthessen # *s Beitr. bayer. Entomofaunistik *u Beitrage zur bayerischen Entomofaunistik # *s Belg. J. Zool. *u Belgian Journal of Zoology # *s Ber. Annaberg-Buchholzer Ver. Naturk. *u Bericht uber den Annaberg-Buchholzer Verein fur Naturkunde # *s Ber. Ldw. *u Berichte uber Landwirtschaft # *s Ber. Offb. Ver. Naturk. *u Berichte des Offenbacher Vereins fur Naturkunde # *s Ber. Tat. naturw. Ges. Isis *u Bericht uber die Tatigkeit der Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Isis # *s Ber. Vers. dtsch. Naturf. Aerzte *u Berichte der Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte # *s Ber. dtsch. bot. Ges. *u Bericht der Deutsche Botanischen Gesellschaft # *s Ber. naturf. Ges. Bamberg *u Bericht der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bamberg # *s Ber. naturw. Ver. Schwaben *u Bericht des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins fur Schwaben # *s Bergcultures *u De Bergcultures (Officieel orgaan van het Algemeen Landbouw Syndicaat) # *s Berita Biologi *u Berita Biologi # *s Berl. ent. Z. *u Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift # *s Bernice P. Bishop Mus., Spec. Publs *u Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Publication # *s Bijdr. Dierk. *u Bijdragen tot de dierkunde # *s BioControl *u BioControl. Journal of the International Organization for Biological Control # *s BioControl Sci. Technol. *u BioControl Science and Technology # *s BioEssays *u BioEssays # *s BioScience *u BioScience # *s Bioacoustics *u Bioacoustics # *s Biochem. Genet. *u Biochemical Genetics # *s Biochem. J. *u Biochemical Journal # *s Biochem. Pharmacol. *u Biochemical Pharmacology # *s Biochem. Soc. Trans. *u Biochemical Society Transactions # *s Biochem. Syst. Ecol. *u Biochemical Systematics and Ecology # *s Biochim. biophys. Acta *u Biochimica Biophysica Acta # *s Biocontrol News Inf. *u Biocontrol News and Information # *s Biodiv. Data J. *u Biodiversity Data Journal # *s Biodiv. J. *u Biodiversity Journal # *s Biodiv. Sci. *u Biodiversity Science # *s Biodiversitatis *u Biodiversitatis # *s Biodiversity Conservation *u Biodiversity and Conservation # *s Bioelectromagnetics *u Bioelectromagnetics # *s Biogerontology *u Biogerontology # *s Biol. Beitr. *u Biologische Beitrage # *s Biol. Bull., Wood's Hole *u Biological Bulletin, Wood's Hole # *s Biol. Cell *u Biology of the Cell # *s Biol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler *u Biological Chemistry Hoppe-Seyler # *s Biol. Comport. *u Biologie du Comportement [Biology of Behaviour] # *s Biol. Conservation *u Biological Conservation # *s Biol. Control *u Biological Control; Theory and applications in pest management # *s Biol. Control Inf. Bull. *u Biological Control Information Bulletin # *s Biol. Cybern. *u Biological Cybernetics # *s Biol. Gallo-Hellen. *u Biologia Gallo-Hellenica # *s Biol. Invasions *u Biological Invasions # *s Biol. J. Linn. Soc. *u Biological Journal of the Linnean Society # *s Biol. J. Okayama Univ. *u Biological Journal of Okayama University # *s Biol. Jaarb. *u Biologisch Jaarboeck # *s Biol. Lett. *u Biology Letters # *s Biol. Res. *u Biological Research # *s Biol. Rev., Cambr. *u Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society # *s Biol. Rhythm Res. *u Biological Rhythm Research # *s Biol. Symp. *u Biological Symposia # *s Biol. Zentbl. *u Biologisches Zentralblatt # *s Biol. Zh. *u Biologicheskii Zhurnal [Journal de Biologie; Zeitschrift fur Biologie] # *s Biol. Zh. Armenii *u Biologicheskii zhurnal Armenii [Hayastani kensabanakan handes] # *s Biol. uns. Zeit *u Biologie in unserer Zeit # *s Biolog. Control *u Biological Control # *s Biologia *u Biologia # *s Biologia Gabonica *u Biologia Gabonica # *s Biologia gen. *u Biologia generalis (Archiv fur die allgemeinen Fragen de Lebensforschung) # *s Biologia, Bratisl. *u Biologia (Casopis Slovenskej akademie vied) # *s Biologia, Lahore *u Biologia (Biological Society of Pakistan) # *s Biologica, Santiago *u Biologica (Trabajos del Instituto Biologia de la Facultad de Biologia y Ciencias Medicas de la Universidad de Chile) # *s Biologico *u O Biologico # *s Biology Bull. *u Biology Bulletin # *s Biometeorology *u Biometeorology (International Biometeorological Congress) # *s Biometr. Bull. *u Biometrics Bulletin # *s Biometrics *u Biometrics # *s Bionature *u Bionature # *s Biophys. J. *u Biophysical Journal # *s Biophysics *u Biophysics # *s Biopolymers *u Biopolymers # *s Biosystema *u Biosystema # *s Biosystematica *u Biosystematica # *s Biota neotrop. *u Biota neotropica # *s Biotemas *u Biotemas # *s Biotropica *u Biotropica # *s Biovigyanam *u Biovigyanam # *s Bishop Mus. Bull. Ent. *u Bishop Museum Bulletin in Entomology # *s Bishop Mus. Occ. Pap. *u Bishop Museum Occasional Papers # *s Bishop Mus. Tech. Rep. *u Bishop Museum Technical Report # *s Bocagiana *u Bocagiana # *s Bohemia centralis *u Bohemia centralis # *s Boll. Ass. romana Ent. *u Bollettino dell'Associazione romana di entomologia # *s Boll. Comiz. agr. parmense *u Bollettino del Comizio Agrario Parmense # *s Boll. Ist. Ent. Univ. Bologna *u Bollettino dell'Istituto di entomologia della reale Universita degli studi di Bologna # *s Boll. Lab. Zool. gen. agr. Portici *u Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia generale e agraria della Reale Scuola superiore d'agricoltura in Portici # *s Boll. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Venezia *u Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Venezia # *s Boll. Musei Zool. Anat. comp. r. Univ. Torino *u Bollettino dei Musei di Zoologica e di Anatomia Comparata della reale Universita di Torino # *s Boll. Soc. ent. ital. *u Bollettino della Societa entomologica italiana # *s Boll. Soc. ital. Biol. sper. *u Bollettino della Societa italiana Biologica Sperimentale # *s Boll. Zool. *u Bollettino di Zoologia # *s Boll. Zool. agr. bachic., Milano *u Bollettino di zoologia agraria e di bachicoltura # *s Bolm Fac. Filos. Cienc. S. Paulo *u Boletim Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciencias e Letras, Universidade de Sao Paulo # *s Bolm Inst. Cienc. nat., Rio Grande do Sul *u Boletim. Instituto de Ciencias naturais. Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul # *s Bolm Mus. munic. Funchal *u Boletim do Museu municipal do Funchal # *s Bolm Mus. para. Emilio Goeldi *u Boletim do Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi # *s Bolm Parque Nacional Itatiaia *u Boletim Parque Nacional Itatiaia # *s Bolm Pernambuco Sec. Agric. Ind. Comerc. *u Boletim. Pernambuco. Secretaria de Agricultura, Industria e Comercio # *s Bolm Soc. bras. Genet. *u Boletim. Sociedade Brasiliera de Genetica # *s Bolm Soc. port. Cienc. nat. *u Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciencias Naturais # *s Bolm Soc. port. Ent. *u Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Entomologia # *s Bolm Zool. Biol. mar. *u Boletim de zoologia e biologia marinha # *s Boln Asoc. esp. Ent. *u Boletin de la Asociacion Espanola de Entomologia # *s Boln BIGA *u Boletin BIGA # *s Boln Cienc. nat. *u Boletin de ciencias de la naturaleza (Instituto de Estudios Asturianos) # *s Boln Mus. Ent. Univ. Valle *u Boletin Mus. Ent. Univ. Valle # *s Boln Mus. Hist. nat. Javier Prado *u Boletin del Museo de historia natural 'Javier Prado' # *s Boln Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. (Santiago) *u Boletin del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural # *s Boln SEA *u Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa # *s Boln Serv. Plagas *u Boletin. Servicio de Defensa contra Plagas e Inspeccion Fitopatologica. # *s Boln Soc. Biol. Concepcion *u Boletin de la Sociedad de Biologia de Concepcion # *s Boln Soc. Biol. Santiago *u Boletin de la Sociedad de biologia de Santiago de Chile # *s Boln Soc. Hist. nat. Balears *u Boletin de la Sociedad de historia natural de Balears # *s Boln Soc. ent. Esp. *u Boletin de la Sociedad Entomologica de Espana # *s Boln Soc. esp. Hist. nat. *u Boletin de la Real Sociedad espanola de historia natural # *s Boln Soc. venez. Cienc. nat. *u Boletin de la Sociedad venezolana de ciencias naturales # *s Boln pan-am. Sanid. *u Boletin de la Oficina Sanitaria Pan-americana # *s Bonn. zool. Beitr. *u Bonner zoologische Beitrage # *s Bot. Acta *u Botanica Acta # *s Bot. Gaz. *u Botanical Gazette # *s Bot. J. Linn. Soc. *u Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society # *s Bot. Jb. *u Botanische Jahrbucher fur Systematik, Pflanzengeschichte und Pflanzengeographie # *s Bot. Rev. *u Botanical Review # *s Botany *u Botany # *s Bothalia *u Bothalia African Biodiversity & Conservation # *s Botyu-kagaku *u Botyu-kagaku [Scientific Insect Pest Control, Bulletin of the Institute of Pest Control, Kyoto University] # *s Br. J. Ent. Nat. Hist. *u British Journal of Entomology and Natural History # *s Br. J. exp. Biol. *u British Journal of Experimental Biology # *s Bragantia *u Bragantia # *s Brain Res. *u Brain Research # *s Brain, Behav. Evol. *u Brain, Behavior and Evolution # *s Braunschw. naturkdl. Schr. *u Braunschweiger naturkundliche Schriften # *s Braz. Arch. Biol. Technol. *u Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology # *s Braz. J. Biol. *u Brazilian Journal of Biology # *s Braz. J. Genet. *u Brazilian Journal of Genetics [Revista brasileira de genetica] # *s Braz. J. Microbiol. *u Brazilian Journal of Microbiology # *s Braz. J. morphol. Sci. *u Brazilian Journal of morphological Sciences # *s Brenesia *u Brenesia # *s Brno Moravske Muz. Cas. Vedy Prirodn. *u Brno, Moravske Muzeum. Casopis vedy Prirodni [Acta Musei Moraviae, Scientiae naturales] # *s Brookhaven Symp. Biol. *u Brookhaven Symposium in Biology # *s Broteria *u Broteria (Revista de sciencias naturaes do Collegio de S. Fiel). # *s Bul. Soc. Sti. Buc. *u Buletinul Societatii de Stiinte din Bucuresti # *s Bulg. J. Agric. Sci. *u Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science # *s Bull. Acad. malgache *u Bulletin de l'Academie Malgache # *s Bull. Acad. pol. Sci. *u Bulletin de l'Academie polonaise des Sciences. # *s Bull. Acad. serbe Sci. Arts, Cl. Sci. math. nat. *u Bulletin de l'Academie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts, Classe des Sciences mathematiques et naturelles # *s Bull. Am. Mus. nat. Hist. *u Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History # *s Bull. Annls Soc. r. Belg. Ent. *u Bulletin et Annales de la Societe royale belge d'entomologie # *s Bull. Annls Soc. r. ent. Belg. *u Bulletin et Annales de la Societe royale entomologique de Belgique # *s Bull. Arizona Exp. St. *u Bulletin of the Arizona Experimental Station # *s Bull. Ass. Nat. Vallee Loing Massif Fontainebleau *u Bulletin de l'association des Naturalistes de la Vallee du Loing et du Massif de Fontainebleau # *s Bull. Ass. S. E. Biol. *u Bulletin of the Association of South Eastern Biologists # *s Bull. Ass. philomath. Als. Lorr. *u Bulletin. Association Philomathique d'Alsace et de Lorraine # *s Bull. Bd Commnrs Agric. For., Hawaii Div. Ent. *u Bulletin. Hawaii Territory. Division of Entomology. Board of Commissioners of Agriculture and Forestry # *s Bull. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. *u Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin # *s Bull. Biol. Fr. Belg. *u Bulletin biologique de la France et de la Belgique # *s Bull. Biol. Med. exp. URSS *u Bulletin de Biologie et de Medecine Experimentale de l'URSS [French translation edition of Biulletin Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny] # *s Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist. *u Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) # *s Bull. Br. Mycol. Soc. *u Bulletin of the British Mycological Society # *s Bull. Brooklyn ent. Soc. *u Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society # *s Bull. Bur. Bio-Technol. *u Bulletin of the Bureau of Bio-Technology # *s Bull. Can. Dep. Agric. *u Farmer's Bulletin. Department of Agriculture, Canada # *s Bull. Conn. St. geol. nat. Hist. Surv. *u Bulletin. Connecticut State Geological and Natural History Survey # *s Bull. Dep. Agric. & Commerce, Imp. Pl. Quarant. Stn *u Bulletin. Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Imperial Plant Quarantine Station # *s Bull. Dep. Agric. Cyprus, Ent. Ser. *u Bulletin. Department of Agriculture, Cyprus. Entomological Series # *s Bull. Dep. Agric. F. M. S. *u Bulletin. Department of Agriculture, Straits Settlements and Federated Malay States # *s Bull. Dep. Agric. Mauritius *u Bulletin. Department of Agriculture, Mauritius # *s Bull. Dep. Agric. N. Z. *u Bulletin. Department of Agriculture, New Zealand # *s Bull. Ecol. *u Bulletin d'ecologie # *s Bull. Ent. Res. *u Bulletin of Entomological Research # *s Bull. Ent. Soc. Malta *u Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Malta # *s Bull. Environ. Conserv., Shinshu Univ. *u Bulletin of Environmental Conservation. Shinshu University # *s Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. *u Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology # *s Bull. Europ. Drosophila Pop. Biol. Group *u Bulletin of the European Drosophila Population Biology Group # *s Bull. Exp. Stn Hawaii Sugar Plant. Ass., Ent. Ser. *u Bulletin of the Experimental Station, Hawaii. Sugar Plantation Association. Entomological Series # *s Bull. Fac. Agric. Ain Shams Univ. *u Bulletin, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University # *s Bull. Ia agric. Exp. Stn *u Bulletin of the Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station # *s Bull. Ill. St. Lab. nat. Hist. *u Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History # *s Bull. Insectol. *u Bulletin of Insectology # *s Bull. Inst. Basic Sci., Inha Univ. *u Bulletin of the Institute of Basic Science, Inha University [Kicho Kwahak Yonguso nonmunjip. Inha Taehakkyo] # *s Bull. Inst. Environ. Sci. Tech. Yokohama Natn Univ. *u Yokohama Kokuritsu Daigaku Kankyo Kagaku Kenkyu Senta kiyo [Bulletin: Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Yokohama National University] # *s Bull. Inst. Nature Educ., Shiga Heights *u Bulletin. Institute of Nature Education in Shiga Heights [Shiha Shizen Kyoiku Kenkyu Shisetsu Kenyku Gyoseki] # *s Bull. Inst. Sci. Ind., Melb. *u Bulletin of the Institute of Science and Industry # *s Bull. Inst. Scient., Univ. Mohammed, Rabat *u Bulletin. Institut Scientifique Universite Mohammed V [Jami'at Muhammad al-Khamis. Ma'had al-'Ilmi] # *s Bull. Inst. Zool., Acad. Sin., Taiwan *u Bulletin of the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica [Tung wu yen chiu so chi k'an] # *s Bull. Inst. r. Sci. nat. Belg. *u Bulletin de l'Institut royale des sciences naturelles de Belgique [Bulletin van het Koninklijk belgisch instituut voor natuurwetenschappen] # *s Bull. Ky agric. Exp. Stn *u Bulletin of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station # *s Bull. Md agric. Exp. Stn *u Bulletin of the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station # *s Bull. Me agric. Exp. Stn *u Bulletin of the Maine Agricultural Experiment Station # *s Bull. Murithienne *u Bulletin de la Murithienne # *s Bull. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris *u Bulletin du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle # *s Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. nat. Paris *u Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle # *s Bull. Mus. comp. Zool., Harv. *u Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard # *s Bull. Mus. r. Hist. nat. Belg. *u Bulletin du Musee Royale d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique # *s Bull. N. J. Acad. Sci. *u Bulletin of the New Jersey Academy of Sciences # *s Bull. N. J. agric. Exp. Stn *u Bulletin of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station # *s Bull. N. M. Acad. Sci. *u Bulletin. New Mexico Academy of Science # *s Bull. N. Y. Acad. Med. *u Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine # *s Bull. N. Z. Dep. Scient. Indust. Res. *u Bulletin of the New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research # *s Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. B *u Environmental Pollution # *s Bull. OEPP/EPPO Bull. *u Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin # *s Bull. Okayama Univ. Sci. *u Bulletin of Okayama University of Science. [Okayama Rika Daigaku Kiyo] # *s Bull. Psychol., Paris *u Bulletin de psychologie # *s Bull. Res. Coun. Israel *u Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel # *s Bull. Shimane Univ. *u Bulletin of the Shimane University (Natural Science) # *s Bull. Soc. Ecophysiol. *u Bulletin d'Ecophysiologie # *s Bull. Soc. Fouad Ent. *u Bulletin de la Societe Fouad I. d'Entomologie # *s Bull. Soc. Hist. nat. Toulouse *u Bulletin de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse # *s Bull. Soc. Nat., Moscou *u Bulletin de la Societe des naturalistes de Moscou # *s Bull. Soc. Sci. hist. nat. Yonne *u Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences Historiques et naturelles de l'Yonne # *s Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc *u Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences naturelles du Maroc # *s Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte *u Bulletin de la Societe entomologique d'Egypte [Majalat al-Jam'iyah al-Misriyah li-'Ilm al-Hasharat] # *s Bull. Soc. ent. Egypte. Ser. Econ. *u Bulletin de la Societe entomologique d'Egypte, Series Economique # *s Bull. Soc. ent. Fr. *u Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France # *s Bull. Soc. mycol. Fr. *u Bulletin de la Societe Mycologique de France # *s Bull. Soc. neuchatel. Sci. nat. *u Bulletin de la Societe Neuchateloise des Sciences naturelles # *s Bull. Soc. r. belge Ent. *u Bulletin de la Societe royale belge d'Entomologie # *s Bull. Soc. zool. Fr. *u Bulletin de la Societe Zoologique de France # *s Bull. Sounkyo Mus. Nat. Hist. *u Bulletin of the Sounkyo Museum of Natural History # *s Bull. Sugadaira Mont. Res. Cent. Univ. Tsukuba *u Bulletin of the Sugadaira Montane Research Center, Tsukuba University [Tsukuba Daigaku Sugadaire Kogen Jikken Senta Kenkyu Hokoku] # *s Bull. Tokyo Gakugei Univ. Div. nat. Sci. *u Bulletin of the Tokyo Gakugei University, Division of natural Sciences # *s Bull. Torrey bot. Club *u Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club # *s Bull. U. S. Bur. Ent. *u United States Department of Agriculture. Division of Entomology. Bulletin # *s Bull. U. S. Dep. Agric. *u Bulletin. United States Department of Agriculture # *s Bull. U. S. Dep. Agric. Bur. Ent. *u Bulletin. United States Department of Agriculture. Bureau of Entomology # *s Bull. U. S. Natl Mus. *u Bulletin of the United States National Museum # *s Bull. U. S. Publ. Hlth Serv., Hygien. Lab. *u Bulletin. United States Public Health Service Hygienic Laboratory # *s Bull. Univ. Calif. agric. Exp. Stn *u Bulletin of the University of California Agricultural Experiment Station # *s Bull. Univ. Minn. agric. Exp. Stn *u Bulletin of the University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station # *s Bull. Univ. Nebraska St. Mus. *u Bulletin of the University of Nebraska State Museum # *s Bull. Univ. Osaka Prefect. *u Bulletin of the University of Osaka Prefecture # *s Bull. Wld Hlth Org. *u Bulletin of the World Health Organization # *s Bull. agric. Alger.-Tunis.-Maroc *u Bulletin Agricole de l'Algerie-Tunisie-Maroc # *s Bull. agric. Congo belge *u Bulletin Agricole du Congo Belge # *s Bull. amat. Ent. Soc. *u Bulletin of the Amateur Entomological Society # *s Bull. atom. Scient. *u Bulletin of Atomic Scientists # *s Bull. biogeog. Soc. Japan *u Bulletin of the Biogeographical Society of Japan [Nihon Seibutsuchiri Gakkai] # *s Bull. ecol. Soc. Am. *u Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America # *s Bull. ent. Soc. Nigeria *u Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Nigeria # *s Bull. liaison Cherch. Lamto *u Bulletin de liaison des chercheurs de Lamto # *s Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Lyon *u Bulletin mensuel de la Societe linneenne de Lyon # *s Bull. r. Agric. Soc., Cairo, Tech. Sect. *u Bulletin. Royal (Sultanic) Agricultural Society. Technical Section # *s Bull. rech. Agron. Gembloux *u Bulletin des recherches agronomiques de Gembloux # *s Bull. scient. Fr. Belg. *u Bulletin Scientifique de la France et de la Belgique # *s Bull. trim. Soc. mycol. Fr. *u Bulletin trimestriel de la Societe mycologique de France # *s Bull. zool. Mus. Amsterdam *u Bulletin. Zoologisch Museum Universiteit van Amsterdam # *s Bull. zool. Nom. *u Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature # *s Bult. sci. Fak. terk. Kjusu univ. *u Bulteno scienca de la Fakultato terkultura, Kjusu imperia universitato # *s Butl. Cient. Esp. Nat. Proteg. Balears *u Butlletl Cientific Espais Naturals Protegits Balears # *s Butl. Inst. Catalana Hist. Nat. *u Butlleti de la Institucio Catalana d'Historia Natural # *s Butll. Cient. Esp. Nat. Proteg. Balears *u Butlleti Cientific dels Espais Naturals Protegits de les Balears # *s C. R. Biol. *u Comptes Rendues Biologies # *s C. R. Geosci. *u Comptes Rendues Geosciences # *s C. r. Acad. Sci., Paris *u Comptes rendus de l'Academie des Sciences # *s C. r. Assemblee Gener. U. I. S. B. *u Comptes rendus des assemblees generales et actes officiels (Union Internationale des Sciences Biologiques) # *s C. r. Seanc. Acad. Sci., Paris *u Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des Sciences # *s C. r. Seanc. Soc. Biol., Paris *u Comptes rendus des seances de la Societe de Biologie # *s C. r. Seanc. Soc. biogeog. *u Comptes rendus des seances de la Societe de Biogeographie # *s C. r. Trav. Lab. Carlsberg *u Comptes rendus des travaux du Laboratoire Carlsberg # *s C. r. hebd. Seanc. Acad. Agric. Fr. *u Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l'Academie d'Agriculture de France # *s C. r. hebd. Seanc. Acad. Sci., Paris *u Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de l'Academie des Sciences # *s Cafe-Cacao-The *u Cafe-cacao-the (Supplement to Agronomie tropicale) # *s Caldasia *u Caldasia (Boletin del Instituto de ciencias nauturales. Universidad Nacional de Colombia) # *s Calif. Agric. *u California Agriculture. Progress Reports of Agricultural Research # *s Calif. Vector Views *u California vector views # *s Canad. Ent. *u caucas Entomologist # *s Canad. Fld Nat. *u Canadian Field Naturalist # *s Canad. Insect Pest Rev. *u Canadian Insect Pest Review # *s Canad. J. Arthropod Identif. *u Canadian Journal of Arthropod Identification # *s Canad. J. Genet. Cytol. *u Canadian Journal of Genetics and Cytology [Journal canadien de genetique et de cytologie] # *s Canad. J. Microbiol. *u Canadian Journal of Microbiology [Journal canadien de microbiologie] # *s Canad. J. Res. *u Canadian Journal of Research # *s Canad. J. Zool. *u Canadian Journal of Zoology # *s Cancer Res. *u Cancer Research # *s Cann. Age *u Canning Age # *s Cann. Trade *u Canning Trade # *s Canner *u The Canner # *s Canner/Pckr *u Canner/Packer # *s Caribb. J. Sci. *u Caribbean Journal of Science # *s Carinthia II *u Carinthia II (Mitteilungen des Naturhistorischen Landesmuseums fur Karnten) # *s Carolinea *u Carolinea (Beitrage zur Naturkundlichen Forschung in Suedwestdeutschland) # *s Caryologia *u Caryologia # *s Cas. slezsk. Mus. Opave *u Casopis Slezskeho musea [Acta Musei Silesiae] # *s Catalogus Entomofauna arag. *u Catalogus de la entomofauna aragonesa # *s Catalogus dipterorum Germaniae *u Environmental Pollution # *s Caucasiana *u Caucasiana # *s Cell *u Cell # *s Cell Biol. Int. Rep. *u Cell Biology International Reports # *s Cell Chromosome Res. J. *u Cell and Chromosome Research Journal # *s Cell Diffn *u Cell Differentiation # *s Cell Motility Cytoskel. *u Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton # *s Cell Reports *u Cell Reports # *s Cell Res. *u Cell Research # *s Cell Tissue Res. *u Cell and Tissue Research # *s Cell. Microbiol. *u Cellular Microbiology # *s Cell. Molec. Life Sci. *u Cellular and molecular life sciences. CMLS # *s Cell. Molec. Neurobiol. *u Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology # *s Cells *u Cells # *s Cent. Eur. J. Biol. *u Central European Journal of Biology # *s Centaurus *u Centaurus # *s Central Medit. Nat. *u Central Mediterranean Naturalist # *s Cesa News *u Cesa News # *s Ceylon J. Sci., biol. Sci. *u Ceylon Journal of Science. Biological Sciences # *s Chacaras Quint. *u Chacaras e Quintaes # *s Check List *u Check List # *s Chemoecology *u Chemoecology # *s Chilean J. agric. Res. *u Chilean Journal of agricultural Research # *s Chinese Biodiversity *u Chinese Biodiversity # *s Chinese J. Ent. *u Chinese Journal of Entomology [Chung-hua k'un ch'ung] # *s Chinese J. Epidemiol. *u Chinese Journal of Epidemiology # *s Chinese J. Genet. *u Chinese Journal of Genetics [English translation edition of Acta Genetica Sinica] # *s Chinese J. Zoonoses *u Zhongguo ren shou gong huan bing za zhi [Chinese Journal of Zoonoses] # *s Chinese Sci. Bull. *u Chinese Science Bulletin [Kexue tongbao] # *s Chonnam Univ. Theses Coll. *u Nonmunjip. Chonnam Taehakkyo [Theses Collection of Chonnam University] # *s Chromosoma *u Chromosoma # *s Chromosome Res. *u Chromosome Research # *s Chronobiol. Int. *u Chronobiology International # *s Chungang Univ. Theses Coll. *u Chungang University Theses Collections [Chungang Taehakkyo nonmunjip] # *s Ciba Found. Symp. *u Ciba Foundation Symposium # *s Cienc. Agrar., Londrina *u Ciencias Agrarias, Londrina # *s Cienc. Zootecn. *u Ciencia Zootecnica # *s Cienc. agrotec., Lavras *u Ciencias agrotecnicas, Lavras # *s Cienc. biol. *u Ciencia biologica # *s Cienc. e Cult. *u Ciencia e cultura (Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciencia) # *s Ciencia Rural *u Ciencia Rural # *s Ciencia, Mex. *u Ciencia (Revista hispano-americana de ciencias puras y aplicadas) # *s Cientifica *u Cientifica (Revista de agronomia) # *s Circ. Bull. agric. Exp. Stn Mich. St. Coll. *u Circular Bulletin. Michigan Agricultural Experimental Station, Michigan State College # *s Circ. Calif. agric. Exp. Stn *u Circular. California Agricultural Experiment Station # *s Circ. Calif. agric. Ext. Serv. *u Circular. California Agricultural Extension Service, College of Agriculture, University of California # *s Circ. Jpn Soc. syst. Zool. *u Circular. Japanese Society for Systematic Zoology # *s Circ. U. S. Dep. Agric. *u Circular. United States Department of Agriculture # *s Circ. Va. agric. Exp. Stn *u Circular. Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station (Virginia Polytechnic Institute) # *s Cladistics *u Cladistics. The international journal of the Willi Hennig Society # *s Clim. Res. *u Climate Research # *s Clocks&Sleep *u Clocks & Sleep # *s Coenoses *u Coenoses # *s Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. *u Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology # *s Colec. Monografias Biol. Univ. Chile *u Coleccion de Monografias Biologicas de la Universidad de Chile # *s Coleopts Bull. *u Coleopterists' Bulletin # *s Coll. Essays Comm. 10th Anniv. Shimane Univ. *u Kaigaku jisshunen kinen ronbunshu [Collection of essays in commemoration of the tenth anniversary (1959) of Shimane University] # *s Coll. Trav. Univ. Brazzaville *u Collection Travaux de l'Universite de Brazzaville # *s Collecting Net *u Collecting Net # *s Colloq. Inst. Natn. Rech. Agronom. *u Actes du Colloques INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique) # *s Colloq. int. Cent. natn. Rech. scient. *u Colloques internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) # *s Commentat. biol. *u Commentationes Biologicae # *s Commentat. pontif. Acad. Scient. *u Commentationes Pontificiae Academiae Scientiarum # *s Community Ecol. *u Community Ecology # *s Comp. Biochem. Physiol. *u Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology # *s Comp. Path. Bull. *u Comparative pathology Bulletin # *s Comp. Pathobiol. *u Comparative pathobiology # *s Comp. Physiol. Ecol. *u Comparative physiology and ecology # *s CompCytogen *u Comparative Cytogenetics # *s Comun. Inst. Trop. Invest. Cient. *u Comunicaciones. Instituto Tropical de Investigaciones Cientificas # *s Congr. Soc. Ital. Microsc. Elettr. 4 *u Atti del IV Congresso italiano di microscopia elettronica # *s Conserv. Biol. *u Conservation Biology # *s Conserv. Ecol. *u Conservation Ecology # *s Conserv. Genet. *u Conservation Genetics # *s Conservation Physiol. *u Conservation Physiology # *s Contrib. Biol. Geol. Milwaukee Mus. *u Contributions in Biology and Geology (Milwaukee Public Museum) # *s Contrib. Lab. vertebr. Biol. Univ. Mich. *u Contributions from the Laboratory of Vertebrate Biology of the University of Michigan # *s Contrib. Zool. *u Contributions to Zoology # *s Coop. econ. Insect Rep. *u Cooperative economic Insect report # *s Correspbl. Wurtt. landwirt. Ver. *u Correspondenzblatt des Koniglich Wurttembergischen landwirthschaftlichen Vereins # *s Crop Prot. *u Crop Protection # *s Crop Protect. *u Crop Protection # *s CryoLetters *u CryoLetters # *s Cryobiology *u Cryobiology # *s Cryobiology News Notes *u Cryobiology News Notes # *s Crypt. Bot. *u Cryptogamic Botany # *s Cultus *u Cultus # *s Curr. Biol. *u Current Biology # *s Curr. Opin. Biotechn. *u Current Opinion in Biotechnology # *s Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. *u Current Opinion in Genetics and Development # *s Curr. Opin. Immunol. *u Current Opinion in Immunology # *s Curr. Opin. Insect Sci. *u Current Opinion in Insect Science # *s Curr. Sci. *u Current Science # *s Curr. Topics Dev. Biol. *u Current Topics in Developmental Biology # *s Curr. Topics Microbiol. Immunol. *u Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology # *s Curr. Topics Toxicol. *u Current Topics in Toxicology # *s Cyprus agric. J. *u Cyprus Agricultural Journal # *s Cytobios *u Cytobios # *s Cytogenet. Cell Genet. *u Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics # *s Cytogenet. Genome Res. *u Cytogenetic and Genome Research # *s Cytogenetics *u Cytogenetics # *s Cytol. Genet. *u Cytology and Genetics [English translation edition of Tsitologyia i Genetika] # *s Cytologia *u Cytologia # *s Cytologia, Fujii Jubilee Vol. *u Cytologia, Fujii Jubilee Vol. # *s DIS *u Drosophila Information Service # *s Dairy Inds *u Dairy Industries # *s Dairyman *u Dairyman # *s Decheniana *u Decheniana (Verhandlungen des Naturhistorischen Vereins der Rheinlande und Westfalens) # *s Denisia *u Denisia # *s Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Math.-naturw. Kl., Wien *u Denkschriften. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse # *s Denkschr. K. Akad. Wiss. Math.-naturw. Cl., Wien *u Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe # *s Denkschr. med.-naturw. Ges. Jena *u Denkschriften der medizinisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft in Jena. # *s Dev. Biol. *u Developmental Biology # *s Dev. Cell *u Developmental Cell # *s Dev. Genes Evol. *u Development genes and evolution # *s Dev. Genet. *u Developmental Genetics # *s Dev. comp. Immunol. *u Developmental and Comparative Immunology # *s Dev., Growth Diffn *u Development, Growth and Differentiation # *s Development *u Development # *s Die Rheinpfalz *u Die Rheinpfalz # *s Differentiation *u Differentiation # *s Dipterists Digest *u Dipterists Digest # *s Dipterol. bohemoslov. *u Dipterologica bohemoslovaca # *s Dipteron *u Dipteron # *s Dirasat *u Dirasat. Natural Sciences (University of Jordan) [Dirasat. 'Ulum al-tabi'iyah] # *s Discovery, Lond. *u Discovery # *s Diss. Abstr. *u Dissertation Abstracts # *s Doga. Turkish J. Biol. *u Doga. Turkish Journal of Biology [Turk Biyoloji dergisi] # *s Doga. Turkish J. Zool. *u Doga. Turkish Journal of Zoology [Turk Zoologi dergisi (Doga Turk Zooloji Dergisi)] # *s Dokl. Akad. Nauk *u Doklady Akademii Nauk # *s Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR *u Doklady Akademii Nauk Soiuza Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik [Comptes rendus (Doklady) de l'Academie des sciences de l'URSS] # *s Dokl. Bolg. Akad. Nauk *u Doklady Bolgarskoi akademii nauk [Comptes rendus de l'Academie bulgare des sciences] # *s Dopov. Akad. Nauk URSR *u Dopovidi Akademiyi nauk Ukrain'skoi Radians'koi Sotsialistychnoi Respubliky # *s Drosera *u Drosera (Naturkundliche Mitteilungen aus Nordwestdeutschland) # *s Dtsch. Essigindustr. *u Die Deutsche Essigindustrie # *s Dtsch. LebensmittRdsch. *u Deutsche Lebensmittel-Rundschau # *s Dtsch. ent. Z. *u Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift (Berliner entomologische Zeitschrift) # *s Dusenia *u Dusenia # *s EFSA J. *u EFSA Journal # *s EMBO J. *u The EMBO Journal # *s Ecography *u Ecography # *s Ecol. Austral *u Ecologia Austral # *s Ecol. Ent. *u Ecological Entomology # *s Ecol. Evol. *u Ecology and Evolution # *s Ecol. Model. *u Ecological Modelling # *s Ecol. Monogr. *u Ecological Monographs # *s Ecol. Res. *u Ecological Research # *s Ecol. Rev. *u Ecological Review [Seitaigaku Kenkyu] # *s Ecol. Studies Biotic Commun. Natn. Park Nature Study *u Shizen Hogo Kenkyukai. Shizen Kyoikuen no seibutsu gunshu ni kansuru chosa hokoku [Ecological studies of biotic communities in the National Park for Nature Study] # *s Ecology *u Ecology # *s Ecology Lett. *u Ecology Letters # *s Econ. Proc. r. Dublin Soc. *u The Economic Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society # *s Ecoscan *u Ecoscan # *s Ecoscience *u Ecoscience # *s Ecosphere *u Ecosphere # *s Ecotoxicology *u Ecotoxicology # *s Educ. Dep. Bull., Albany *u Education Department Bulletin # *s Egypt. J. Biol. Pest Contr. *u Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control # *s Egypt. J. Genet. Cytol. *u Egyptian Journal of Genetics and Cytology [Jam'iyah al-Misriyah li-'Ulum al-Wirathah] # *s Ekologiia, Sofia *u Ekologiia # *s Encycl. Ent. *u Encyclopedie Entomologique # *s Endeavour *u Endeavour # *s Eng. & Sci. *u Engineering & Science (California Institute of Technology) # *s Eng. and Sci. *u Engineering and Science # *s English Nature Res. Rep. *u English Nature Research Reports # *s Ent. Abh. Mus. Tierk. *u Entomologische Abhandlungen der Museum der Tierkunde # *s Ent. Beih. Berl.-Dahlem *u Entomologische Beihefte aus Berlin-Dahlem # *s Ent. Ber. Luzern *u Entomologische Berichte Luzern # *s Ent. Ber., Amst. *u Entomologische Berichten (Nederlandsche entomologische vereeniging) # *s Ent. Ber., Berlin *u Entomologische Berichte # *s Ent. Bull. Jamaica *u Entomological Bulletin. Department of Agriculture, Jamaica # *s Ent. Communic. *u Entomological Communications # *s Ent. Fennica *u Entomologica Fennica # *s Ent. Gaz. *u Entomologist's Gazette # *s Ent. Germanica *u Entomologica Germanica # *s Ent. Hellenica *u Entomologia Hellenica # *s Ent. Jb. *u Entomologisches Jahrbuch # *s Ent. Mag. *u Entomological Magazine # *s Ent. Medd. *u Entomologiske Meddelelser # *s Ent. Mitt. *u Entomologische Mitteilungen # *s Ent. Mitt. zool. Mus. Hamburg *u Entomologische Mitteilungen des zoollogischen Museums, Hamburg # *s Ent. Mitt. zool. StInst. zool. Mus. Hamb. *u Entomologische Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Staatsinstitut und Zoologischen Museum Hamburg # *s Ent. Nachr., Berlin *u Entomologische Nachrichten # *s Ent. News *u Entomological News # *s Ent. Obozr. *u Entomologicheskoe obozrenie # *s Ent. Ornith. Herpet. *u Entomology, Ornithology & Herpetology: Current Research # *s Ent. Phytopath. Appl. *u Entomologie et Phytopathologie Appliquees [Applied entomology and phytopathology] # *s Ent. Prirucky *u Entomologicke Prirucky (Supplement to Casopis Ceske Spolecnosti Entomologicke) # *s Ent. Problemy *u Entomologicke Problemy [Entomological problems] # *s Ent. Rdsch. *u Entomologische Rundschau # *s Ent. Rec. *u Entomologist's Record and Journal of Variation # *s Ent. Res. *u Entomological Research # *s Ent. Res. Organic Agric. *u Entomolgical Research in Organic Agriculture # *s Ent. Rev., Wash. *u Entomological Review [English translation edition of Entomologicheskoe obozrenie] # *s Ent. Sci. *u Entomological Science # *s Ent. Tidskr. *u Entomologisk Tidskrift # *s Ent. Z., Frankf.a.M. *u Entomologische Zeitschrift # *s Ent. appl. Sci. Lett. *u Entomology and Applied Science Letters # *s Ent. exp. appl. *u Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata # *s Ent. generalis *u Entomologia generalis (Zeitschrift fur allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie) # *s Ent. genev. *u Entomologiste Genevoise # *s Ent. mon. Mag. *u Entomologist's Monthly Magazine # *s Ent. scand. *u Entomologica Scandinavica # *s Entomo Helvetica *u Entomo Helvetica # *s EntomoBrasilis *u EntomoBrasilis # *s Entomofauna *u Entomofauna # *s Entomologia *u Entomologia # *s Entomologist *u The Entomologist # *s Entomologiste *u L'Entomologiste # *s Entomon *u Entomon # *s Entomonograph *u Entomonograph # *s Entomophaga *u Entomophaga # *s Entomotaxonomia *u Entomotaxonomia [K'un ch'ung fen lei hsueh pao] # *s Entomotropica *u Entomotropica # *s Environ. Ecol. Stats *u Environmental and ecological statistics # *s Environ. Ent. *u Environmental Entomology # *s Environ. Monit. Assess. *u Environmental Monitoring and Assessment # *s Environ. Res. *u Environmental Research # *s Environ. Sci., Hokkaido *u Environmental Science (Journal of the Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University) # *s Environmental Pollution *u Environmental Pollution # *s Eos, Madr. *u Eos (Revista espanola de entomologia) # *s Epist. epet. Scholes Phys. Math., Thessalonike *u Epistemonike epeteris tes Scholes ton Physikon kai Mathematikon Epistemon # *s Ergebn. Enzymforsch. *u Ergebnisse der Enzymforschung # *s Esakia *u Esakia (Kyushu University Publications in Entomology) # *s Estudios Univ. Los Andes, Estudios genet. *u Estudios de la Universidad de la Los Andes. Estudios Genetica # *s Ethology *u Ethology # *s Eurasian J. Biol. Chem. Sci. *u Eurasian Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences # *s Eurasian ent. J. *u Eurasian entomological Journal # *s Europ. Arch. Otorhinolaryngol. *u European Archives of Otorhinolaryngology # *s Europ. J. Biochem. *u European Journal of Biochemistry # *s Europ. J. Cell Biol. *u European Journal of Cell Biology # *s Europ. J. Ecol. *u European Journal of Ecology # *s Europ. J. Ent. *u European Journal of Entomology # *s Europ. J. Hortic. Sci. *u European Journal of Horticulture Science # *s Europ. J. Taxon. *u European Journal of Taxonomy # *s Europ. Multicoll. Parasitol. 3 *u Proceedings of the Third Multicolloquium of Parasitology, Cambridge, September 7th-13th, 1980 # *s Evol. Appl. *u Evolutionary Applications # *s Evol. Bioinform. *u Evolionary Bioinformatics # *s Evol. Biol. *u Evolutionary Biology # *s Evol. Biol., Bogota *u Evolucion Biologica (Revista Internacional de la Associacion Iberoamericana de Biologia Evolutiva) # *s Evol. Dev. *u Evolution and Development # *s Evol. Ecol. *u Evolutionary Ecology # *s Evol. Ecol. Res. *u Evolutionary Ecology Research # *s Evol. Theory *u Evolutionary Theory # *s Evolution *u Evolution # *s Evolution Lett. *u Evolution Letters # *s Exp. Appl. Acarol. *u Experimental and Applied Acarology # *s Exp. Cell Res. *u Experimental Cell Research # *s Exp. Gerontol. *u Experimental Gerontology # *s Exp. Parasitol. *u Experimental Parasitology # *s Experientia *u Experientia # *s Explore *u Explore # *s Ext. Bull. Coll. Agric. Wash. St. Univ. *u Extension Bulletin. College of Agriculture, Washington State University # *s Ext. Circ. Utah St. Agric. Coll. Ext. Serv. *u Extension Circular. Utah State Agricultural College, Extension Service # *s Ezheg. zool. Muz. *u Ezhegodnik Zoologicheskogo Muzeia Imperatorskoi Akademii Nauk [Annuaire du Musee zoologique de l'Academie imperiale des sciences de St. Petersbourg] # *s FAO Plant Protect. Bull. *u Food and Agriculture Organization Plant Protection Bulletin # *s FEBS Lett. *u FEBS Letters (Federation of European Biochemical Societies) # *s FEBS Mtng 6 *u Abstracts. Federation of European Biochemical Societies, Sixth meeting, Madrid # *s FEMS Yeast Res. *u FEMS Yeast Research # *s Far East. Entomol. *u Far Eastern Entomologist [Dalnevostotsniy Entomolog] # *s Faun.-okol. Mitt. *u Faunistisch-okologische Mitteilungen # *s Fauna Arctica *u Fauna Arctica. Eine Zusammenstellung der arktischen Tierformen mit besonderer Berucksichtigung des Spitzbergen-Gebietes auf Grund der Ergebnisse der Deutschen Expedition # *s Fauna Ent. Portugal *u Fauna Entomologica de Portugal # *s Fauna Hardangervidda *u Fauna of the Hardangervidda # *s Fauna Males. Handb. *u Fauna Malesiana Handbook # *s Fauna hung. *u Fauna hungariae [Magyarorszag allatvilaga] # *s Fauna norv. *u Fauna Norvegica [Norwegian Journal of Entomology] # *s Fed. Proc. *u Federation Proceedings # *s Fen Zi Xi Bao Sheng Wu Xue Bao *u Fen Zi Xi Bao Sheng Wu Xue Bao # *s Ferrantia *u Ferrantia # *s Feuille Natural. *u La Feuille des Naturalistes # *s Field Stud. *u Field Studies # *s Fieldiana Zool. *u Fieldiana, Zoology # *s Fjolrit Natturufraedistofnunar *u Fjolrit Natturufraedistofnunar # *s Fla Ent. *u The Florida Entomologist # *s Flora *u Flora # *s Flora Fauna, Silkeborg *u Flora og Fauna # *s Fly *u Fly # *s Fly Times *u Fly Times # *s Fmrs' Bull. N. S. W. Dep. Agric. *u Farmers' Bulletin. New South Wales Department of Agriculture # *s Fmrs' Bull. U. S. Dep. Agric. *u Farmer's Bulletin. United States Department of Agriculture # *s Fol. Fac. Scient. nat. Univ. Purkynianae Brun. *u Folia Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Purkynianae Brunensis # *s Folia Biol., Krakow *u Folia Biologica # *s Folia Biol., Praha *u Folia Biologica # *s Folia Fac. Sci. Nat. Univ. Masaryk Brun., Biol. *u Folia Facultatis Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis. Biologia # *s Folia Parasit. *u Folia Parasitologica [Ceskoslovenska Parasitologie] # *s Folia Zool. Hydrobiol. *u Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica # *s Folia ent. hung. *u Folia Entomologica Hungarica [Rovartani Kozlemenyek] # *s Folia ent. mex. *u Folia Entomologica Mexicana # *s Food Eng. *u Food Engineering # *s Food Inds *u Food Industries # *s Food Packer *u Food Packer # *s Food Res. *u Food Research # *s Foods *u Foods # *s Forest Ecol. Manag. *u Forest Ecology and Management # *s Formosan Sci. *u Formosan Science [T'ai-wan k'o hsueh] # *s Fortschr. Zool. *u Fortschritte der Zoologie # *s Fragm. faun. Mus. zool. Pol. *u Fragmenta Faunistica Musei zoologici Polonici # *s Fragm. faun. hung. *u Fragmenta Faunistica Hungarica # *s Fragm. faun., Warszawa *u Fragmenta faunistica # *s Front. Agron. *u Frontiers in Agronomy # *s Front. Biol. *u Frontiers in Biology # *s Front. Ecol. Evol. *u Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution # *s Front. Immunol. *u Frontiers in Immunol. # *s Front. Insect Sci. *u Frontiers in Insect Sci. # *s Front. Microbiol. *u Frontiers in Microbiology # *s Front. Mol. Neurosci. *u Frontiers Mol. Neurosciences # *s Front. Physiol. *u Frontiers in Physiology # *s Front. Plant Sci. *u Frontiers in Plant Science # *s Front. Zool. *u Frontiers in Zoology # *s Fruit Prod. J. *u Fruit Products Journal and American Vinegar Industry # *s Fruits *u Fruits # *s Frust. Ent. *u Frustula entomologica # *s Fudan J. (Nat. Sci.) *u Fudan Journal (Natural Science Edition) (Journal of Fudan University. Natural science) [Fudan Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)] # *s Funct. Ecol. *u Functional Ecology # *s Fund. appl. Nematol. *u Fundamental and applied nematology # *s Fundacion Juan March, Ser. Univ. *u Fundacion Juan March. Serie universitaria # *s Fungal Biol. *u Fungal Biology # *s G. bot. ital. *u Giornale botanico italiano # *s G. ital. Ent. *u Giornale italiano di entomologia # *s G3 *u G3 Genes Genomes Genetics # *s Galathea *u Galathea # *s Gann *u Gann. The Japanese Journal of Cancer Research # *s Gayana *u Gayana # *s Gaz. Apic. *u La Gazette Apicole (Revue mensuelle annales de l'apiculture mondiale) # *s Gaz. Clin. *u Gazeta Clinica # *s Gdnr's Chron. *u Gardener's Chronicle & New Horticulturist # *s Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. *u General and Comparative Endocrinology # *s Gene *u Gene # *s Gene Expr. Patt. *u Gene Expression Patterns # *s Genen Phaenen *u Genen en phaenen (Tijdschrift van de Nederlandse Genetische Vereniging) # *s Genes *u Genes # *s Genes Brain Behav. *u Genes, Brain, and Behavior # *s Genes and Genet. Systems *u Genes and Genetic Systems # *s Genesis *u genesis # *s Genet. Mol. Res. *u Genetics and molecular research # *s Genet. Pol. *u Genetica Polonica [Polish journal of genetics and plant breeding] # *s Genet. Res. *u Genetical Research # *s Genet. Sel. Evol. *u Genetics, Selection, Evolution # *s Genet. Selecht. *u Genetika a Selechteni (Ustav Vedechotechnickych Informaci pro Zemedelstri) # *s Genet. Selekt., Sofia *u Genetika i selektsiya # *s Genet. and Molec. Biol. *u Genetics and Molecular Biology # *s Genet. iber. *u Genetica Iberica # *s Genetica *u Genetica # *s Genetics *u Genetics # *s Genetika *u Genetika, Beograd # *s Genom Biol. Evol. *u Genom Biology and Evolution # *s Genome *u Genome # *s Genome Biol. *u Genome Biology # *s Genome Biol. Evol. *u Genome Biology and Evolution # *s Genome Res. *u Genome Research # *s Genus *u Genus # *s Geobios, Jodhpur *u Geobios # *s Geojournal *u GeoJournal # *s Gerontologia *u Gerontologia # *s Gerontology *u Gerontology # *s GesundhWes. Desinfekt. *u Gesundheitswesen und Desinfektion # *s Glasn. Prirod. Muz., Beograd *u Glasnik Prirodnjackog muzeja u Beogradu [Bulletin du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgrade] # *s Glasn. Rep. Zav. Zast. Prir. - Prir. Muz. Titograd *u Glasnik Republickog Zavoda za Zastitu Prirode i Prirodnjackog Nuzeja u Titogradu [Bulletin of the Republic Institution for the Protection of Nature] # *s Glasn. zemalj. Mus. Bosni Herceg. *u Glasnik Zemaljskog museja Bosni i Hercegovine u Sarajevu. # *s Global Ecol. Biogeog. Lett. *u Global ecology and biogeography letters # *s Global Ecol. Conserv. *u Global Ecology and Conservation # *s God. Sofii Univ. Medit. Fak. *u Godishnik na Sofiiskiia universitet, Meditsinski fakultet [Annuaire de l'Universite de Sofia, Faculte de medecine] # *s Graellsia *u Graellsia # *s Great Basin Nat. *u Great Basin Naturalist # *s Great Lakes Ent. *u The Great Lakes Entomologist # *s Gregor Mendel Foundation Proc. *u Gregor Mendel Foundation Proceedings # *s Growth *u Growth # *s Handbk Ident. Br. Insects *u Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects # *s Harold Lyon Arboretum Lect. *u Harold L. Lyon Arboretum lecture # *s Hawaii Forester & Agric. *u Hawaii Forester and Agriculturist # *s Heliyon *u Heliyon # *s Hellenic Plant Protect. J. *u Hellenic Plant Protection Journal # *s Hercynia, N.F. *u Hercynia, Neue Folge # *s Hereditas *u Hereditas # *s Heredity *u Heredity # *s Heteropterus Revta Ent. *u Heteropterus, Revista de Entomologia # *s Hidrobiologija, Sofia *u Hidrobiologija # *s Hilgardia *u Hilgardia # *s Hiroshima J. Vet. Med. *u The Hiroshima Journal of Veterinary Medicine # *s Hist. Animal. *u Historia Animalium # *s Hist. Berwicksh. Nat. Club *u History of the Berwickshire Naturalist's Club # *s Honam Munhwa Yon'gu *u Honam Munhwa Yon'gu [Journal of the Institute of Honam Area Studies] # *s HortScience *u HortScience # *s Hybridoma *u Hybridoma # *s IPM Practioner *u IPM Practioner # *s ISME J. *u The ISME Journal # *s Iden *u Iden [Heredity] # *s Iden no Sogo-kenkyu *u Iden no Sogo-kenkyu [Papers from the Coordinating Committee for Research in Genetics] # *s Idesia *u Idesia # *s Iheringia, Ser. Zool. *u Iheringia, Serie Zoologica # *s Ihwahak yon'guji *u Ihwahak yon'guji [Journal of Natural Science, Chonnam University] # *s Ill. Z. Ent. *u Illustrierte Zeitschrift fur Entomologie # *s Illinois Biol. Monogr. *u Illinois Biological Monographs # *s Illustrated Encyclopedia of fauna and flora of Korea *u Han'guk tongmul togam [Illustrated encyclopedia of fauna of Korea] # *s In Vitro *u In Vitro # *s Indian Biologist *u Indian Biologist # *s Indian Birds *u Indian Birds # *s Indian J. Anim. Sci. *u Indian Journal of Animal Sciences # *s Indian J. Behav. *u Indian Journal of Behaviour # *s Indian J. Ecol. *u Indian Journal of Ecology # *s Indian J. Ent. *u Indian Journal of Entomology # *s Indian J. Genet. Pl. Breed. *u Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding # *s Indian J. Hered. *u Indian Journal of Heredity # *s Indian J. Med. Res. *u Indian Journal of Medical Research # *s Indian J. SugCane Res. Dev. *u Indian Journal of Sugercane Research and Development # *s Indian J. Zootomy *u Indian Journal of Zootomy # *s Indian J. exp. Biol. *u Indian Journal of Experimental Biology # *s Indian Rev. Life Sci. *u Indian Review of Life Sciences # *s Indian Vet. J. *u Indian Veterinary Journal # *s Industrial Crops Prod. *u Industrial Crops Production # *s Industrial Med. *u Industrial Medicine # *s Inf. Rep. N. Forest Res. Centre, Canada *u Information Report. Northern Forest Research Centre, Canadian Forestry Service # *s Infection, Genet. Evol. *u Infection, Genetics and Evolution # *s Informativo, Soc. Ent. Brasil *u Informativo, Sociedade Entomologica do Brasil # *s Ingen. Agron. *u Ingenieria Agronomica # *s Insect Biochem. *u Insect Biochemistry # *s Insect Biochem. Molec. Biol. *u Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology # *s Insect Biochem. Physiol. *u Insect Biochemistry and Physiology # *s Insect Conserv. Diversity *u Insect Conservation and Diversity # *s Insect Contam. Agric. Prod. *u Conference. Insect Contamination of Agricultural Products. Stockton, CA. March 30 1960 # *s Insect Life *u Insect Life (United States Department of Agriculture, Division of Entomology. Periodical Bulletin) # *s Insect Molec. Biol. *u Insect Molecular Biology # *s Insect Pest Surv. Bull., U. S. Dep. Agric. *u Insect Pest Survey Bulletin. United States Department of Agriculture # *s Insect Sci. *u Insect Science # *s Insect Sci. Appl. *u Insect Science and its Applications # *s Insect System. Evol. *u Insect Systematics & Evolution # *s Insecta Helvetica *u Insecta Helvetica # *s Insectarium *u Insekutaryumu. Ikita konchu no zasshi [The Insectarium] # *s Insectes *u Insectes. Les cahiers de liaison de l'Office pour l'information eco- entomologique # *s Insects *u Insects # *s Insecutor Inscit. Menstr. *u Insecutor inscitiae menstruus # *s Inst. Genet. Fac. Agron. Vet., B. Aires *u Instituto de Genetica (Facultad de Agronomia y Veterinaria. Universidad de Buenos Aires) # *s Instrumenta Biodivers. *u Instrumenta Biodiversitatis # *s Int. Conf. Biometry 10 *u Anais, 10a Conferencia Internacional de Biometria, Guaruja, SP, Brasil, 6/10 agosto, 1979 # *s Int. Congr. Entomol. *u International Congress of Entomology # *s Int. Congr. Entomol. 10 *u Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Entomology, Montreal, August 17-25, 1956. # *s Int. Congr. Entomol. 11 *u Verhandlungen. XI. Internationaler Kongress fur Entomologie, Wien, 1960 # *s Int. Congr. Entomol. 12 *u Proceedings of the XII International Congress of Entomology, London, 1964 # *s Int. Congr. Entomol. 13 *u Trudy. XIII Mezhdunarodnyi entomologicheskii kongress, Moskva, 2-9 avgusta, 1968 [Proceedings. XIII International Congress of Entomology, Moscow, 2-9 August, 1968] # *s Int. Congr. Entomol. 14 *u Abstracts of the XIVth International Congress of Entomology, Canberra Australia, August 22-30, 1972 # *s Int. Congr. Entomol. 16 *u Abstracts. 16th International Congress of Entomology, Kyoto, 1980 # *s Int. Congr. Entomol. 17 *u XVII International Congress of Entomology, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, August 20-26, 1984: Abstract volume # *s Int. Congr. Entomol. 3 *u Verhandlungen. Internationaler entomologischen-Kongress, Zurich, 1925 # *s Int. Congr. Entomol. 7 *u Verhandlungen der Siebenter Internationaler kongress fur Entomologie, Berlin, 15.-20. august 1938 # *s Int. Congr. Entomol. 8 *u Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Entomology, Stockholm, 1950 # *s Int. Congr. Entomol. 9 *u Transactions of the IX International Congress of Entomology, Amsterdam, August 17-24, 1951 # *s Int. Congr. Exp. Cytol. 6 *u Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of Experimental Cytology, Stockholm, July 10th-17th, 1947 # *s Int. Congr. Genet. 10 *u Proceedings of the X International Congress of Genetics, Montreal, 1958 # *s Int. Congr. Genet. 11 *u Genetics today. Proceedings of the XI International Congress of Genetics, The Hague, the Netherlands, September 1963. Edited by S.J. Geerts # *s Int. Congr. Genet. 12 *u Proceedings of the XII International Congress of Genetics, Tokyo, Japan, August 19-28, 1968 # *s Int. Congr. Genet. 13 *u Proceedings of the thirteenth International Congress of Genetics, University of California, 1973 # *s Int. Congr. Genet. 14 *u Proceedings of the XIV International Congress of Genetics, Moscow, 1978 # *s Int. Congr. Genet. 15 *u Genetics: New Frontiers. Proceedings of the XV International Congress of Genetics, New Delhi, 1983. Edited by V. L. Chopra # *s Int. Congr. Genet. 17 *u Volume of Abstracts. XVII International Congress of Genetics, Birmingham, 1993 # *s Int. Congr. Genet. 6 *u Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Genetics, Ithaca, New York. # *s Int. Congr. Genet. 7 *u Proceedings of the 7th International Genetical Congress, Edinburgh, 1939 # *s Int. Congr. Genet. 9 *u Atti del IX Congresso Internazionale di Genetica, Bellagio (Como) 24-31 Agosto 1953 # *s Int. Congr. Gerontol. 9 *u Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of Gerontology, Kiev, July 2-7, 1972 # *s Int. Congr. Int. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol. 10 *u Proceedings. 10th Congress International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists # *s Int. Congr. Int. Soc. Sugar Cane Technol. 11 *u Pests of Sugar Cane. 11th Congress of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, Mauritius, September 1962 # *s Int. Congr. Speleology *u International Congress of Speleology # *s Int. Congr. Speleology 10 *u 10th International Congress of Speleology, Hungary. # *s Int. Congr. Zool. 16 *u Proceedings. XVI International Congress of Zoology, Washington, 1963 # *s Int. Congr. Zool. 17 *u Proceedings. 17th Congres internationale de Zoologie, Monte Carlo # *s Int. Congr. Zool. 7 *u Proceedings of the 7th International Zoological Congress, Boston # *s Int. J. Acarol. *u International Journal of Acarology # *s Int. J. Acupunct. Electro-therap. Res. *u Acupuncture and Electro-therapeutics Research. The International Journal # *s Int. J. Adv. Pharm. Biol. Chem. *u International Journal of Advances in Pharmacy, Biology and Chemistry # *s Int. J. Biodiv. Conserv. *u International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation # *s Int. J. Biol. Macromol. *u International Journal of Biological Macromolecules # *s Int. J. Biometeorol. *u International Journal of Biometeorology # *s Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. *u International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences # *s Int. J. Dev. Biol. *u International Journal of Developmental Biology # *s Int. J. Dipterol. Res. *u Internatinal Journal of Dipterological Research # *s Int. J. Ecol. *u International Journal of Ecology # *s Int. J. Ent. *u International Journal of Entomology # *s Int. J. Evol. Biol. *u International Journal of Evolutionary Biology # *s Int. J. Insect Morph. Embryol. *u International Journal of Insect Morphology & Embryology # *s Int. J. Invert. Reprod. *u International Journal of Invertebrate Reproduction # *s Int. J. Invert. Reprod. Dev. *u International Journal of Invertebrate Reproduction and Development # *s Int. J. Life Sci. *u International Journal of Life Sciences # *s Int. J. Parasitol. *u International Journal of Parasitology # *s Int. J. Pest Manag. *u International Journal of Pest Management # *s Int. J. Plant Sci. *u International Journal of Plant Science # *s Int. J. Radiat. Biol. *u International Journal of Radiation Biology # *s Int. J. Science Res. *u International Journal of Science Research # *s Int. J. comp. Psychol. *u International Journal of Comparative Psychology # *s Int. J. scient. Res. Computer Science *u Internaztional Journal of scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology # *s Int. J. syst. Bacteriol. *u International Journal of Systematic Bacteriology # *s Int. J. syst. evol. Microbiol. *u International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology # *s Int. J. trop. Insect Sci. *u International Journal of tropical Insect Science # *s Int. Kongr. Pflanz., 6 *u Sechster Internationaler Pflanzenschutz-Kongress # *s Int. Pest Control *u International Pest Control # *s Int. Symp. Genet. 1956 *u Proceedings. International Genetics Symposia, Tokyo and Kyoto. 1956 # *s Int. Symp. Yeast 5 *u Proceedings of the 5th International Specialized Symposium on Yeasts # *s Int. Union Biol. Sci. *u International Union of Biological Sciences [Union Internationale des Sciences Biologiques] # *s Int. ent. Z. *u Internationale Entomologische Zeitschrift # *s Integr. Comp. Biol. *u Integrative and Comparative Biology # *s Intervirology *u Intervirology # *s Invert. Reprod. Dev. *u Invertebrate Reproduction and Development # *s Invert. Taxonomy *u Invertebrate Taxonomy # *s Invest. Agraria, Prod. Prot. Veg. *u Investigacion Agraria. Produccion y Proteccion Vegetales # *s Invest. Ciencia, Barcelona *u Investigacion y Ciencia # *s Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. *u Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science # *s Ir. Biogeog. Soc. Bull. *u Bulletin. Irish Biogeographical Society # *s Ir. Nat. *u Irish Naturalist # *s Ir. Nat. J. *u Irish Naturalist's Journal # *s Iraqi J. Sci. *u Iraqi Journal of Science [al-Majallah al-'Iraqiyah lil-'ulum] # *s Isis *u Isis # *s Isotope Radiat. Res. *u Isotope and Radiation Research [Buhuth al-nazair wa-al-ishaa] # *s Isozyme Bull. *u The Isozyme Bulletin # *s Isozymes *u Isozymes. Current topics in biological and medical research # *s Israel J. Ecol. Evol. *u Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution # *s Israel J. Ent. *u Israel Journal of Entomology # *s Israel J. Zool. *u Israel Journal of Zoology # *s Israel. J. Med. Sci. *u Israel Journal of Medical Sciences # *s Italian J. Zool. *u Italian Journal of Zoology # *s Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR. *u Izvestiia Akademii Nauk SSSR. # *s Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR. *u Izvestiia Akademii Nauk SSSR. # *s Izv. imp. Obshch. Lyub. Estest. Antrop. imp. mosk. Univ. *u Izvestiia Imperatorskogo obschestva lyubitelei estestvoznaniya, antropologii i etnografii pri Imperatorskom Moskovskom Universitete # *s Izv. zool. Inst., Sof. *u Izvestiia na Zoologischeskiia institut s Muzei # *s J. Agrotan *u Jurnal Agrotan # *s J. Ala. Acad. Sci. *u Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science # *s J. Allergy *u Journal of Allergy # *s J. Am. Inst. Homeopathy *u Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy # *s J. Am. Med. Ass. *u Journal of the American Medical Association # *s J. Am. Med. Women's Ass. *u Journal of the American Medical Women's Association # *s J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. *u Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society # *s J. Am. Soc. Agron. *u Journal of the American Society of Agronomy # *s J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. *u Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science # *s J. Anat. *u Journal of Anatomy # *s J. Anim. Behav. *u Journal of Animal Behavior # *s J. Anim. Behav. Biomet. *u Journal of Animal Behaviour and Biometeorology # *s J. Anim. Ecol. *u Journal of Animal Ecology # *s J. Anim. Morph. Physiol. *u Journal of Animal Morphology and Physiology # *s J. Anim. Plant Sci. *u Journal of Animal and Plant Science # *s J. Arachnol. *u Journal of Arachnology # *s J. Ariz. Acad. Sci. *u Journal of the Arizona Academy of Science # *s J. Arthropod Borne Dis. *u Journal of Arthropod-Borne Diseases # *s J. Arts Sci. Meikai *u The Journal of Arts and Sciences, Meikai University # *s J. Asia-Pacif. Biodiv. *u Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity # *s J. Asia-Pacif. Ent. *u Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology # *s J. Asiat. Soc. Beng. *u Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal # *s J. Ass. off. agric. Chem. *u Journal of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists # *s J. Ass. off. anal. Chem. *u Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists # *s J. Aust. Inst. agric. Sci. *u Journal of the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science # *s J. Aust. ent. Soc. *u Journal of the Australian Entomological Society # *s J. Bact. *u Journal of Bacteriology # *s J. Baltimore Coll. Dent. Surg. *u Journal of the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery # *s J. Berry Res. *u Journal of Berry Research # *s J. Bioelectr. *u Journal of Bioelectricity # *s J. Biogeogr. *u Journal of Biogeography # *s J. Biol. Chem. *u Journal of Biological Chemistry # *s J. Biol. Control *u Journal of biological control # *s J. Biol. Res. (Thessaloniki) *u Journal of Biological Research # *s J. Biol. Rhythms *u Journal of Biological Rhythms # *s J. Biol. Sci. Res., Baghdad *u Journal of Biological Sciences Research (Biological Research Centre, Baghdad) [Markaz Buhuth 'Ulum al-Hayah] # *s J. Biol. Sci., Bombay *u Journal of Biological Sciences # *s J. Biores. Manag. *u Journal of Bioresource Management # *s J. Biosains *u Journal of Biosains # *s J. Biosci., Bangalore *u Journal of Biosciences # *s J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. *u Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society # *s J. Cell Biol. *u Journal of Cell Biology # *s J. Cell Sci. *u Journal of Cell Science # *s J. Cell. Biochem. *u Journal of Cellular Biochemistry # *s J. Cell. comp. Physiol. *u Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology # *s J. Cytol. Genet. *u Journal of Cytology and Genetics # *s J. Dairy Sci. *u Journal of Dairy Science # *s J. Dep. Agric. Ire. *u Journal, Department of Agriculture (Ireland) # *s J. E. Afr. nat. Hist. Soc. natn. Mus. *u Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society and National Museum # *s J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol. *u Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology # *s J. Elisha Mitchell Soc. *u Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Society # *s J. Embryol. exp. Morphol. *u Journal of Embryology and Experimental Morphology # *s J. Ent. *u Journal of Entomology # *s J. Ent. Acar. Res. *u Journal of Entomological and Acariological Research # *s J. Ent. Soc. B.C. *u Journal of the Entomological Society of British Columbia # *s J. Ent. Soc. Iran *u Journal of Entomological Society of Iran # *s J. Ent. Zool. Studies *u Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies # *s J. Ent. Zool., Pomona Coll. *u Journal of Entomology and Zoology. Pomona College # *s J. Entomol. Sci. *u Journal of Entomological Science # *s J. Env. Control Biol. *u Seibutsu kankyo chosetsu [Journal of Environmental Control in Biology] # *s J. Environ. Biol. *u Journal of Environmental Biology # *s J. Environ. Educ. *u Journal of Environmental Education # *s J. Ethol. *u Journal of Ethology # *s J. Fac. Sci. Hokkaido Univ. *u Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. # *s J. Fac. gen. Educ., Sapporo Univ. *u Journal of the Faculty of General Education and Women's Junior College, Sapporo University [Daigaku Joshi Tanki Daigakubu Kiyo] # *s J. Gakugei, Tokushima Univ. *u Journal of Gakugei, Tokushima University # *s J. Genet. *u Journal of Genetics # *s J. Genet. Genomics *u Journal of Genetics and Genomics # *s J. Gerontol. *u Journal of Gerontology # *s J. Growth *u Journal of Growth [Seicho] # *s J. Helminth. *u Journal of Helminthology # *s J. Hered. *u Journal of Heredity # *s J. Herpetol. *u Journal of Herpetology # *s J. Hokkaido Univ. Educ. *u Journal of Hokkaido University of Education [Hokkaido Kyoiku Daigaku Kiyo] # *s J. Hubei Univ. Nat. Sci. *u Journal of Hubei University. Natural Science Edition [Hubei da xue xue bao] # *s J. Hyg. Epid. Microbiol. *u Journal of Hygiene, Epidemiology, Microbiology and Immunology # *s J. Hymenopt. Res. *u Journal of Hymenoptera Research # *s J. ILMU DASAR *u Jurnal ILMU DASAR # *s J. Indust. Microbiol. *u Journal of Industrial Microbiology # *s J. Innate Immun. *u J. Innate Immunity # *s J. Insect Behav. *u Journal of Insect Behavior # *s J. Insect Biodivers. *u Journal of Insect Biodiversity # *s J. Insect Biodivers. Syst. *u Journal of Insect Biodiversity and Systematics # *s J. Insect Conserv. *u Journal of Insect Conservation # *s J. Insect Path. *u Journal of Insect Pathology # *s J. Insect Physiol. *u Journal of Insect Physiology # *s J. Insect Sci. *u Journal of Insect Science # *s J. Inst. Basic Sci., Chungang Univ. *u Journal of the Institute of Basic Science, Chungang University # *s J. Inst. Polytech. Osaka Cy Univ. *u Journal of the Institute of Polytechnics, Osaka City University. # *s J. Integr. Pest Managem. *u Journal of Integrated Pest Management # *s J. Interdiscipl. Cycle Res. *u Journal of Interdisciplanary Cycle Research # *s J. Invert. Path. *u Journal of Invertebrate Pathology # *s J. Jpn Soc. Med. Ent. Zool. *u Journal of the Japan Society of Medical and Entomological Zoology # *s J. Kans. ent. Soc. *u Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society # *s J. King Saud Univ. *u Journal of King Saud University # *s J. Korean Cult. Res. Inst. *u Journal of the Korean Cultural Research Institute (Ewha Women's University) [Han'guk Munhwa Yon'guwon nonch'ong] # *s J. Korean Res. Inst. Better Living *u Journal of the Korean Research Institute for Better Living. Ewha Womans' University # *s J. Kulturpflanzen *u Journal fur Kulturpflanzen # *s J. Linn. Soc. *u Journal of the Linnean Society # *s J. Maharashtra agric. Univs. *u Journal of the Maharashtra Agricultural Universities # *s J. Miss. Acad. Sci. *u Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences # *s J. Morph. *u Journal of Morphology # *s J. Mysore Univ. *u Journal of the Mysore University # *s J. Mysore agric. exp. Un. *u Journal of the Mysore Agricultural and Experimental Union # *s J. N. Y. ent. Soc. *u Journal of the New York Entomological Society # *s J. Nat. Conservation *u Journal of Nature Conservation # *s J. Natn. Acad. Sci., Korea *u Journal of the National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Korea [Haksurwon nonmunjip] # *s J. Neurobiol. *u Journal of Neurobiology # *s J. Neurochem. *u Journal of Neurochemistry # *s J. Neurogenet. *u Journal of Neurogenetics # *s J. Neuropathol. exp. Neurol. *u Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology # *s J. Neurosci. *u Journal of Neuroscience # *s J. Nutr. *u Journal of Nutrition # *s J. Nutri. Biol. *u Journal of Nutritional Biology # *s J. Paleont. *u Journal of Paleontology # *s J. Parasitol. *u Journal of Parasitology # *s J. Pest Sci. *u Journal of Pest Science # *s J. Pl. Prot. *u Journal of Plant Protection # *s J. Pollination Ecol. *u Journal of Pollination Ecology # *s J. Proc. Linn. Soc. *u Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society # *s J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Zool. *u Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society. Zoology # *s J. Protozool. *u Journal of Protozoology # *s J. Radiat. Res. *u Journal of Radiation Research # *s J. Rubb. Res. Inst. Malaya *u Journal of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaya # *s J. S. Afr. Bot. *u Journal of South African Botany # *s J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ. *u Journal of Science of the Hiroshima University # *s J. Sci. Soc. Thailand *u Journal of the Science Society of Thailand # *s J. Singapore natn. Acad. Sci. *u Journal of the Singapore National Academy of Science # *s J. Soc. Bibl. nat. Hist. *u Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History # *s J. Soc. Br. Ent. *u Journal of the Society for British Entomology # *s J. Species Res. *u Journalof Species Research # *s J. Tenn. Acad. Sci. *u Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science # *s J. Theor. Biol. *u Journal of Theoretical Biology # *s J. Thermal Biol. *u Journal of Thermal Biology # *s J. Trop. Ecol. *u Journal of Tropical Ecology # *s J. Ultrastruct. Res. *u Journal of Ultrastructure Research # *s J. Univ. Poona *u Journal of the University of Poona. Science and Technology # *s J. Vector Ecol. *u Journal of Vector Ecology # *s J. Vis. Exp. *u Journal of Visualized Experiments # *s J. Wash. Acad. Sci. *u Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences # *s J. Xian Shiyou Univ., Nat. Sci. Ed. *u Journal of the Xian Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition # *s J. Zool. *u Journal of Zoology # *s J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res. *u Journal of zoological systematics and evolutionary research # *s J. acoust. Soc. Am. *u Journal of the acoustic Society of America # *s J. adv. Zool. *u Journal of advanced zoology # *s J. agric. Food Chem. *u Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry # *s J. agric. Res. *u Journal of Agricultural Research # *s J. agric. Sci. *u Journal of Agricultural Science # *s J. agric. Univ. P. R. *u Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico # *s J. anim. Beh. Biomet. *u Journal of animimal Behavior and Biometeorologie # *s J. anim. Divers. *u Journal of animal Diversity # *s J. appl. Ecol. *u Journal of Applied Ecology # *s J. appl. Ent. *u Journal of applied Entomology # *s J. basic appl. Zool. *u Journal of basic and applied Zoology # *s J. biophys. biochem. Cytol. *u Journal of Biophysical and Biochemical Cytology # *s J. chem. Ecol. *u Journal of Chemical Ecology # *s J. comp. Neurol. *u Journal of Comparative Neurology # *s J. comp. Neurol. Psychol. *u Journal of Comparative Neurology and Psychology # *s J. comp. Path. *u Journal of Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics # *s J. comp. Physiol. *u Journal of Comparative Physiology # *s J. comp. Physiol. Psychol. *u Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology # *s J. comp. Psychol. *u Journal of Comparative Psychology # *s J. econ. Biol. *u Journal of Economic Biology # *s J. econ. Ent. *u Journal of Economic Entomology # *s J. ent. Res. *u Journal of Entomological Research # *s J. ent. Res. Soc. *u Journal of the Entomological Research Society # *s J. ent. Sci. *u Journal of entomological Science # *s J. ent. Soc. Ont. *u Journal of the entomological Society of Ontario # *s J. ent. Soc. sth. Engl. *u Journal of the Entomological Society of the South of England # *s J. ent. Soc. sthn Afr. *u Journal of the Entomological Society of Southern Africa # *s J. environ. Sci. Hlth *u Journal of Environmental Science and Health # *s J. environm. Radioact. *u Journal of Environmental Radioactivity # *s J. euk. Microbiol. *u Journal of eukaryotic Microbiology # *s J. evol. Biol. *u Journal of Evolutionary Biology # *s J. exp. Biol. *u Journal of Experimental Biology # *s J. exp. Psychol., Anim. Behav. *u Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes # *s J. exp. Zool. *u Journal of Experimental Zoology # *s J. exp. Zool. (Mol. Dev. Evol.) *u Journal of Experimental Zoology # *s J. gen. Physiol. *u Journal of General Physiology # *s J. gen. Virol. *u Journal of General Virology # *s J. hort. Res. *u Journal of horticultural Research # *s J. hort. Sci. *u Journal of horticultural Science # *s J. infect. Dis. *u Journal of Infectious Diseases # *s J. med. Ent. *u Journal of Medical Entomology # *s J. molec. Biol. *u Journal of Molecular Biology # *s J. molec. Evol. *u Journal of Molecular Evolution # *s J. molec. appl. Genet. *u Journal of Molecular and Applied Genetics # *s J. nat. Hist. *u Journal of Natural History # *s J. nucl. Sci., Korea *u Journal of nuclear Sciences [Wonjaryok Yongu Nonmunjip] # *s J. r. Soc. N. Z. *u Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand # *s J. scient. Res. *u Journal of scientific Research # *s J. scient. indust. Res., India *u Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, India # *s J. stored Products Res. *u Journal of Stored Products Research # *s J. struct. Biol. *u Journal of Structural Biology # *s J. submicrosc. Cytol. *u Journal of Submicroscopic Cytology # *s J. submicrosc. Cytol. Path. *u Journal of Submicroscopic Cytology and Pathology # *s J. threat. Taxa *u Journal of threatened Taxa # *s J. zool. Res. *u Journal of zoological Research # *s Jahresber. Ent. Ver. Bremen *u Jahresbericht des Entomologischen Vereins Bremen # *s Jb. K.K. Gelehrt. Ges. Krakau *u Jahresbericht der K.K. Gelehrten Gesellschaft Krakau # *s Jb. Univ. Dusseldorf *u Jahrbuch. Universitat Dusseldorf # *s Jb. naturh. Landesmus. Karnten *u Jahrbuch des naturhistorisches Landesmuseums von Karnten # *s Jber. LandesmusVer. Vorarlberg *u Jahresbericht der Landesmuseumsverein fur Vorarlberg in Bregenz # *s Jber. naturf. Ges. Graub. *u Jahresbericht der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Graubundens # *s Jh. Ver. schles. Insektenk. *u Jahresheft des Vereins fur schlesische Insektenkunde zu Breslau # *s Jh. Ver. vaterl. Naturk. Wurtt. *u Jahresheft des Vereins fur vaterlandische Naturkunde in Wurttemberg # *s Jh. naturw. Ver. Trencsiner Kom. *u Jahresheft der Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins des Trencsiner Komitats # *s Johns Hopkins Med. J. *u Johns Hopkins Medical Journal # *s Jordan J. agric. Sci. *u Jordan Journal of Agricultural Science # *s Josai Shika Daigaku Kiyo *u Josai Shika Daigaku Kiyo [Bulletin of the Josai Dental University] # *s Jpn J. Ecol. *u Japanese Journal of Ecology [Nihon Seitai Gakkai shi] # *s Jpn J. Ent. *u Japanese Journal of Entomology # *s Jpn J. Genet. *u Japanese Journal of Genetics [Idengaku Zasshi] # *s Jpn J. Vet. Sci. *u Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science # *s Jpn J. Zool. *u Japanese Journal of Zoology [Nihon dobutsugaku shuho] # *s Jpn J. appl. Ent. Zool. *u Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology [Nihon oyo Dobutsu Konchu Gakkaishi] # *s Jpn J. appl. Zool. *u Japanese Journal of Applied Zoology # *s Jpn J. sanit. Zool. *u Japanese Journal of Sanitary Zoology [Eisei Dobutsu] # *s Jschr. k.-k. StaatsGymn. Villach *u Jahresschrifte des Kaiserlich-Koniglichen Staats-Gymnasiums in Villach # *s K'ao ch'a yu yen chiu *u K'ao ch'a yu yen chiu [Investigatio et studium naturae Museum Historiae Naturae Shanghaiense] # *s K. norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. *u Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter # *s K. svenska VetenskAkad. Handl. *u Kungliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handliger # *s K. svenska VetenskAkad. Skr. Nat. *u Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Skrifter i Naturskyddsarenden # *s KSU J. Agric. Nat. *u KSU Journal of Agriculture and Nature # *s KSU J. nat. Sci. *u KSU Journal of natural Sciences # *s Kagaku *u Kagaku [Chemistry] # *s Kans. Univ. Sci. Bull. *u The Kansas University Science Bulletin # *s Karstenia *u Karstenia # *s Kisul Kwahak Yon'guso *u Chungang Taehakkyo (Chungang Taehakkyo, Kisul Kwahak Yon'guso) [Chungang University. Technologies and Science] # *s Klapalekiana *u Klapalekiana # *s Konchu to Shizen *u Konchu to Shizen [Nature & Insects] # *s Konowia *u Konowia (Zeitschrift fur Systematische Insektenkunde) # *s Kontyu *u Kontyu # *s Korean J. Appl. Ent. *u Korean Journal of Applied Entomology [Han'guk Ungyong Konch'ung Hakhoe chi] # *s Korean J. Biol. Sci. *u Korean Journal of Biological Sciences # *s Korean J. Breed. *u Korean Journal of Breeding [Yuk Chong' Hakhoe-chi] # *s Korean J. Ent. *u Korean Journal of Entomology [Han'guk Konch'ung Hakhoe chi] # *s Korean J. Genet. *u Korean Journal of Genetics [Han'guk Yujon Hakhoe chi] # *s Korean J. Microbiol. *u Korean Journal of Microbiology [Misaengmul Hakhoe chi] # *s Korean J. Syst. Zool. *u Korean Journal of Systematic Zoology [Han'guk Tongmul Pullyu Hakhoe chi] # *s Korean J. Zool. *u Korean Journal of Zoology [Tongmul Hakhoe chi] # *s KorrespBl. NaturfVer. Riga *u Korrespondenzblatt des Naturforschenden Vereins zu Riga # *s Kromosomo *u La Kromosomo [Senshoku-tai] # *s Kronen-Zeitung *u Kronen-Zeitung # *s Kwangju Teacher's Coll. Sci. Educ. Center Rev. *u Kwangju Teacher's College Science Education Center Review # *s Kwangsi Agric. *u The Kwangsi Agriculture [Guangxi nong ye] # *s Kybernetik *u Kybernetik # *s Kyoyuk nonjip *u Kyoyuk nonjip [Journal of educational theory] # *s Lambillionea *u Lambillionea # *s Lankesteriana *u Lankesteriana # *s Latvijas Entomologs *u Latvijas Entomologs # *s Laufener Seminarbeitr. *u Laufener Seminarbeitrage. Akademie fur Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege # *s Leaflet. Ext. Serv. Coll. Agric., Rutgers Univ. *u Leaflet. Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture and Environmental Science, Rutgers University # *s Lesnictvi, Prague *u Lesnictvi - Forestry # *s Lietuvos Entmologu Draugijos Darbai *u Lietuvos Entmologu Draugijos Darbai # *s Life Sci. Adv., Varanasi *u Life Science Advances # *s Life Sci. Int. J. *u Life Sciences International Journal # *s Life Sci. Res. Rep. *u Life Sciences Research Report # *s Life Science J. *u Life Science Journal # *s Linzer biol. Beitr. *u Linzer biologische Beitrage # *s Lipids *u Lipids # *s Lloydia *u Lloydia (Journal of Natural Products) # *s Lond. Nat. *u London Naturalist (London Natural History Society) # *s Los Alamos Natn. Laboratory Tech. Rep. *u Los Alamos National Laboratory Technical Report # *s Low Temp. Sci. *u Low Temperature Science [Teion kagaku] # *s Lunds Univ. Arsskr. *u Lunds Universitets Arsskrift [Acta Universitatis Lundensis] # *s METODE Science Studies J. *u METODE Science Studies Journal # *s MKU. Tar. Bil. Derg. *u Mustafa Kemal Universitesi Tarim Bilimleri Dergisi # *s Magy. Biol. Kutintez. *u A Magyar biologiai Kutatointezet [Arbeiten der II. Abteilung des Ungarischen biologischen Forschungs-Institutes] # *s Makunagi *u Makunagi (Acta Dipterologica) # *s Malay. Agric. J. *u Malayan Agricultural Journal # *s Malay. Nature J. *u Malayan Nature Journal # *s Malpighia *u Malpighia (Rassegna mensuale di botanica) # *s Master of Science *u Master of Science # *s Mauritiana *u Mauritiana # *s Md Processor's Rep. *u Maryland Processor's Report: Fruits & Vegetables (University of Maryland, Departments of Agricutural Economics and Agricultural Engineering. Extension Service) # *s Mech. Ageing Dev. *u Mechanisms of Ageing and Development # *s Mech. Dev. *u Mechanisms of Development # *s Med. Entomol. Zool. *u Medical Entomology and Zoology # *s Med. Sci. Law *u Medicine, Science and the Law # *s Med. vet. Ent. *u Medical and Veterinary Entomology # *s Medd. Centralanst. Forsoksv. *u Meddelanden fran Centralanstalten for Forsoksvasendet pa Jordbruksomradet. # *s Medd. Soc. Fauna Fl. fenn. *u Meddelanden af Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica # *s Medio Ambiente *u Medio Ambiente # *s Medit. Conf. Genet. 1 *u Proceedings. 1st Mediterranean Conference on Genetics # *s Medit. Conf. Genet. 2 *u Proceedings. 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Genetics # *s Meieriposten *u Meieriposten # *s Meikai Daigaku Shigaku Zasshi *u Meikai Daigaku Shigaku Zasshi [Journal of Meikai University School of Dentistry] # *s Melsheimer Ent. Ser. *u Melsheimer Entomological Series # *s Mem. Acad. Cien. Exact. *u Memorias de la Academia de ciencias exactas. Fisicas y Naturales de Madrid # *s Mem. Am. Acad. Arts Sci. *u Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences # *s Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyoto *u Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto University. # *s Mem. Cornell Univ. agric. Exp. Stn *u Memoir. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station # *s Mem. Dep. Agric. India, Ent. Ser. *u Memoirs of the Department of Agriculture in India. Entomological Series # *s Mem. Ehime Univ., Sci. *u Memoirs of the Ehime University # *s Mem. Ent. Soc. Canad. *u Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada [Memoires de la Societe entomologique du Canada] # *s Mem. Ent., Int. *u Memoirs on Entomology, International # *s Mem. Fac. Sci. Kyoto *u Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyoto University # *s Mem. Fac. Sci. Kyushu Univ. *u Memoirs of the Faculty of Science, Kyushu University [Kyushu Daigaku Rigakubu Kiyo] # *s Mem. Fac. Sci. Shimane Univ. *u Memoirs. Shimane University Faculty of Science [Shimane Daigaku Rigakubu Kiyo] # *s Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz *u Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz # *s Mem. Inst. fr. Afr. noire Centre Cameroun *u Memoires de l'Institut Francais d'Afrique noire. Centre de Cameroun # *s Mem. Inst. scient. Madagascar *u Memoires de l'Institut Scientifique de Madagascar # *s Mem. Ist. ital. Idrobiol. de Marchi *u Memorie dell'Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia dottore Marco di Marchi # *s Mem. Konan Univ. *u Memoirs. Konan University [Konan Daigaku Kiyo] # *s Mem. Mus. Hist. nat., Paris *u Memoires. Museum national d'histoire naturelle. Paris # *s Mem. Mus. civ. Stor. nat. Verona *u Memorie del Museo civico di storia naturale di Verona # *s Mem. Mus. zool. Univ. Coimbra *u Memorias e estudos do Museu zoologico da Universidade de Coimbra # *s Mem. Nat. Sci. Museum *u Memoirs of the National Science Museum. # *s Mem. Soc. (r.) esp. Hist. nat. *u Memorias de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural # *s Mem. Soc. Sci. Agric. Lille *u Memoires de la Societe Royale des Sciences, de l'Agriculture et des Arts de Lille # *s Mem. Soc. Sci. nat. Maroc *u Memoires de la Societe des Sciences naturelles du Maroc # *s Mem. Soc. ent. Belg. *u Memoires de la Societe entomologique de Belgique # *s Mem. Soc. ent. ital. *u Memorie della Societa entomologica italiana # *s Mem. Soc. ital. Sci. nat. *u Memorie della Societa italiana di scienze naturali e del Museo civico di storia naturale di Milano # *s Mem. Soc. zool. Fr. *u Memoires de la Societe zoologique de France # *s Mem. ent. Soc. Wash. *u Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Washington # *s Mem. pres. div. Sav. Acad. Sci. Inst. Fr. *u Memoires presentes par divers savants a l'Academie des sciences de l'Institut de France # *s Mem. r. Acad. Cien. Artes Barcelona *u Memorias de la Real Academia de Ciencias y Artes de Barcelona # *s Mem. r. Accad. Sci. Torino *u Memorie della reale Accademia delle Scienze di Torino # *s Memo. Soc. Fauna Flora fenn. *u Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora fennica # *s Memoirs Austr. Mus. *u Memoirs of the Australian Museum # *s Mendeliana *u Mendeliana. Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Genetica # *s Merck Blatter *u Merck Blatter (Beitrage zur Schadlingsbekampfung) # *s Methods Enzymol. *u Methods in Enzymology # *s Methods Protoc. *u Methods Protoc. # *s Mh. VetMed. *u Monatshefte fur Veterinarmedizin # *s Mich. Acad. *u Michigan Academician # *s Microbial Ecol. *u Microbial Ecology # *s Microbiol. Immunol. *u Microbiology and Immunology # *s Microentomology *u Microentomology # *s Micron *u Micron # *s Microsc. Res. Tech. *u Microscopy Research and Technique # *s Milk Ind. *u Milk Industry # *s Misc. Publs Md Agric. Exp. Stn *u Miscellaneous Publications. Agricultural Research Station, University of Maryland # *s Misc. Publs U. S. Dep. Agric. *u Miscellaneous Publications. United States Department of Agriculture # *s Miscellanea Alcobe *u Miscellanea Alcobe # *s Miscnea Ent. *u Miscellanea Entomologica (Revue entomologique international) # *s Mitochondria *u Mitochondria # *s Mitochondrial DNA *u Mitochondrial DNA # *s Mitochondrial DNA (A) *u Mitochondrial DNA (A) # *s Mitochondrial DNA (B) *u Mitochondrial DNA (B) # *s Mitochondrial DNA (B), Resources *u Mitochondrial DNA, Series B, Resources # *s Mitochondrion (Kidlington) *u Mitochondrion # *s Mitt. Biol. Anst. *u Mitteilungen der Biologischen Anstalt Berlin-Dahlem # *s Mitt. Geogr. Ges. Lubeck *u Mitteilungen der Geographischen Gesellschaft Lubeck # *s Mitt. Ges. Vorratsschutz *u Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft fur Vorratsschutz # *s Mitt. Klosterneuburg *u Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg # *s Mitt. Max-Planck-Ges. *u Mitteilungen aus der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft # *s Mitt. Naturf. Ges. Beider Basel *u Mitteilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaften Beider Basel # *s Mitt. OVR *u Mitteilungen des Obstbauversuchsringes # *s Mitt. Thuringer Entverb. *u Mitteilungen des Thuringer Entomologenverbandes # *s Mitt. aarg. naturf. Ges. *u Mitteilungen der Aargauischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft # *s Mitt. dtsch. Ges. Allg. Angew. Ent. *u Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Allgemeine und Angewandte Entomologie # *s Mitt. dtsch. ent. Ges. *u Mitteilungen der Deutschen Entomologischen Gesellschaft # *s Mitt. ent. Ges. Basel *u Mitteilungen der entomologischen Gesellschaft, Basel # *s Mitt. naturh. Mus. Hamb. *u Mitteilungen aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum in Hamburg # *s Mitt. naturw. Ver. Steierm. *u Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines fur Steiermark # *s Mitt. naturw. Ver. Troppau *u Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Troppau # *s Mitt. schweiz. ent. Ges. *u Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft [Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique Suisse] # *s Mitt. thuring. bot. Ges. *u Mitteilungen der Thuringischen Botanischen Gesellschaft # *s Mitt. zool. Mus. Berl. *u Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin # *s Mobile DNA *u Mobile DNA # *s Molec. Biol. *u Molecular Biology [English translation edition of Molekulyarnaia Biologiia] # *s Molec. Biol. Cell *u Molecular Biology of the Cell # *s Molec. Biol. Evol. *u Molecular Biology and Evolution # *s Molec. Cell. Biol. *u Molecular and Cellular Biology # *s Molec. Ecol. *u Molecular Ecology # *s Molec. Ecol. Notes *u Molecular Ecology Notes # *s Molec. Ecol. Resourc. *u Molecular Ecology Resources # *s Molec. Genet. Genomics *u Molecular Genetics and Genomics # *s Molec. Immunol. *u Molecular Immunology # *s Molec. Phylog. Evol. *u Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution # *s Molec. gen. Genet. *u Molecular and General Genetics # *s Molecules *u Molecules # *s Molk.-Ztg *u Molkerei-Zeitung # *s Mon. Bull. Calif. Comm. Hort. *u Monthly Bulletin. California State Commission of Horticulture # *s Mon. Bull. Calif. Dep. Agric. *u Monthly Bulletin. California Department of Agriculture # *s Mon. Bull. Min. Hlth, London *u Monthly Bulletin of the Ministry of Health and the (Emergency) Public Health Laboratory Service # *s Monit. zool. ital. *u Monitore Zoologico Italiano # *s Monogr. Biol. *u Monographiae Biologicae # *s Monogr. Imp. Counc. Agric. Res., New Delhi *u Scientific Monograph. Imperial Council for Agricultural Research # *s Monogr. Inst. Zool., Belgrade *u Monographs of the Institute of Zoology, Belgrade # *s Monogr. Virol. *u Monographs in Virology # *s Monografias SEA *u Monografias de la Sociedad Entomologica Aragonesa # *s Monogrn angew. Ent. *u Monographien zur Angewandtle Entomologie # *s Mor. J. agri. Sci. *u Moroccan Journal of agricultural Science # *s Mullidae hakpo *u Mullidae hakpo (Chungang Taehakkyo Mullikwa Taehak Haksaenghoe) [Chungang University. Review of Liberal Arts and Science] # *s Mun. Ent. Zool. *u Munis Entomology & Zoology # *s Mundo cientif. *u El mundo cientifico # *s Mushi *u Mushi # *s Mustafa Kemal Universitesi Tarim Bilimleri Derg. *u Mustafa Kemal Universitesi Tarim Bilimleri Dergesi # *s Mutat. Res. *u Mutation Research # *s Mycol. Res. *u Mycological Research # *s Mycologia *u Mycologia # *s Mycopath. Mycol. Appl. *u Mycopathologia et Mycologia Applicata # *s Mycopathologia *u Mycopathologia # *s Myforest *u Myforest # *s Myia *u Myia. A publication on entomology # *s Myrmecia *u Myrmecia # *s N. Am. Fauna *u North American Fauna (United States Department of the Interior) # *s N. J. Agric. *u New Jersey Agriculture # *s N. Z. Ent. *u New Zealand Entomologist # *s N. Z. J. Agric. *u New Zealand Journal of Agriculture # *s N. Z. J. Crop Hortic. Sci. *u New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science # *s N. Z. J. Sci. *u New Zealand Journal of Science # *s N. Z. J. Sci. Technol. *u New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology # *s N. Z. J. Zool. *u New Zealand Journal of Zoology # *s N. Z. J. agric. Res. *u New Zealand Journal of agricultural Research # *s N. Z. Natl Heritage *u New Zealand National Heritage # *s NATO Adv. Study Inst. Ser. *u NATO Advanced Study Institutes Series # *s Nachr. Akad. Wiss. Gottingen *u Nachrichten von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften in Gottingen # *s Nachr. Schadlingsbek. *u Nachrichten uber Schadlingsbekampfung der I. G. Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft # *s Nachr. dtsch. Ges. allg. angew. Ent. *u Nachrichten der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Allgemeine und Angewandte Entomologie # *s NachrBl. bayer. Ent. *u Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen # *s NachrBl. dtsch. PflSchDienst, Berl. *u Nachrichtenblatt des Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienstes # *s Nagaland Univ. Res. J. *u Nagaland University Research Journal # *s Nagasaki-ken Seibutsu-gakkaishi *u Nagasaki-ken Seibutsu-gakkaishi [Transactions of the Nagasaki Biology Society] # *s Nagpur Agric. Coll. Mag. *u The Nagpur Agricultural College Magazine # *s Nara Kyoiku Daigaku kiyo *u Nara Kyoiku Daigaku kiyo [Bulletin of Nara University of Education, Natural Science] # *s Nat. Hist. Rev. *u Natural History Review # *s Nat. Hist., N. Y. *u Natural History (American Museum of Natural History) # *s Nat. Prod. Letts *u Natural Product Letters # *s Nat. Prod. Res. *u Natural Product Research # *s Nat. Sci. Rep. Ochanomizu Univ. *u Natural Science Report of the Ochanomizu University [Ochanomizu Joshi Daigaku shizen kagaku hokoku] # *s Natn. Acad. Sci. Lett. *u National Academy Science Letters # *s Natn. Ass. Coll. Teachers Agric. J. *u National Association of Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture. Journal # *s Natn. Cancer Inst. Monogr. *u National Cancer Institute Monograph # *s Natn. Canners Ass. A. Conven. *u National Canners Association. Annual Convention # *s Natn. Canners Ass. Inform. Lett. *u National Canners Association. Information Letter # *s Natn. Mus. Wales, Ent. Ser. *u National Museum of Wales: Entomology Series # *s Natur und Heimat *u Natur und Heimat # *s Natura, Milano *u Natura # *s Naturalia, Sao Jose do Rio Preto *u Naturalia # *s Naturalia, Sao Paulo *u Naturalia, Sao Paulo # *s Naturalist, Lond. *u The Naturalist # *s Naturalista sicil. *u Naturalista siciliano # *s Naturaliste canad. *u Naturaliste canadien # *s Nature *u Nature # *s Nature Comm. *u Nature Communications # *s Nature Ecol. Evol. *u Nature Ecology & Evolution # *s Nature Educ. *u Nature Education # *s Nature New Biol. *u Nature New Biology # *s Nature Rev. Genet. *u Nature Reviews. Genetics # *s Natureza & Conserv. *u Natureza & Conservacao # *s Naturhist. Tidsskr. *u Naturhistoriske Tidsskrift # *s Naturk. Jb. Stadt Linz *u Naturkundliches Jahrbuch der Stadt Linz # *s Naturw. Rdsch. *u Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau # *s Naturw. Untersuch. Sarekgeb. *u Naturwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen des Sarekgebirges in Schwedisch-Lappland # *s Naturw. Z. Forst- u. Landw. *u Naturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift fur Forst- und Landwirtschaft # *s Naturwissenschaften *u Naturwissenschaften # *s Natuurk. Tijd. Ned.-Indie *u Natuurkundig tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie (Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch Indie) # *s Navors. nas. Mus., Bloemfontein *u Navorsinge van die Nasionale Museum [Researches of the Nasionale Museum] # *s NeoBiota *u NeoBiota # *s Neotrop. Biol. Conserv. *u Neotropical Biology and Conservation # *s Neotropical Ent. *u Neotropical Entomology # *s Neth. J. Zool. *u Netherlands Journal of Zoology # *s Neuron *u Neuron # *s Neurosci. Lett. *u Neuroscience Letters # *s New Ent., Ueda *u New Entomologist [Nyu entomorojisut; Shin Konchu Gakkai] # *s New Entomol., Shinshu *u New Entomologist, Shinshu # *s New Phytol. *u New Phytologist # *s New Scient. *u New Scientist # *s Niger. J. Ent. *u Nigerian Journal of Entomology # *s Nonmunjip (Kwangu Kyoyuk Taehak) *u Nonmunjip (Kwangu Kyoyuk Taehak) [Kwangju Teachers College Review] # *s Nonmunjip. Cheju Taehak *u Nonmunjip. Cheju Taehak [Cheju University Journal] # *s Nord. hyg. Tidskr. *u Nordisk hygienisk Tidskrift # *s Norsk ent. Tidsskr. *u Norsk entomologisk Tidsskrift # *s Northw. Nat. *u The North Western Naturalist # *s Norw. J. Ent. *u Norwegian Journal of Entomology # *s Notes Ent. chin. *u Notes entomologique chinoise (Musee Heude) # *s Notic. mens., Santiago *u Noticiario mensual (Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Santiago) # *s Notornis *u Notornis # *s Notul. ent. *u Notulae entomologicae # *s Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobot. Cluj-Napoca *u Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanicae Cluj-Napoca # *s Nouv. Revue Ent. *u Nouveaux Revue Entomologique # *s Nova Guinea *u Nova Guinea: Uitkomsten der Nieuw-Guinea-Expedities # *s Nova Hedwigia *u Nova Hedwigia # *s Nova Suppl. Ent. *u Nova Supplementa Enttomologica # *s Novenyvedelem *u Novenyvedelem # *s Novit. zool. *u Novitates zoologicae # *s Nucleic Acids Res. *u Nucleic Acids Research # *s Nucleus, Calcutta *u Nucleus (International journal of cytology and allied subjects) # *s Nyt Mag. Naturv. *u Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskaberne # *s Obst Weinbau *u Obst und Weinbau # *s Occ. Pap. Boston Soc. nat. Hist. *u Occasional Papers of the Boston Society of Natural History # *s Oecologia *u Oecologia # *s Ofvers. VetenskAkad. Forh., Stockh. *u Ofversigt af Kungliga Vetenskaps-Akademiens Forhandlingar # *s Ofvers. finska VetenskSoc. Forh. *u Ofversigt af Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens Forhandlingar # *s Ohio J. Sci. *u Ohio Journal of Science # *s Ohio Nat. *u Ohio Naturalist # *s Oikos *u Oikos (Acta oecologica scandinavica) # *s Oncology *u Oncology # *s Op. Corcont. *u Opera Corcontica (Krkonoskke Prace) # *s Opin. int. Comm. zool. Nom. *u Opinions and Declarations Rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature # *s Opusc. ent. *u Opuscula Entomologica # *s Oregon State Univ. Ext. Service *u Oregon State University Extension Service # *s Org. Divers. Evol. *u Organisms Diversity & Evolution # *s Orient. Insects *u Oriental Insects # *s Ost. zool. Z. *u Osterreichische zoologische Zeitschrift # *s Osttiroler Bote *u Osttiroler Bote # *s Ottawa Nat. *u Ottawa Naturalist # *s PANS *u PANS: Pest articles and news summaries # *s PLoS Biol. *u PLoS Biology # *s PLoS Gen. *u PLoS Genetics # *s PLoS ONE *u PLoS ONE # *s PLoS Pathog. *u PLoS. Pathogens # *s PNAS *u Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America # *s PNAS, Biol. Sci. *u Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America # *s Pacif. Ins. *u Pacific Insects # *s Pacif. Ins. Monog. *u Pacific Insects Monograph # *s Pacif. Sci. *u Pacific Science # *s Pacific Symp. Biocomputing *u Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing # *s Pakistan J. Zool. *u Pakistan Journal of Zoology # *s Palaeontographica *u Palaeontographica # *s Paleobiology *u Paleobiology # *s Pam. fiz. *u Pamietnik Fizyograficzny # *s Pan-Pacif. Ent. *u Pan-Pacific Entomologist # *s Pap. Avul. Dep. Zool. Sec. Agric. *u Papeis avulsos (do Departamento) de Zoologia (da Secretaria da Agricultura) # *s Pap. Avul. Zool. *u Papeis avulsos de zoologia # *s Pap. Mich. Acad. Sci. *u Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters # *s Parasit. Vect. *u Parasites and Vectors # *s Parasitol. Res. *u Parasitology Research # *s Parasitol. hung. *u Parasitologia Hungarica [Magyar Parazitologusok Tarsasag] # *s Parasitology *u Parasitology # *s Path. Biol., Paris *u Pathologie Biologie # *s Pedobiologia *u Pedobiologia # *s Peer Comm. J. *u Peer Community Journal # *s Peer J. *u Peer Journal # *s Peking nat. Hist. Bull. *u Peking Natural History Bulletin (Peking Society of Natural History) # *s Peninsula Hort. Soc. Trans. A. Session *u Peninsula Horticultural Society. Transactions of the Annual Session # *s Periodicum Biol. *u Periodicum Biologorum # *s Perspect. Cytol. Genet. *u Perspectives in cytology and genetics (All India Congress of Cytology and Genetics) # *s Pesq. agropec. bras. *u Pesquesas agropec. brasileiras # *s Pesq. agropec. trop. *u Pesquisa Agropecuaria Tropical # *s Pest Control *u Pest Control # *s Pest Manag. Sci. *u Pest Management Science # *s Pestic. Biochem. Physiol. *u Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology # *s Pestic. Phytomed. (Belgrade) *u Pesticide and Phytomedics (Belgrade) # *s Pestic. Sci. *u Pesticide Science # *s Pests *u Pests (and their Control) # *s PflschBer. *u Pflanzenschutz-Berichte # *s Pharmaceut. Weekbl. *u Pharmaceutisch Weekblad # *s Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. *u Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior # *s Pharmacol. Res. *u Pharmacological Research. The Official Journal of the Italian Pharmacological Society # *s Pharmazie *u Die Pharmazie # *s Phelsuma *u Phelsuma # *s Phil. Trans. r. Soc. *u Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London # *s Philipp. Ent. *u Philippine Entomologist # *s Philipp. J. Sci. *u Philippine Journal of Science # *s Philippia *u Philippia # *s Photochem. Photobiol. *u Photochemistry and Photobiology # *s Physiol. Biochem. Zool. *u Physiological and Biochemical Zoology # *s Physiol. Comp. Oecol. *u Physiologia Comparata et Oecologia # *s Physiol. Ent. *u Physiological Entomology # *s Physiol. Mol. Biol. Plants *u Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants # *s Physiol. Zool. *u Physiological Zoology # *s Physiologist *u The Physiologist # *s Physis, B. Aires *u Physis (Revista de la Sociedad argentina de ciencias naturales) # *s Phytochemistry *u Phytochemistry # *s Phytoma *u Phytoma # *s Phytoparasitica *u Phytoparasitica (Israel Journal of Plant Protection and Sciences) # *s Phytopathology *u Phytopathology # *s Picentino *u Picentino. Il giornale della R. Societa economica di Salerno # *s Pirineos *u Pirineos (Revista de la Estacion de estudios Pirenaicos) # *s Plant Biol. *u Plant Biology # *s Plant Dis. *u Plant Disease # *s Plant Dis. Reptr *u Plant Disease Reporter # *s Plant Ecol. Evol. *u Plant Ecolology and Evolution # *s Plant Protection *u Plant Protection # *s Plant Species Biol. *u Plant Species Biology # *s Plant Syst. Evol. *u Plant Systematics & Evolution [Entwicklungsgeschichte und Systematik der Pflanzen] # *s Plants *u Plants # *s Polish Bot. J. *u Ploish Botanical Journal # *s Polish Bot. Studies *u Polish Botanical Studies # *s Polskie Pismo ent. *u Polskie Pismo entomologiczne # *s Pop. Ecol. *u Population Ecology # *s Port. Acta biol. *u Portugaliae Acta Biologica # *s Port. Zool., Ser. Monogr. *u Portugaliae zoologica, Serie monografica # *s Postharvest Biol. Technol. *u Postharvest Biology and Technology # *s Pr. Morav. Prir. Spol., Brno *u Prace Moravske prirodovedecke spolecnosti (Acta Societatis scientiarum naturalium moravo-silesiacea) # *s Pr. Vyzk. ust. les. hosp. Mysl. *u Prace Vyzkumneho ustavu lesniho hospodarstvi a myslivosti (Prace Vyzkumneho ustavu lesniho hospodarstvi) [Reports of the Forestry and Game Management Research Institute] # *s Pre-Pack-Age *u Pre-Pack-Age # *s Priamus, Suppl. *u Priamus, Supplement # *s Principes *u Principes (Palm Society) # *s Prirodov. Cas. slezsky *u Prirodovedecky casopsis slezsky (Acta Rerum Naturalium Districtus Silesiae) # *s Prirodov. Pr. Cesk. Akad. Ved. *u Prirodovedne prace ustavu Ceskoslovenske akademie ved v Brne (Acta scientiarum naturalium Academiae Scientiarum Bohemoslovacae) # *s Prirodov. Sb. ostrav. Kraje *u Prirodovedecky sbornik Ostravskeho kraje (Acta rerum naturalium Districtus Ostraviensis) # *s Problemi attual. sci. cult. *u Problemi attuali di scienza e di cultura Quaderni # *s Problemy Obshchei i Molekuljarnoi Biologii *u Problemy Obshchei i Molekuljarnoi Biologii # *s Proc. 4th Int. Cocoa Res. Conf. *u Proceedings. Fourth International Cocoa Research Conference # *s Proc. A. Mtng Neb. Acad. Sci. *u Proceedings of the Annual Meeting. Nebraska Academy of Sciences and Affiliated Societies # *s Proc. A. Res. Conf. Calif. Fig Inst. *u Proceedings of the annual research conference. California Fig Institute # *s Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad. *u Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia # *s Proc. Am. Acad. Arts Sci. *u Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences # *s Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. *u Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society # *s Proc. Am. Phytopath. Soc. *u Proceedings of the American Phytopathological Society # *s Proc. Am. Soc. hort. Sci. *u Proceedings of the American Society for Horticultural Science # *s Proc. Ark. Acad. Sci. *u Proceedings of the Arkansas Academy of Science # *s Proc. Aust. Biochem. Soc. *u Proceedings of the Australian Biochemical Society # *s Proc. Boston Soc. nat. Hist. *u Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History # *s Proc. Bristol Nat. Soc. *u Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists' Society # *s Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. *u Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences # *s Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. *u Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences # *s Proc. Coll. Nat. Sci. Seoul natn. Univ. *u Chayon Kwahak Taehak nonmunjip [Proceedings of the College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University] # *s Proc. Conf. Nat. Sci., Hawaii *u Proceedings of the Conference in Natural Sciences in Hawaii # *s Proc. Dunn Dobzhansky Mem. Symp. Genet. *u Proceedings of the L.C. Dunn and Th. Dobzhansky Memorial Symposium on Genetics, December 16-18, 1976, Mysore. # *s Proc. Hawaii. ent. Soc. *u Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society # *s Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. *u Proceeding of the Indian Academy of Sciences # *s Proc. Indian Sci. Congr. *u Proceedings of the Indian Science Congress # *s Proc. Indian natn. Sci. Acad. *u Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy # *s Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. *u Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science # *s Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. *u Proceedings of the Iowa Academy of Science # *s Proc. Jpn Acad. *u Proceedings of the Japan Academy [Nihon Gakushiin] # *s Proc. Jpn Soc. syst. Zool. *u Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Systematic Zoology [Dobutsu Bunrui Gakkaishi] # *s Proc. Kushiro Woman's Coll. *u Proceedings. Kushiro Woman's College # *s Proc. Latvian Acad. Sci. *u Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences # *s Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. *u Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London # *s Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. *u Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales # *s Proc. Minn. Acad. Sci. *u Proceedings of the Minnesota Academy of Science # *s Proc. N. Centr. Brch ent. Soc. Am. *u Proceedings of the North Central Branch of the Entomological Society of America # *s Proc. Neb. Acad. Sci. *u Proceedings of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences and Affiliated Societies # *s Proc. Nucl. Sci. *u Proceedings of Nuclear Science # *s Proc. Ok. Acad. Sci. *u Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science # *s Proc. S. Afr. Soc. Anim. Prod. *u Proceedings of the South African Society of Animal Production (Handelinge van die Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Diereproduksie) # *s Proc. S. Lond. ent. nat. Hist. Soc. *u Proceedings of the South London Entomological and Natural History Society # *s Proc. Sanit. Conf. Dried Fruit Ass. Calif. 1 *u Proceedings. First Sanitation Conference. Dried Fruit Association of California, April 26-27, 1955 # *s Proc. Sect. Exp. Appl. Ent. Netherlands Ent. Soc. *u Proceedings of the Section Experimental and Applied Entomology of the Netherlands Entomological Society (N.E.V.) # *s Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. Med. *u Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine # *s Proc. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. *u Proceedings - Soil Science Society of America # *s Proc. Symp. Ecol. Anim. Pop. Zool. Surv. India *u Proceedings of the Symposium on Ecology of Animal Population, from 26th Oct. to 28th Oct. 1978 # *s Proc. Trans. Br. Ent. Nat. Hist. Soc. *u Proceedings and transactions of the British Entomological and Natural History Society # *s Proc. Trans. S. Lond. ent. nat. Hist. Soc. *u Proceedings and Transactions of the South London Entomological and Natural History Society # *s Proc. U. S. natn. Mus. *u Proceedings of the United States National Museum # *s Proc. W. Va Acad. Sci. *u Proceedings of the West Virginia Academy of Science # *s Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci. *u Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences # *s Proc. biol. Soc. Wash. *u Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington # *s Proc. ecol. Soc. Aust. *u Proceedings of the Ecological Society of Australia # *s Proc. ent. Soc. B. C. *u Proceedings of the Entomological Society of British Columbia # *s Proc. ent. Soc. Lond. *u Proceedings of the Entomological Society of London # *s Proc. ent. Soc. Wash. *u Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington # *s Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. India *u Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of India # *s Proc. r. Irish Acad. *u Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy # *s Proc. r. Soc. *u Proceedings of the Royal Society of London # *s Proc. r. Soc. Biol. Sci. *u Proceedings. Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences # *s Proc. r. Soc. Edinb. *u Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh # *s Proc. r. Soc. Vict. *u Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria # *s Proc. r. ent. Soc. Lond. *u Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London # *s Proc. r. phys. Soc. Edinb. *u Proceedings of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. # *s Proc. r. phys. Soc. Edinb., Exp. Biol. Nat. Hist. *u Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh. Proceedings of meetings devoted mainly to experimental biology and natural history. # *s Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. *u Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London # *s Proc. zool. Soc., Calcutta *u Proceedings of the Zoological Society, Calcutta # *s Prog. K.K. Ober-Gymnasiums Benedictiner Seitenstetten *u Programm des k.k. Ober-Gymnasiums der Benedictiner zu Seitenstetten # *s Prog. Nuclear Energy *u Progress in Nuclear Energy # *s Prog. Obergymnasium Bozen *u Programm K.K. Obergymnasium zu Bozen # *s Protoplasma *u Protoplasma # *s Psyche, Camb., Mass. *u Psyche (Journal of entomology) # *s Psychol. Rep. *u Psychological Reports # *s Pubbl. Staz. zool. Napoli *u Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli # *s Publs Carnegie Instn *u Carnegie Institute of Washington Publication # *s Publs Fac. Filos., Univ. Rio Grande do Sul *u Publicacoes. Faculdade de Filosophia, Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul # *s Publs Fac. nac. Filos., Univ. Brasil. Ser. Cient. *u Publicacoes da Faculdade nacional de Filosofia. Universidade do Brasil. Serie Cientifica # *s Publs Inst. Biol. apl. Barcelona *u Publicaciones del Instituto de Biologia Aplicada (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas) # *s Publs avuls. Mus. nac. Rio de J. *u Publicacoes avulsas do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro # *s Q. Bull. Hlth Org., League of Nations *u Quarterly Bulletin. Health Organization, League of Nations # *s Q. J. Taiwan Mus. *u Quarterly Journal of the Taiwan Museum [T'ai-wan sheng po wu kuan chi k'an] # *s Q. J. microsc. Sci. *u Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science # *s Q. La St. Bd Health *u Q. Louisiana State Board of Health # *s Q. Rev. Biol. *u Quarterly Review of Biology # *s Q. Rev. Biophys. *u Quarterly Review of Biophysics # *s Quaest. Ent. *u Quaestiones Entomologicae # *s R. Soc. open Sci. *u Royal Society Open Science # *s Radiat. Res. *u Radiation Research # *s Radiation Meas. *u Radiation Measurements # *s Raffles Bull. Zool. *u Raffles Bulletin of Zoology # *s Rashtriya Krishi *u Rashtriya Krishi # *s Rastit. Zasht. *u Rastitelna zashtita (Zashchita rastenii) [Plant protection] # *s Rc. Ist. lombardo *u Rendiconti dell'Istituto Lombardo di scienze e lettere # *s Rec. Auckland Inst. Mus. *u Records of the Auckland Institute and Museum # *s Rec. Aust. Mus. *u Records of the Australian Museum # *s Rec. Canterbury (N. Z.) Mus. *u Records of the Canterbury Museum (Canterbury Museum Trust Board) # *s Rec. Genet. Soc. Am. *u Records of the Genetics Society of America # *s Rec. Indian Mus. *u Records of the Indian Museum # *s Rec. zool. Survey India *u Records of the Zoological Survey of India # *s Recherche *u La Recherche # *s Redia *u Redia # *s Reichenbachia *u Reichenbachia # *s Rep. Bd Dep. Agric. Bermuda *u Reports of the Board and Department of Agriculture, Bermuda # *s Rep. Dep. Agric. N. Z., Div. Biol. Hort. *u Report. Department of Agriculture, New Zealand, Division of Biology and Horticulture # *s Rep. Quebec Soc. Prot. Pl. *u Report of the Quebec Society for the Protection of Plants # *s Rep. St. Fruit-ind. *u Report to State - Fruit - Industry Wide Committee for Abatement of Economic Insect Pests Stockton, CA December 16 1960. # *s Rep. agric. hort. Res. Stn Univ. Bristol *u Report of the Agricultural and Horticultural Research Station, University of Bristol # *s Report Transact. Devonsh. Assoc. Advancement Sci. *u Report and Transactions of the Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science # *s Res. Bull. Coll. exp. For. Hokkaido *u Research Bulletins of the College Experimental Forests, College of Agriculture, Hokkaido University [Enshurin kenkyu hokoku. Hokkaido Daigaku Nogakubu] # *s Res. Bull. Dep. Conserv. Land Manag. West. Aust. *u Research Bulletin. Department of Conservation and Land Management, Western Australia # *s Res. Bull. Miss. Agric. Exp. Stn *u Research Bulletin. Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station # *s Res. Bull. Ohio Agric. Exp. Stn *u Research Bulletin. Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station # *s Res. Bull. Panjab Univ., Science *u Research Bulletin of the Panjab University. Science # *s Res. Microbiol. *u Research in Microbiology # *s Res. Pop. Ecol. (Kyoto) *u Researches on Population Ecology [Kotai Gun Seitaigaku no Kenkyu] # *s Res. Rep., Natn Inst. Environ. Studies, Japan *u Kokuritsu Kogai Kenkyujo kenkyu hokoku [Research Report from the National Institute for Environmental Studies Japan] # *s Research, Society, Development *u Research, Society, Development # *s Results Norw. Scient. Expd. Tristan Da Cunha 1937-1938 *u Results of the Norwegian Scientific Expedition to Tristan da Cunha, 1937-1938 # *s Resum. Comun. XI Jorn. Genet. Luso-Espanola *u Programas y Resumenes de las Comunicaciones. I Simposio Internacional de Genetica de Poblaciones y XI Jornadas de Genetica Luso Espanolas. # *s Resum. Comun. XII Jorn. Genet. Luso-Espanola *u Programas y Resumenes de las Comunicaciones. XII Jornadas de Genetica Luso-Espanolas, Septembre 1976 # *s Resum. Comun. XIII Jorn. Genet. Luso-Espanola *u Programa e Resumos das Cominicacoes. XIII Jornadas de Genetica Luso-Espanolas, 27-29 Setembro, 1977 # *s Resum. Comun. XVIII Jorn. Genet. Luso-Espanola *u Programas y Resumenes. XVIII Jornadas de Genetica Luso-Espanolas, 21-23 Septiembre, 1982. # *s Resum. Congr. bras. Genet. *u Resumos do Congresso Brasileiro de Genetica # *s Rev. Appl. Ent. *u Review of Applied Entomology # *s Rev. Biol. Res. Aging *u Review of Biological Research in Aging # *s Rev. Fac. Sci. Univ. Istanbul *u Istanbul Universitesi Fen Fakultesi Mecmuasi [Revue de la Faculte des sciences de l'Universite d'Istanbul] # *s Rev. Sci. Eng. Chungang Univ. *u Review of Science and Engineering, Chungang University # *s Revta Acad. colomb. *u Revista de la Academia colombiana de ciencias exactas, fisicas y naturales # *s Revta Biol. Trop. *u Revista de biologia tropical (Universidad de Costa Rica) # *s Revta Biol., Univ. Oviedo *u Revista de Biologia de la Universidad de Oviedo # *s Revta Bol. Acad. Cienc. Inst. Chile *u Revista Boletin de la Academia de Ciencias del Instituto de Chile # *s Revta Cien. agrar. *u Revista Ciencia agronomica # *s Revta Cienc. Agrovet. *u Revista Ciencia Agroveterinaria # *s Revta Cient. *u Revista cientifica # *s Revta Ent., Rio de J. *u Revista de entomologia # *s Revta Inst. Adolfo Lutz *u Revista Instituto Adolfo Lutz # *s Revta Inst. Salubr. Enferm. trop., Mex. *u Revista del Instituto de salubridad y enfermedades tropicales # *s Revta Int. Contam. Ambient. *u Revista internacional de contaminacion ambiental # *s Revta Microbiol. *u Revista de Microbiologia # *s Revta Pont. Univ. Catolica Ecuador *u Revista de la Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador # *s Revta Soc. ent. argent. *u Revista de la Sociedad entomologica de Argentina # *s Revta Soc. mex. Hist. nat. *u Revista de la Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural # *s Revta agric., Mex. *u La Revista agricola # *s Revta agric., Piracicaba *u Revista de agricultura # *s Revta agron., Lisboa *u Revista agronomica # *s Revta agron., NE Argent. *u Revista agronomica del noreste Argentino # *s Revta bras. Biol. *u Revista brasileira de biologia # *s Revta bras. Chim. *u Revista brasileira de chimica (sciencia e industria) # *s Revta bras. Ent. *u Revista brasileira de entomologia # *s Revta bras. Frutic., Jaboticabal *u Revista brasileira Frutic., Jaboticabal # *s Revta bras. Genet. *u Revista brasileira de genetica [Brazilian Journal of Genetics] # *s Revta bras. Zool. *u Revista brasileira de zoologia (Sociedade Brasileira de zoologia) # *s Revta chil. Ent. *u Revista chilena de entomologica # *s Revta chil. Hist. nat. *u Revista chilena de historia natural # *s Revta colomb. Ent. *u Revista colombiana de Entomologia # *s Revta ecuat. Med. Cienc. Biol. *u Revista ecuatoriana de Medicina y Ciencias Biologicas # *s Revta esp. Ent. *u Revista espanola de Entomologia # *s Revta peru. Biol. *u Revista peruana de Bilogia # *s Revta peru. Ent. *u Revista peruana de entomologia # *s Revta venez. Sanid. Asist. soc. *u Revista venezolana de sanidad y asistencia social # *s Revue Comport. anim. *u Revue du comportement animal # *s Revue Vitic., Paris *u Revue de viticulture # *s Revue Zool. Bot. afr. *u Revue de zoologie et de botanique africaines # *s Revue Zool. afr. *u Revue zoologique africaine # *s Revue Zool. agric. *u Revue de zoologie agricole et appliquee # *s Revue fr. Ent. *u Revue francaise d'entomologie # *s Revue med. Liege *u Revue medicale de Liege # *s Revue scient. Bourgogne-Franche-ComtŽ Nature *u Revue scientifique Bourgogne-Franche-ComtŽ Nature # *s Revue suisse Vitic. Arboric. Hortic. *u Revue suisse de Viticulture, Arboriculture, Horticulture # *s Revue suisse Zool. *u Revue Suisse de zoologie # *s Ric. scient. *u La Ricerca Scientifica # *s Rishiri Res. *u Rishiri Research # *s Risk Analysis *u Risk Analysis # *s Riso Rep. *u Riso Report (Riso National Laboratory) # *s Riv. Biol. *u Rivista di Biologia # *s Riv. Pat. veg., Padova *u Rivista di patologia vegetale # *s Romanian J. Plant Prot. *u Romanian Journal of Plant Protextion # *s Roux Arch. dev. Biol. *u Roux's Archives of Developmental Biology # *s Rovart. Lap. *u Rovartani lapok # *s Rozpr. ceske Akad. *u Rozpravy Ceskoslovenske akademie ved. Rada matematickych a prirodnich Ved # *s Russ. J. Dev. Biol. *u Russian Journal of Developmental Biology [English translation edition of Ontogenez] # *s Russ. J. Ecol. *u Russian journal of ecology [English translation edition of Ekologiia] # *s Russ. J. Genet. *u Russian Journal of Genetics (English translation edition of Genetika) # *s Russian ent. J. *u Russian entomological Journal [Russkii entomologicheskii zhurnal] # *s Russk. ent. Obozr. *u Russkoe entomologicheskoe obozrenie [Revue Russe d'Entomologie] # *s S. Afr. Bee J. *u South African Bee Journal # *s S. Afr. For. J. *u South African forestry journal [Suid-Afrikaanse bosboutydskrif] # *s S. Afr. Genet. Soc. *u Proceedings. 1st Congress [Verrigtinge van die eerste kongres] South African Genetic Society, July 1958. # *s S. Afr. J. Sci. *u South African Journal of Science (South African Association for the Advancement of Science) [Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir wetenskap] # *s S. Afr. J. clin. Sci. *u South African Journal of Clinical Science # *s S. African J. Enol. Vitic. *u South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture # *s S. Am. Congr. Genet. 1 *u Actas I Congreso Latinoamericano de Genetica # *s S. Am. Congr. Genet. 5 *u Actas V Congreso Latinoamericano de Genetica # *s S. B. Akad. Wiss. Wien *u Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse # *s S. B. K. preuss. Akad. Wiss. *u Sitzungsberichte der koniglich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin # *s S. B. bayer. Akad. Wiss. *u Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Klasse der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (zu Munchen) # *s S. B. phys.-med. Soz. Erlangen *u Sitzungsberichte der physikalisch-medicinischen Sozietat in Erlangen # *s S. Indian Horticult. *u S. Indian Horticulture # *s S. Paulo med. *u Sao Paulo medico # *s SWest. Ent. *u Southwestern Entomologist # *s SWest. Nat. *u Southwestern Naturalist # *s Sad *u Sad # *s Sahlbergia *u Sahlbergia # *s Saishu to Shiiku *u Saishu to Shiiku [Collecting and Breeding] # *s Salusvita *u Salusvita (Revista da area de ciencias biologicas e da saude) # *s Sb. Jihocesk. Muz. Ceske Budejovice *u Sbornik Jihoceskeho Muzea v Ceskych Budejovicich # *s Sb. Mus. Orlick. hor *u Sbornik Musea Orlickych hor # *s Sb. severocesk. Mus. *u Sbornik Severoceskeho musea # *s Sch. Sci. Math. *u School Science and Mathematics # *s Sch. Sci. Rev. *u The School Science Review # *s Schr. naturf. Ges. Danzig *u Schriften der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig # *s Schr. phys.-okon. Ges. Konigsb. *u Schriften der Physikalisch-okonomischen Gesellschaft zu Konigsberg # *s Sci. Cult. *u Science and Culture # *s Sci. Prog. Nature, Paris *u Science progres, la nature # *s Sci. Prog., London *u Science Progress # *s Sci. Rec. Acad. Sin. *u Science Record (Academia Sinica) [K'o hsueh chi li] # *s Sci. Rep. Tohuku Univ. *u Science Reports of Tohoku University [Tohoku Daigaku Rika Hokoku] # *s Sci. Rep. Tokyo Woman's Christian Univ. *u Science Reports of Tokyo Woman's Christian University # *s Sci. Rep. natn. Tsing Hua Univ. *u Science Reports of the National Tsing Hua University [Kuo li ching hua ta hsueh li ko pao kao] # *s Sci. agric. *u Scientia Agricola # *s Science *u Science # *s Science in China *u Science in China # *s Science total Envir. *u Science of the Total Environment # *s ScienceDirect *u ScienceDirect # *s Scient. Agric. *u Scientific Agriculture # *s Scient. Am. *u Scientific American # *s Scient. Mon., N. Y. *u The Scientific Monthly # *s Scient. Rep. *u Scientific Reports # *s Scient. Rep. Fac. Agric. Ibaraki Univ. *u Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Ibaraki University [Ibaraki Daigaku. Nogakubu. Ibaraki Daigaku Nogakubu gakujutsu hokoku] # *s Scient. Rep. Fac. Agric. Okayama Univ. *u Scientific Reports of the Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University [Okayama Daigaku. Nogakubu. Okayama Daigaka Nogakubu gakujutsu hokuku] # *s Scientia genet. *u Scientia genetica # *s Scientia sin. *u Scientia Sinica [Chung-kuo k'o hsueh] # *s Scientia, Bologna *u Scientia # *s Scientif. Data *u Scientific Data # *s Scott. Nat. *u The Scottish Naturalist # *s Search, Ithaca *u Search: Agriculture (New York State Agricultural Experiment Station) # *s Search, Sydney *u Search (Australian & New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science) # *s Seibutsu *u Seibutsu # *s Seibutsu Kyozai *u Seibutsu Kyozai # *s Seibutsu Shinka *u Seibutsu Shinka # *s Seiri-Seitaigaku Kenkyu Gyoseki *u Seiri-Seitaigaku Kenkyu Gyoseki [Physiological and Ecological Contributions, Otsu Hydrobiological Experimental Station, Kyoto University] # *s Seitai Konchu *u Seitai Konchu [The insect ecology] # *s Selbyana *u Selbyana # *s Select. Pap. Ist. Super. Sanita *u Selected Papers of the Istituto Superiore di Sanita # *s Semin. Cienc. agrar. *u Semina Ciencias Agrarias # *s Semin. Regional Ecol. *u Seminario Regional de Ecologia # *s Senckenbergiana Biol. *u Senckenbergiana Biologica # *s Serambi Akademica *u Serambi Akademica # *s Serio-seitai *u Serio-seitai [Physiology and Ecology] # *s Sess. Entom. ICHN-SCL *u Sessio Conjuncta d'Entomologia ICHN-SCL # *s Shih Yen Sheng Wu Hsueh Pao *u Shih Yen Sheng Wu Hsueh Pao # *s Shin Konchu *u Shin Konchu # *s Shizenshi-Kenkyu *u Shizenshi-Kenkyu, Occasional Papers from the Osaka Museum of Natural History # *s Shodh Darpan *u Shodh Darpan # *s Silva Gabreta *u Silva Gabreta # *s Smithson. Contrib. Zool. *u Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology # *s Smithson. misc. Collns *u Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections # *s Soap *u Soap # *s Societas Ent. *u Societas entomologica (Supplement to Entomologische Rundschau) # *s South Carolina Ext. Bull. *u South Carolina Extension Bulletin # *s Sov. Genet. *u Soviet Genetics [English translation edition of Genetika] # *s Sov. J. Dev. Biol. *u Soviet Journal of Developmental Biology [English translation edition of Ontogenez] # *s Span *u Span (Shell public health and agricultural news) # *s Spanish J. agric. Res. *u Spanish Journal of agricultural Research # *s Spelaeolog. Monogr. *u Spelaeologische Monographien # *s Spis. bulg. Akad. Nauk. *u Spisanie na Bulgarskata Akademiya na Naukite # *s Spixiana *u Spixiana (Zoologische Staatssammlung) # *s Spolia Zeylan. *u Spolia Zeylanica # *s Spolia Zeylan. *u Spolia Zeylanica. The Ceylon Journal of Science. # *s Spraw. Kom. fizyogr., Krakow *u Sprawozdanie Komisyi Fizyograficnej oraz Materyaly do fizyografii Krojowej # *s Springerplus *u Springerplus # *s Stadler Genetics Symp. *u Stadler genetics symposia series # *s Stadler Genetics Symp. Proc. *u Stadler Genetics Symposium. Proceedings # *s Stain Technol. *u Stain Technology # *s Steenstrupia *u Steenstrupia # *s Stettin. ent. Ztg *u Stettiner entomologische Zeitung # *s Strahlentherapie *u Strahlentherapie # *s Stud. Soc. Sci. Torun. *u Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu. Studia [Studia Societatis Scientiarus Torunensis] # *s Stud. Univ. Vasile Goldis, Ser. Stiintele Vietii *u Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis, Series Stiintele Vietii # *s Stud. cerc. Biol., Ser. Biol. Anim. *u Studii si Cercetari de Biologie, Seria biologie animala # *s Studi Trent. Sci. Nat., Acta Biol. *u Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, Acta Biologica # *s Studia Dipt. *u Studia dipterologica # *s Studia Dipt., Suppl. *u Studia Dipterologica, Supplement # *s Studies Invert. Morphol. *u Studies in Invertebrate Morphology. Published in honor of Dr. Robert Evans Snodgrass on the occasion of his eighty-fourth birthday, July 5 1959. # *s Studies Nat. Sci. *u Studies in Natural Sciences # *s Studies Neotrop. Fauna Environ. *u Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment # *s Stuttgart. Beitr. Naturk. *u Stuttgarter Beitrage zur Naturkunde # *s Stylops *u Stylops # *s Sugar Tech *u Sugar Tech # *s Sumar. List *u Sumariski List # *s Summa bras. Biol. *u Summa brasiliensis biologiae # *s Suppla Ent. *u Supplementa Entomologica # *s Suricata *u Suricata # *s Surv. Biol. Prog. *u Survey of Biological Progress # *s Sydowia *u Sydowia # *s Symbiosis *u Symbiosis # *s Symp. Br. Soc. Parasitol. *u Symposia of the British Society for Parasitology # *s Symp. Ent. Soc. Japan *u Symp. Entomological Society of Japan # *s Symp. Genet., 3 *u Pleiotropie geniche e polimorfismo cromosomici. # *s Symp. Pest Contr. *u Proceedings. Symposium on Pests and their Control held at the Zoological Society of London on 4th July, 1974. # *s Symp. Soc. Study Hum. Biol. *u Symposia of the Society for the Study of Human Biology # *s Symp. Soc. exp. Biol. *u Symposium of the Society for Experimental Biology # *s Syst. Appl. Acarol. *u Systematic and Applied Acarology # *s Syst. Biodiv. *u Systematics and Biodiversity # *s Syst. Biol. *u Systematic Biology # *s Syst. Bot. *u Systematic Botany # *s Syst. Ent. *u Systematic Entomology # *s Syst. Zool. *u Systematic Zoology # *s Systematics Ass. Special Vol. *u Systematics Association special volume # *s Tasman. Dep. Agric., Insect Pest Survey *u Insect pest occurrences in Tasmania # *s Taxon *u Taxon (International Association for Plant Taxonomy) # *s Tech. Bull. Commonw. Inst. Biol. Control *u Technical Bulletin of the Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control # *s Tech. Bull. Ministry Agric. United Arab Rep. *u Technical Bulletin. Ministry of Agriculture, United Arab Republic # *s Tech. Bull. U. S. Dep. Agric. *u Technical Bulletin. United States Department of Agriculture # *s Tech. Reports Austral. Mus. *u Technical Repots of the Australian Museum # *s Tech. Ser. Bur. Ent. U. S. Dep. Agric. *u Technical Series, Bureau of Entomology, United States Department of Agriculture # *s Tech. reports Austral. Mus. *u Technical reports of the Australian Museum # *s Teratology *u Teratology # *s Termeszettud. Fuz. *u Termeszettudomanyi Fuzetek # *s Termeszettud. Kozl. *u Termeszettudomanyi Kozlony # *s Terra Trentina *u Terra Trentina # *s Terre Vie *u Terre et la vie (Revue d'ecologie appliquee) # *s Terrestr. Arthrop. Rev. *u Terrestrial Arthropod Reviews # *s Tex. J. Sci. *u Texas Journal of Science # *s Tex. Rep. Biol. Med. *u Texas Reports on Biology and Medicine # *s Theoret. Appl. Genet. *u Theoretical and Applied Genetics # *s Theoret. Pop. Biol. *u Theoretical Population Biology # *s Theory Biosci. *u Theory in Biosciences. (Theorie in den Biowissenschaften.) # *s Tijd. Ent. *u Tijdschrift voor entomologie # *s Tissue Cell *u Tissue and Cell # *s Tohoku Agric. Res. *u Tohoku Agricultural Research # *s Toxicol. Lett. *u Toxicology Letters # *s Toxicol. appl. Pharmacol. *u Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology # *s Trans. Am. ent. Soc. *u Transactions of the American Entomological Society # *s Trans. Am. micr. Soc. *u Transactions of the American Microscopical Society # *s Trans. Cardiff Nat. Soc. *u Transactions of the Cardiff Naturalists Society # *s Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts Sci. *u Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences # *s Trans. Ill. Acad. Sci. *u Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science # *s Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. *u Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science # *s Trans. Ky Acad. Sci. *u Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science # *s Trans. Lincs. Nat. Un. *u Transactions of the Lincolnshire Naturalists' Union # *s Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. Zool. *u Transactions of the Linnean Society of London. # *s Trans. Neb. Acad. Sci. *u Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences # *s Trans. Norfolk Norwich Nat. Soc. *u Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society # *s Trans. Proc. N. Z. Inst. *u Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute # *s Trans. Proc. Perthsh. Soc. nat. Sci. *u Transactions and Proceedings of the Perthshire Society of Natural Science # *s Trans. Proc. r. Soc. S. Aust. *u Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia # *s Trans. Soc. Br. Ent. *u Transactions of the Society for British Entomology # *s Trans. Wisc. Acad. Sci. *u Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences # *s Trans. ent. Soc. Lond. *u Transactions of the Entomological Society of London # *s Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Glasg. *u Transactions of the Natural History Society of Glasgow # *s Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Northumb. *u Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham and Newcastle-upon-Tyne # *s Trans. r. Soc. Edinb. *u Transactions of the royal Society of Edinburgh # *s Trans. r. Soc. N. Z. *u Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand # *s Trans. r. Soc. S. Afr. *u Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa # *s Trans. r. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. *u Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygeine # *s Trans. r. ent. Soc. Lond. *u Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London # *s Trav. Mus. Hist. nat. 'Grigore Antipa' *u Travaux du Museum d'Histoire naturelle 'Grigore Antipa' # *s Treb. Inst. Bot. Barcelona *u Treballs de l'Institut Botanic de Barcelona # *s Treb. Soc. Catalana Biol. *u Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Biologia # *s Trends Ecol. Evol. *u Trends in Ecology and Evolution # *s Trends Ent. *u Trends in Entomolgy # *s Trends Genet. *u Trends in Genetics # *s Trends Neurosci. *u Trends in Neurosciences # *s Trends Parasitol. *u Trends in Parasitology # *s Treubia *u Treubia (Recueil de travaux zoologiques, hydrobiologiques et oceanographiques) # *s Tromso Mus. Arsh. *u Tromso Museums Aarshefter # *s Trop. Agr. *u Tropical Agriculture # *s Trop. Agric., Ceylon *u Tropical Agriculturist, Ceylon # *s Trop. Ecol. *u Tropical Ecology # *s Trop. Plant Biol. *u Tropical Plant Biolology # *s Trop. Zool. *u Tropical Zoology # *s Trop. subtrop. Forest Ecosyst. *u Je tai ya je tai sen lin sheng t'ai hsi t'ung yen chiu [Tropical and Subtropical Forest Ecosystem] # *s Tropenmed. Parasitol. *u Tropenmedezin und Parasitologie # *s Tropics *u Tropics # *s Trudy Inst. Evgen. Genet. Evgen. *u Izvestia Biuro po evgenike # *s Trudy gelmintol. Lab. *u Trudy gelmintologicke Labor # *s Trudy leningr. Obshch. Estest. *u Trudy Leningradskogo obshchestva estestvoispytatelei [Travaux de la Societe des naturalistes de Leningrade] # *s Trudy russk. ent. Obshch. *u Trudy Russkogo Entomologicheskogo Obshchestva [Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae] # *s Trudy zool. Inst., Leningr. *u Trudy Zoologischeskogo instituta. Akademiya nauk SSSR # *s Tsarski Prirod. Inst. Sofia *u Tsarski Prirodonauchni instituti Sofia [Bulletin des Institutions royale d'Histoire naturelle a Sophia] # *s Tsitol. Genet. *u Tsitologiia i Genetika # *s Tumori *u Tumori # *s Turk. J. Zool. *u Turk zooloji dergisi [Turkish journal of zoology] # *s Turk. ent. Derg. *u Turkiye Entomoloji Dergisi # *s Tydskr. Natuurwet. *u Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskappe # *s U. S. Dep. Agric. Spec. Rep. *u United States Department of Agriculture. Special Report # *s UCLA Symp. Molec. Cell. Biol. *u UCLA Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology # *s UVA-Revue *u UFA Revue, Winterthur # *s Uganda J. *u The Uganda Journal # *s Ultrasound Med. Biol. *u Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology # *s Umwelt Aargau *u Umwelt Aargau # *s Univ. Calif. Publs Ent. *u University of California Publications. Entomology # *s Univ. Calif. Publs Zool. *u University of California Publications. Zoology # *s Univ. Colo. Stud. *u University of Colorado Studies # *s Univ. Craiova, Ser. Biol. *u University of Craiova, Series Biology # *s Univ. Qld. Pap., Dep. Zool. *u University of Queensland Papers. Department of Zoology # *s Univ. Texas Publs *u The University of Texas Publication # *s Usp. sovrem. Biol. *u Uspekhi Sovremennoi Biologii # *s Utah St. Univ. Ext. Leaflet *u Extension leaflet (Utah State University. Cooperative Extension Service) # *s Uttar Pradesh J. Zool. *u Uttar Pradesh Journal of Zoology # *s Va. J. Sci. *u Virginia Journal of Science # *s Vasculum *u Vasculum # *s Vaxtskyddsnotiser *u Vaxtskyddsnotiser. Statens Vaxtskyddsanstalt # *s Venez. Congr. Genet. 4 *u IV Congresso Venezolano de Genetica, Octubre 16-21, 1984 # *s Venus, Jpn J. Malacol. *u Venus, Japanese Journal of Malacology [Kairuigaku Zasshi] # *s Verh. Forstwirte Mahr. Schles. *u Verhandlungen der Forswirthe von Maren und Schleisen # *s Verh. Ges. Dtsch. Zool. 1939 *u Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, 1939 # *s Verh. Ges. Dtsch. Zool. 1949 *u Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Mainz, 1949 # *s Verh. Ges. Dtsch. Zool. 1951 *u Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Wilhelmshaven, 1951 # *s Verh. Ges. Dtsch. Zool. 1954 *u Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Tubingen, 1954 # *s Verh. Ges. Dtsch. Zool. 1957 *u Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Graz, 1957 # *s Verh. Ges. Dtsch. Zool. 1963 *u Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Munchen, 1963 # *s Verh. Ges. Dtsch. Zool. 1964 *u Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Kiel, 1964 # *s Verh. Ges. Dtsch. Zool. 1967 *u Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Heidelberg, 1967 # *s Verh. Ges. Dtsch. Zool. 1968 *u Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Innsbruck, 1968 # *s Verh. Ges. Dtsch. Zool. 1975 *u Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Karlsruhe, 1975 # *s Verh. Ges. Dtsch. Zool. 1978 *u Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Konstanz, 1978 # *s Verh. Ges. Dtsch. Zool. 1979 *u Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Regensberg, 1979 # *s Verh. Ges. Dtsch. Zool. 1981 *u Verhandlungen der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Bremen, 1981 # *s Verh. Ges. Okol. *u Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft fur Okologie # *s Verh. K. ned. Akad. Wet. *u Verhandelingen der Koninklijke nederlandsche Akademie van wetenschappen # *s Verh. Mitt. Siebenb. Ver. Naturw. *u Verhandlungen und Mitteilungen des Siebenburgischen Vereins fur Naturwissenschaften zu Hermannstadt # *s Verh. Ver. naturw. Heimatforsch. Hamb. *u Verhandlungen des Vereins fur Naturwissenschaftliche Heimatforschung zu Hamburg # *s Verh. Ver. naturw. Unterh. Hamb. *u Verhandlungen des Vereins fur naturwissenschaftliche Unterhaltung zu Hamburg # *s Verh. k. Akad. Wet. Belg. *u Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van Belgie, Klasse der Wetenschappen # *s Verh. k.-k. Zool.-bot. Ges. Wien *u Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Koniglichen zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien # *s Verh. naturw. Ver. Hamb. *u Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg # *s Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien *u Verhandlungen der zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien # *s Verh. zool.-bot. Ver. Wien *u Verhandlungen des zoologisch-botanischen Vereins in Wien # *s Veroff. Tirol. Landesmus. Ferdinandeum *u Veroffentlichungen des Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum # *s Veroff. Univ. Innsbr. *u Veroffentlichungen der Universitat Innsbruck # *s Vest. Cesk. spol. zool. *u Vestnik Ceskoslovenske spolecnosti zoologicke v Praze [Memoires de la Societe zoologique Tchecoslovaque de Prague] # *s Vest. Leningr. Univ. *u Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta # *s Vet. Parasitol. *u Veterinary Parasitology # *s Vidensk. Medd. Dansk naturhist. For. *u Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk naturhistorisk Forening i Kobenhavn # *s Vie Milieu *u Vie et milieu # *s Vieraea *u Vieraea # *s Viewpoints in Biology *u Viewpoints in Biology # *s Vitis *u Vitis # *s Vjschr. naturforsch. Ges. Zurich *u Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich # *s WETA *u WETA # *s Wasmann Collect. *u Wasmann Collector # *s Wasmann J. Biol. *u Wasmann Journal of Biology # *s Wein Rebe *u Wein und Rebe # *s Wein-Wiss. *u Die Wein-Wissenschaft (Viticultural and Enological Sciences) # *s West. Fruit Grower *u Western Fruit Grower # *s West. J. Med. *u Western Journal of Medicine # *s Wien. ent. Monatsschr. *u Wiener entomologische Monatschrift # *s Wien. ent. Ztg *u Wiener entomologische Zeitung # *s Wines Vines *u Wines and Vines # *s Winzer und Bauer *u Winzer und Bauer (Beilage zum Landauer Anzeiger) # *s Wiss. Ber. Biol. Fak. Tomsk St.-Univ. *u Izvestiia Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Berichte der Tomsker Staats-Universitat] # *s Wiss. Mitt. Bosn. Herzeg. *u Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen aus Bosnien und der Herzogovina # *s Wiss. Z. Friedrich Schiller-Univ. *u Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat # *s Wiss. Z. Humboldt-Univ. Berl. *u Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin # *s Wld J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. *u World journal of microbiology & biotechnology # *s World Congr. Genet. Livestock Prod. *u Proceedings of the 1st World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. Madrid, 1974 # *s World J. Zool. *u World Journal of Zoology # *s Yale J. Biol. Med. *u Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine # *s Yamanashi-kenritsu Noji-shikenjo Gyomu-nenpo *u Yamanashi-kenritsu Noji-shikenjo Gyomu-nenpo [Report. Agricultural Experiment Station, Yamanashi Prefecture] # *s Yb. Am. Phil. Soc. *u Year-book of the American Philosophical Society # *s Yb. Carnegie Instn, Wash. *u Yearbook of the Carnegie Institution of Washington # *s Yb. Sci. Technol. *u McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology # *s Yb. U. S. Dep. Agric. *u Yearbook of Agriculture. United States Department of Agriculture # *s Yeast *u Yeast # *s Yi chuan *u Yi chuan [Hereditas] # *s Z. Ent. *u Zeitschrift fur Entomologie # *s Z. Ferdinand. *u Zeitschrift des Ferdinandeums fur Tirol und Vorarlberg # *s Z. Fleisch- u. Milchhyg. *u Zeitschrift fur Fleisch- und Milchhygiene # *s Z. Morph. Okol. Tiere *u Zeitschrift fur Morphologie (und Okologie) der Tiere. (Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Biologie. Abteilung A.) # *s Z. Mykol. *u Zeitschrift fur Mykologie # *s Z. Naturf. *u Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung # *s Z. Naturw. Lotos *u Zeitschrift fur Naturwissenschaften herausgegeben vom Naturhistorischen Vereine 'Lotos' in Prag # *s Z. Okol. Natursch. *u Zeitschrift fur Okologie und Naturschutz # *s Z. Parasitenkd. *u Zeitschrift fur Parasitenkunde # *s Z. PflKrankh. *u Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz # *s Z. PflKrankh. PflPathol. *u Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenkrankheiten (Pflanzenpathologie) und Pflanzenschutz # *s Z. PflPhysiol. *u Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenphysiologie # *s Z. Pilzk. *u Zeitschrift fur Pilzkunde # *s Z. Tierpsychol. *u Zeitschrift fur Tierpsychologie # *s Z. VererbLehre *u Zeitschrift fur Vererbungslehre # *s Z. Zellforsch. mikrosk. Anat. *u Zeitschrift fur Zellforschung und Mikroskopische Anatomie # *s Z. angew. Ent. *u Zeitschrift fur angewandte Entomologie # *s Z. angew. Zool. *u Zeitschrift fur angewandte Zoologie # *s Z. ges. Naturw. *u Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Naturwissenschaft # *s Z. hyg. Zool. *u Zeitschrift fur hygienische Zoologie und Schadlingsbekampfung # *s Z. indukt. Abstamm.- u. VererbLehre *u Zeitschrift fur induktive Abstammungs- und Vererbungslehre # *s Z. mahr. Landesmus. *u Casopis Moravskeho zemskeho Musea v Brne [Zeitschrift des Mahrischen Landesmuseums] # *s Z. syst. Hym. Dipt. *u Zeitschrift fur systematische Hymenopterologie und Dipterologie # *s Z. vergl. Physiol. *u Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Physiologie # *s Z. wiss. InsektBiol. *u Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaftliche Insektenbiologie # *s Z. wiss. Zool. *u Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Zoologie # *s Z. zool. Syst. u. Evolut.-Forsch. *u Zeitschrift fur zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung # *s Zapateri *u Zapateri. Revista aragonesa de entomologia # *s Zastita Bilja *u Zastita Bilja # *s Zbirn. Genet., Kiev *u Zbirnyk prats' z Genetikii (Akademiyi Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR) [Memoirs on Genetics] # *s Zentbl. Bakt. ParasitKde *u Zentralblatt fur Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskranheiten # *s Zh. eksp. Biol. Med. *u Zhurnal eksperimental'noi biologii i meditsiny # *s Zh. obshch. Biol. *u Zhurnal obshchei Biologii # *s Ziva *u Ziva (Casopis pro biologickou praci) # *s Zoku Sugadaira no Shizen to Jinbun *u Zoku Sugadaira no Shizen to Jinbun # *s ZooKeys *u ZooKeys # *s Zool. Anz. *u Zoologischer Anzeiger # *s Zool. Beitr. *u Zoologische Beitrage # *s Zool. Beitr. *u Zoologische Beitrage # *s Zool. Bidr. Upps. *u Zoologiska Bidrag fran Uppsala # *s Zool. J. Linn. Soc. *u Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society # *s Zool. Jb. *u Zoologische Jahrbucher # *s Zool. Listy *u Zoologicke listy # *s Zool. Mag., Tokyo *u Zoological Magazine [Dobutsugaku zasshi] # *s Zool. Middle East *u Zoology in the Middle East # *s Zool. Monogr. *u Zoological Monographs # *s Zool. Pol. *u Zoologica poloniae # *s Zool. Publs Victoria Univ. Coll. *u Zoology publications from Victoria University College, Wellington # *s Zool. Res., Kumming *u Zoological Research (Kumming Institute of Zoology) [Tung wu hsueh yen chiu] # *s Zool. Sci., Tokyo *u Zoological Science (Zoological Society of Japan) # *s Zool. Scripta *u Zoologica Scripta # *s Zool. Studies *u Zoological Studies [Tung wu yen chiu so chi k'an] # *s Zool. Syst. *u Zoological Systematics # *s Zool. Zh. *u Zoologicheskii zhurnal # *s Zool. baet. *u Zoologica baetica # *s Zoologia *u Zoologia (Sociedade Brasileira de zoologia) # *s Zoologica, New York *u Zoologica (Scientific contributions of the New York Zoological Society) # *s Zoologica, Seoul *u Zoologica # *s Zoologist *u The Zoologist # *s Zoology (Jena) *u Zoology (Jena) # *s Zoomorphology *u Zoomorphology # *s Zoosyst. ross. *u Zoosystematica rossica # *s Zootaxa *u Zootaxa # *s Zpr. oblast. Muz. Gottwaldov *u Zpravy oblast Muzea Gottwaldov # *s eLife *u eLife